What Can You Do With Clay Pots in Minecraft?

If you play Minecraft and even do Minecraft hosting, you know there are hundreds of things you can do. Clay pots are one thing you might yourself making a lot of, but what exactly can you do with them? In Minecraft, you can decorate and change your own world depending on what you want it to look like and how you want other people to see your world. 

If you have made several clay pots, you can use them for many different things in your world with the most common thing being using them to pot flowers. Flowers are important in the world of Minecraft. 

This guide will cover a few different uses for clay pots and give some brief instructions on how to make them. 


Making Clay Pots 

The best thing about clay pots is that you only need a few tools to make them so they are inexpensive to make and use. You will need a few stone tools though which are hard to get early on, so you have to already have been playing the game for at least a few days before being able to get clay pots. 

You will also need a crafting table, a furnace, and some clay. 

Once you have gathered your materials, here are the simple steps for making the clay pots:

  1. If you don’t already have a crafting table, you can make one now. Just take a few planks of wood that you can get from any tree and make a small table. 
  2. You might also need to craft a furnace if you don’t already have one. Most players craft a furnace out of eight cobblestones. Carefully place them around the edges of your craft table and make sure to leave the middle of the table empty. 
  3. Now you will need some clay balls. Clay balls can be found inside clay blocks, so first find the blocks and then break them open. Clay blocks are easily found in many different environments including beaches, oceans, and swamps, so head to one of these places if you don’t have clay blocks already. 
  4. Put three of the clay blocks into your furnace. The furnace should make special bricks which you can now use to create play pots. 
  5. Now to make the pot, you need to take three bricks from your furnace and put them on the crafting table. To make a clay pot, it’s easiest to put one brick on the left, one in the bottom middle, and one on the right square. 

Using Your Clay Pots 

Now that you have made your clay pots, you are ready to use them. Here are the most common uses for clay pots and how they can benefit you in the world of Minecraft. 

Plant Flowers 

One of the main uses of the clay pots is to plant flowers. This is because flowers have many uses. 

Catching Bees 

One of the main reasons you might want to plant flowers is so that you can get bees. Bees have many uses so you can use them to make honeycomb and honey. By planting a bunch of flowers, you will naturally attract bees and then you can harvest them to get honey. 

For the best chance of getting bees, make sure you plant the flowers around sapling trees as these are the trees where bees can make money honey. 


In the world of Minecraft, you have the freedom to make your own home and land. Flowers do an amazing job of making the home look more comfortable and nice. You can put clay flower pots inside the home or you can put them outside in the garden. 

You can also plant crops or other small vegetables in the pots and then make a small food garden. 

Use Them for Dye 

You can use dyes in Minecraft for many different things including creating stained glass and colored wool. Dye also allows you to decorate your home with many different colors so everything doesn’t look as boring. 


You can also use clay flower pots to plant mushrooms. Mushrooms are the main ingredient in mushroom stew as well as used in rabbit stew. You can also use them to make a variety of other food items in the game. 


Putting saplings into clay pots is a great idea because saplings can be used as a fuel source for your furnaces. Saplings can also grow into large trees which can attract bees to make honey as mentioned earlier. 

Some saplings can also produce herbs which you can then use for gardening and planning different crops. 


Cacti is another great thing to put in your clay pots. Cacti can be used to create mob traps in the Minecraft world which is used as a defense system. You can also use cacti to create different kinds of dyes for wool. 

If you want to use cacti for wool, you will first need to melt it in a furnace to get the color needed. 


Just like in the real world, Bamboo is very versatile in the world of Minecraft. Most players use bamboo to cook as you can melt it and burn it to create fuel. You can also melt it if you plan on smelting items. 

Bamboo can also be used to create sticks. If you plan to breed pandas, you will also need lots of bamboo. Bamboo can grow very fast so if you plant it in several different pots, you will have tons of bamboo in no time. 

The Bottom Line 

Clay pots in Minecraft are mostly used for planting different items. They are easy to make as long as you have a crafting table and a furnace. Once you have several clay pots, you can begin planting different items that are useful including flowers, bamboo, saplings, and mushrooms. 

Just make sure you tend well to your plants so that they stay healthy and you can continue using them for many different purposes.