
Dancing Tips

Do you ever feel embarrassed at being the weird one in the group during a party just because you are not confident to dance? It is not a good place to be because you will fringe at the mention of the word party and start ignoring invitation just because you want to avoid the embarrassment. You should not let this problem weigh you down because dancing can easily be learnt by anyone. All you need is gain the confidence and enjoy the music without trying so hard. If you want to watch the night fade away faster than is the norm, take time to grasp a few tips here.


Bob Your Head

Follow the beat in your head and give it a move as grasp it. It is okay to count the measures as you give a little swing or bob to your head. Listen to the drums or bass to catch the rhythm. This will help you learn how to focus to music.

Shift your Weight

Adjust your feet so all you weight is carried on one foot. You may lift the other foot to ensure it is free. At the count of say; 1 and 3; shift your weight to the other foot as you focus on the counts. When you can do this comfortably, try shifting on every count until you get the hang of it. Keep your legs loose by slightly tilting your knees. Add a little of a bounce in your shifts as you make the counts. You may exaggerate the bounces, as you feel freer to enjoy the moves.


After you notice comfort in the shifts, begin to move the feet further apart. Begin with slight distances of a few inches as you increase gradually. Avoid raising the foot up as it should be as close to the ground as possible.

Add some Hip Action

Move your hips to the rhythm to add style to the movement. Begin by moving it slightly to the direction of the foot movement. Continue twisting your body slightly to add flair to the movement.

Move the Arms

When you are comfortable enough (and this may take you time to learn) you may move your arms or snap your fingers.

At this moment, you will be flexible enough to adjust to other styles of dancing. It is the basic move that helps you keep up rhythm and all the other styles can be built from this single dancing move.


First you need to realize that dancing in its basic form, is an expression of emotion, release of energy, and delight in body movement. In summary, you need to get the connection and involvement with the moves beyond grasping them. Take note of the impulse because it can be channeled by performers and spread through the audience. Allow yourself to be carried away with the powerful impulse without thinking too much or trying too hard. If you find the connection, nothing will stop you from dancing.

SEO services

Why you Should Use SEO Services

SEO services

If you are dreaming to expand your business to international levels, you should consider investing in e-commerce. Actually, it is not an option if you are to be relevant in the market. Investing in e-commerce is not only a necessity because of competition but also because your customers expect you to be online. In previous years, setting up a professional website or blog was enough to boost your sales because your services are available globally. While it is still a strategy today, it is basic; it has no impact on revenue. There are billions of other blogs in diverse business fields, which you have to compete. Your website can be efficiently running but not visible because of the countless number of business sites.

You need to customize your e-commerce site to target specific audience to use SEO services.

About SEO

Search engine optimization is an effective tool for business companies implementing online strategies. It is all about designing content to fit demand in the market. Changes in preferences and fashion as well as income level of your target audience have to be captured in an e-commerce website. SEO helps in including all these factors in an online store to capture attention of specific people.

SEO focuses on more than increasing site visitors. The goal is converting site visitors to potential customers. The primary goal of setting up any business is making profits; hence, all investments and efforts should be directed towards improving earnings.

It is important to learn and implement SEO tactics in your business if you are to be part of business success in the 21st century. Whether you are a startup, running a business in food or textile industry, SEO is inevitable. Let alone increasing sales and your revenue; maintaining your current market position requires proper use of SEO tools.

How to do it

If SEO is a new term for you, you need to explore more of the e-commerce industry because you are lagging behind.  You might want to consider hiring an SEO professional to customize your site or content to fit specific goals of your company. You have to take time with such an expert to ensure they have a whole picture of your business model and strategy. Obviously, you should be selective on the type of information you share for sustainability of your business.

Most companies offer SEO services to startups and firms. You might have developed your business website several years ago but it is dormant and rarely contributes to revenue. Use SEO services to redesign the content including photos, and domain if possible to be more professional and match marketing goals of your business.

Most people think of investing in SEO as a costly investment. However, that is only the initial cost that will pay off for several of the upcoming years.  The long-term benefits of SEO are incomparable to paying a professional once to optimize the site.