What are the Steps of CPR?

CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is an important medical procedure that can dramatically improve the survival rate of cardiac arrest victims. Additionally, CPR can be used on victims of smoke inhalation, near-drowning events, electrocution, or choking. As such a versatile and relatively straightforward procedure, it’s no wonder so many people are earning their CPR certification. By learning how to safely and effectively perform CPR, you can gain the knowledge and confidence to save a life. 

But what exactly does CPR involve? Most of us are familiar with the chest compressions and rescue breaths, but there are actually more steps involved to ensure you perform this procedure as effectively as possible. Here, we take a closer look at this important life-saving procedure and walk through the primary steps involved in performing CPR. We also discuss how you can now earn your CPR certification or CPR recertification through 100 percent online courses. Learning CPR has truly never been more accessible. 


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a medical procedure that combines chest compressions and rescue breaths to stabilize a victim of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). While designed as a temporary measure that should be performed until medical personnel arrives, CPR is incredibly important and can drastically improve the victim’s survival rate. CPR is so important because hundreds of thousands of cardiac arrest episodes occur outside of a hospital and far from professional medical help.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

When a bystander performs CPR, this keeps the blood and oxygen circulating throughout the body. If the brain and other organs go even just a few minutes without oxygen, serious and irreparable damage can be inflicted. According to data, over 475,000 American lives are lost to cardiac arrest every year with millions more across the globe. If more bystanders were trained and certified in CPR, this number could be reduced and lives could be saved. 


In addition to chest compressions and rescue breaths, there are some additional steps of CPR that ensure you perform this procedure safely and effectively. Here’s a brief review of the important steps involved in performing CPR:

1. Call 911.

Before beginning CPR, you should always immediately call 911 for professional medical assistance. While CPR can save someone’s life, it’s intended as a temporary measure to keep blood and oxygen circulating throughout the body. Since CPR isn’t intended to completely treat a cardiac arrest victim, you’ll want to be sure that paramedics are on the way to the scene.

2. Assess the emergency.

After you’ve called 911, assess the emergency to ensure that you don’t put yourself or others in danger. Once you’ve determined it’s safe, you can quickly assess the victim to determine whether or not CPR is needed. If the victim is unconscious, unresponsive, or unable to breathe normally, begin the steps of CPR immediately. 

3. Open the airway.

First, you’ll need to position the victim so you can effectively perform CPR. Make sure the victim is flat on their back, but be careful about turning them over if you think there is a head or neck injury. With the victim on their back,

4. Check for breathing.

After opening the airway, you need to check the victim’s breathing. Place your ear just over their mouth and listen for about ten seconds. If you cannot detect a breath (or they’re only occasionally gasping for air), begin CPR. If the victim is unresponsive but breathing regularly, you do not need to perform CPR. However, you should check their breathing regularly until paramedics arrive. 

5. Chest compressions.

To begin chest compressions, place one hand over the other and interlock your fingers. Place your hands on the center of their chest, just below the breastbone, and straighten your arms. Press firmly at least two inches deep at a compression rate of 100 times per minute. Allow the chest to rise between compressions.

6. Rescue breaths.

Following chest compressions, you should provide two rescue breaths to the victim. Ensure the airway is still open by tilting the head back and slightly lifting their chin. Then, pinch their nose shut and place your mouth completely over the victim’s mouth. Watch their chest to make sure it’s rising following a rescue breath. If not, you may need to reposition the airway.

7. Repeat the cycle.

Continue the cycle of chest compressions and rescue breaths until medical personnel arrives on the scene. If someone else is also trained in CPR, you can take turns to ensure you don’t become exhausted. 


In our day and age, there’s no limit to what you can do and learn online. Now, this even includes learning CPR. Through online CPR certification courses, you can become fully trained and officially certified in CPR and other life-saving procedures. Even better, you can do this all without ever leaving the comfort of your home. What more could you ask for?

Compared to the traditional, in-person model of learning CPR, there are many benefits to earning your CPR certification or recertification online. With online classes, you can earn your certification faster and often at a more affordable rate. These classes are also designed with you, the student, in mind, which means you can learn at your own pace by starting or stopping a lesson at any time. This means that online CPR classes are ideal for those already working full time or anyone with an already hectic schedule. 


Cardiac arrest continues to be one of the leading causes of death in the United States. By learning CPR and earning your CPR certification, you can help combat this public health crisis by arming yourself with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to make a difference in the event of a medical emergency. 

Enrolling in CPR classes online is one of the most effective (and affordable) ways to learn this important life-saving skill. Online CPR classes make learning CPR more accessible by bringing the classroom and lessons to you. Without having to worry about scheduling classes and showing up to a rec center, an online CPR course works for anyone’s schedule. There’s simply never been a better (and more important) time to become CPR certified. 

The Best Online Classes and Schools for Developing Your Own Intuition

If you are looking for the best online classes and schools to master your intuition, you’re in the right place!

We have done research work and come with some of the best schools and classes that are taken by some of the leading psychological experts so you can understand your intuition and use your thoughts, imaginations, and feelings to change the perspective of your life. 

Online Classes

Many of these classes offer free trials, completion certification, downloadable study material, student forums, and tons more! Let’s get started!

  • Spiritual Psychic Development Online course. This course is designed for beginners to introduce them to intuition, this online intuition course is one of the best places to start your course. Students get hands-on exercises to polish their inner strengths and continue to learn how to understand thoughts, make better decisions, and empathy via meditation. 

The company offers you an experienced tutor, one of the leading spiritualists and teachers of Shamanism, and practical magic. They have helped 10,000s of students around the world understand their intuition powers from all their classes!

In a video of almost 1 hour long, we cover topics like meditation, shielding, empathy, clairvoyance, and telepathy. For beginners, the course includes downloadable resources, practical projects, and class discussions to improve learning.

This is a great introductory online class to sharpen your intuition! 

  • Tune In-Let your Intuition guide you from Udemy

According to Albert Einstein, intuition power is a sacred gift of humans. This course will teach you how to use it to the fullest? Candidates learn to tune in to their inner powers and achieve mastery in understanding the difference between intelligence and intuition

Taught by leading spiritualists with mastery in intuitive awakening, personal growth, and creativity, students get a hands-on learning experience with one of the best leaders believing in personal growth through spiritualism.

In the 2 hours of video content, the beginner-level course contains awakening, digging deep, taking the leap, entering the flow, and meditation, and much more. 

  • Duality with Jeffrey Allen

This is the next outstanding online course that is available on our list. The course teaches how to unlock the true inner self!

As the name of this course suggests, the mentor, the spiritual leader of this course is Jeffrey Allen, one of the top spiritualists and energy boosters, who is the master behind this program- Duality program-with its mission to upgrade global consciousness. Jeffery is a co-founder of Spirit Mind Living In. and Oneness Company, the company known to teach practical applications of energy awareness.

This 8-week self-paced course guide helps you to complete your course at your pace. More than 1 million students have enrolled in this course, and you could be one of them if you wish to join the list!

  • Easily Align Your Intuition & Intention Online course by Kristen Becker

Next, comes a course called Easily Align Your Intuition & Intention Online course by Kristen Becker. This course will help candidates to deep deeper into intentionality, emotional regulation, and how to liberate their soul from external things or we can say external laws of attraction!

Kristen Becker is a great instructor, known for bringing 20years of experience in the fields of neurolinguistics, hypnotherapy, and meditation. In her 45 minutes beginner-level class, students get hands-on learning about intentions, unconditional love, how to follow your inner guidance, and master a self-help project.

  • Remote Viewing Basics- Turn Intuition into Super Psychic by Udemy

This is a tried-and-tested course specially designed for the US Army as a part of their remote viewing protocol to turn ordinary civilians into psychic spies. Join this course to learn to apply the same principles to your own life to uncover your intuitive abilities!

This course with 2.5 hours of on-demand video provides beginners instructions on the fundamentals of remote viewing, how to target it, multiple practice exercises, and much more. 

Visiting Panarea: A Guide to the Most Exclusive of the Aeolian Islands

This article will give you information about everything you need to know to make the most out of your Panarea visit

There are so many things worth knowing, but as we usually say, it’s not important to know everything about staying in Sicily. You just need to focus on things that you MUST-DO rather than everything. 

Panarea visit

So, let’s focus on must-do things, shall we?

Let’s first read an overview of the Panarea island, then we can move to things to do, where to stay, what to eat, and much more. 

Ready to read this? Let’s get started.

Panarea may be the smallest of all Aeolian Islands, but still, it is the most famous island known for natural beauty and another reason is that this island is one of the most popular destinations for celebrities and millionaires. 

Some of the renowned personalities Giorgio Armani, Jeff Bezos, Will Smith, Orlando Bloom, Bradley Cooper, Katy Perry, Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga, and Rihanna, have been to this island. 

This sounds exciting, isn’t it? 

Since celebrities come to stay here to spend their holidays, it has become one of the most expensive spots of the j Mediterranean.

This doesn’t mean that you need to be a billionaire to visit this island, but it can be a bit challenging financially if you are planning for a budget trip this season. 

The small island is a real fascination. There are so many beaches, natural beauty spots, historic attractions, and a dreamy nightlife. 

Planning your trip to Panarea can give you some days of fun combines with relaxation. It is the best place for families with children or young people. There is one or the other thing for people of all ages. 

It may be the smallest of the Aeolian Islands, it has magnetic sites like crystal water beaches, happening nightlife, and glamourous appeal.

Things to do during your visit to Panarea

This island may look small but there are so many things that you can do especially when you are a beach lover. 

Visit San Pietro District

When you rent a boat in Panarea to reach the island, you can stop by the main hub of all activities and tourism spots. San Pietro District is known for the architecture of the houses using white and blue doors/windows.

You can walk down the narrow streets and admire gardens and terraces fully covered with olive trees, bougainvillea, and palm groves. This town contains glamourous shops, clubhouses, and hosts sporting and cultural events on an annual basis. 

Panarea Museum is not so large but shares the culture back to the Bronze Age. 

Explore excellent Beaches

The beaches on this island are excellent for those who are looking for a relaxing place. Swimming lovers and adventurous scuba divers or snorkelers would love this place. 

To get the most of the sea, you should look for catamarans for charter in Panarea. Some of the best beaches of this island can be accessed easily.

Nightlife is fun-filled

This island is complete fun and adventure all day and night. We still feel this place is something where all services may not fit your budget. 

Here on this island, having fun means overspending your money. If you want to plan a budget-friendly trip to Panarea, look for low-cost options on Google. 

The center of all attractions and activities in San Pietro – this is where you will find most of the exciting places. 

Beach Punta Milazzese is a perfect place for parties and outdoor entertainment. 

You can also include Drautto in your trip. It is a separate district with several sites of attractions including amazing access to the fun nightlife.

Panarea is one of the most-sought destination spots especially for VIPs who want to spend their holiday at a fun and relaxing place. If you are looking for a unique experience and want to live life celebrity-style, work on your budget and must visit this place at least once in a lifetime. 

Getting to Panarea

Hydrofoils and ferries depart from the main ports in Southern Italy: Messina, Milazzo, Reggio Calabria, and Palermo. So, visitors can easily reach Panarea by taking the Liberty Suite hydrofoil in Palermo to the central port in just 4 and ½ hours. 

Legitimate Data Entry Jobs Home Freelancers or Jobs

Several data entry jobs may require you to work in the office; however, many of them can be handled from remote locations with ease. It doesn’t require you to do an extensive training or certification course, you can easily find some options that suit your existing skillset and experience.

Those who are skilled enough to work on the computer and have a stable internet connection at home can find the best data entry jobs with ease to generate a steady stream of income. You can start with typing work, advanced data entry, or medical coding jobs as per requirement.

Some of the most important skills required for data entry jobs include computer skills, typing skills, organization ability, high tolerance for repetition, software skills, and good communication. In order to complete tasks assigned in the data entry jobs, you may need a numeric keypad, high-speed internet access, home computer, and access to essential data processing programs such as Microsoft Office. Even if you start as a beginner, it is possible to get a legitimate salary offer or project-based contracts


Here we have listed some of the most popular data entry job opportunities that you can handle as a freelancer or office employee:

AccuTran Global:

AccuTran is primarily focused on hiring transcriptionists instead of typical data entry professionals. The company can hire you even if you have lesser past experience; all that matters is how well you score for the assessment. The AccuTran Global platform pays its data entry experts on a per word basis; however, you can also grab some additional bonuses for accomplishing difficult tasks. 

Axion Data Entry Services

These professionals hire independent contractors on several long-term positions, which means they do not have much turnover. In order to be eligible for a certain position, you have to get registered with the company. It is better to provide clear information about your previous jobs and experiences. Axion is always interested to hire professionals with at least 2 to 3 years of past experience along with typing rate of around 50 words per minute. 

Amazon’s Mechanical Turk

The crowdsourcing department of Amazon doesn’t follow the model of traditional data entry jobs. Instead, the Mechanical Turk Marketplace involves the selection of data entry jobs where workers can get paid for completing certain tasks. Although this work appears low-paying options, it can be a great choice for people who do not have any previous experience. 

Capital Typing

If you are interested to find some legitimate data entry jobs home, Capital Typing can serve your needs better. This South Carolina-based outsourcing company operates through a virtual office while giving better work from home opportunities to skilled individuals. You can work for secretarial services, translation, market research, online customer support, and transcription solutions. The home-based jobs are provided in terms of independent contractors.

Birch Creek Communications

This company is interested to find an extensive range of protections that can handle data entry jobs. It looks for some independent contractors that can work from home and help them meet deadlines with ease. The pay can vary depending upon your previous experience and performance at work. People with near-perfect accuracy can easily achieve the uppermost range in salary. The best thing to know about these jobs is that you can work as per the schedule that you find most convenient. However, most of these jobs are available with the Monday to Friday corporate schedule.


Clickworker allows people to sign up to join a pool of experts where the main goal is to complete a specific range of tasks to serve Clickworker clients. These data entry jobs include web research, copy editing, surveys, and proofreading. Once you sign up for the profile, you will find a list of assignments depending upon your skills and abilities. The earnings and profits will increase as you perform and the payments are transferred weekly or monthly via PayPal. 

Making the most of vending solutions

Vending machines in the offices are quite advantageous when they are maintained regularly. You should ensure that it is best to use as per your requirements and fit in the modern times. Installing the vending machines could offer a large number of advantages for both employer and employee. Most organizations would make use of the vending machine in the best way. You can supply multiple items in the vending machines that could be favourites of your employees. Vending machines can be used for cost-cutting, improving productivity and making the workplace healthier to work.

office vending machines

You can easily integrate office vending machines

It is quite not good when vending solutions do not match the need of the office ethos. You can offer free vending services to your employees and healthy choices. It will help you to bring a positive impact on your employees. Also, it would increase happiness at the workplace.

You can increase the productivity

If you invest something for employee support and satisfaction such as offering the vending machine solutions, you would build a great environment where your employees would be happy to work. And according to different studies, employees are more productive when they have a better environment to work for.

It would also benefit the customers

Lastly, you should never forget about the customers. At many places, the employers need to stand in long lines at the stores. You can prevent it by installing the office vending machine solutions. Regardless of whether you are a big or small company, you can get office vending services to add more value to your business. It will also boost the morale of the employees to increase productivity.

It would offer the client satisfaction

While most of the official places do have vending machines for both employees and clients. If your office has most of the client visits, a vending machine could be used to impress them. 

It offers a healthy lifestyle

According to many studies, many offices have begun to take care of the wellbeing and health of the employees. Because it does impact their productivity and attention at work. Vending machine solutions would help you to promote a healthy lifestyle. You can consider the preferences of your employees.

You can staff onsite

The biggest advantage of the vending machines at the offices is that your employees are more likely to stay in the office rather than going off-site for beverages and snacks. It can also promote them to build a healthy relationship with the co-employees.

You can engage your employees

If you install a vending machine in the office, you can engage your employees in the decision making process. Also, you can ask for their opinion about the vending machines. You can also engage other staff members by offering them satisfaction, productivity and retention. If your business cannot afford to pay the full money for buying a cafe device you can rent a coffee machine.

Importance of vending machines in offices

Vending machines can instantly provide the beverage of choice. Also, it gives employees the flexibility to work in such a way that suits them. Many canteens in offices do have less serving time and also it can restrict productivity by disrupting meetings and workflow.

Vending machines can optimize work and increase productivity. It serves all the gathering points. hence you can relax and socialize at the workplace only. Also by promoting a healthy lifestyle, people do enjoy work. 

It can help the employees who are working to achieve the lifestyle goals by stocking the food supplies of their requirements. You can include food and beverages like sweet drinks, coffee and much more. Hence vending machine solutions are necessary for offices.