How Does a Water Filtration System Work?

We can survive without food for several days because our body can gradually obtain the desired level of energy from stored protein and fat. But if you cut off the water supply, you may die just within a few days. Water is life, almost two-thirds of the human body (around 75%) contains H2O only. Even the bones in the human body, that appear solid otherwise, contain 25% water. Experts reveal that the human body needs almost 0.6 gals or 2.4 liters of water every day to stay healthy.

When we know the importance of water in our life, it is always important to look for clean, tasty, and pure water. This is the main reason why experts advise installing a good quality filter that can remove all harmful impurities from water so that you can enjoy a healthy intake.

How do water filters work?

According to AquaOx Water Filter company, water filters or purifiers have become the essential need of every home these days. They ensure safe and clean drinking water on demand so that family members can stay safe from water-borne diseases.

water filter

Source: The Water Nerd

Water is known to have an unusual molecular structure that makes it good enough to dissolve things. For instance, when you want to wash your clothes, you just have to put them into the washing machine along with a good quality detergent and then the mixture of water and soap will automatically take away all the dust like a magnet.

Before talking about how a water filtration system works, let us talk about what a water filtration system is? Although there are so many types of purification and filtration system, the main function of all these systems is to provide clean and hygienic drinking water to the users.

In the general description, the water filtration system works by collecting all the undesirable or harmful elements while allowing thorough cleaning of the water. Most of the residential use water filtration systems that make use of actual filters as like thin-film composite to execute reverse osmosis process, block all small and big bacteria by using microscopic pores so that only clean water can flow ahead. However, few other water filtration systems work through specific materials such as activated sand or carbon to separate clean water.

Types of water filtration systems and how do they work:

Water filters generally make use of two unique methods to remove dirt from water: physical filtration and chemical filtration. Physical filtration involves the straining of water to get rid of larger impurities. Whereas chemical filtration is all about passing water through some active material that can take away all the impurities while passing the pure or filtered water ahead.  There are several unique types of water filtration systems; a few of them are listed below:

Activated carbon:

Here is the most widely used household water filter system that makes use of activated carbon granules that are based on charcoal. Although charcoal is good at removing some common impurities including industrial solvents, pesticides, and chlorine-based chemicals; it is not able to deal with heavy metals, microbes, fluorine, nitrates, and sodium as well. The main disadvantage of these filters is that they clog up with impurities and may demand replacement after some time.

Deionization filters:

As the name indicates, these filters work by exchanging the ions such as sodium with some unwanted ions like heavy metals. This process helps to remove a variety of inorganic compounds such as calcium, sodium, and magnesium as well. It is useful for water softening. The only disadvantage is that these water filtration systems do not remove disease-carrying particles or bacteria during this purification process.

Ozone filters:

These filters make use of an oxidation process that pushes oxygen via ultraviolet light to create ozone. The ozone is introduced into the water in bubble form and its molecules release some toxic oxygen atoms that help to disinfect water. But this process doesn’t remove chemical contaminants.

Reverse osmosis:

In this case, high water pressure is used to pass it through a semipermeable membrane which is capable enough to block particles that have a molecule size larger than water. This water filtration system is useful in removing contaminants such as iron, mercury, and lead. But the only trouble is that this filtration system doesn’t remove some pesticides, metals, and solvents.

Now you have gone through all the essential details about different types of water filtration systems and their working. If you are also planning to install a whole house water filtration system as seen on AquaOx Water Filters LinkedIn you know all the details necessary to proceed with the right purchase. This high-quality water filtration system can help you achieve great health and well-being with the easy availability of pure and healthy water to drink. Make sure you choose the model carefully to ensure reliable performance for water filtration in the long run.

Best SIM-Only Deals For 2021

Gone are the days when people used to get a fixed-mobile plan contract from M1, StarHub, or Singtel for an extended period of 12 to 24 months and there was no way out to this except paying extensive early termination penalty.

What was the main catch in those deals? Probably that latest attractive smartphone that was offered on an upfront discount. But the deal used to lock you again with them for another 12 to 24 months, with those hefty payments.

It is high time to realize that it was not really a discount. Basically, the cost of that smartphone was simply spread out to several months with installment-based deals.

SIM-Only Deals

Well, people have now understood the reality behind those traditional plans and they are now looking for some handsome offers to stay connected with their near and dear ones. The sudden change in these trends gave rise to new offers and deals around the world.

As many players have entered the mobile virtual network, SIM-Only deals are at its peak these days. They are ready to offer some flexible approach for connecting a higher number of consumers to their network and to make profits in the long run. This clearly means that consumers are now having several affordable and efficient mobile plans to meet their needs. Many of them have launched SIM-only plans to regain extended market share.

What are SIM-only plans?

A SIM-only package mainly offers a package with reliable talk-time, data, and SMSes at a fixed monthly plan. SIM-only plans are better recognized as postpaid plans that are more functional as compared to traditional mobile contracts. The main difference is that customer is not locked to any minimum contract period; rather, you are free to switch between different plans without worrying about any penalty.

The best SIM-only plan mainly depends upon how much data you need. Here we have listed some of the best offers for 2021 that you can think about depending upon your routine requirements:


The basic no-frills plan from redONE comes with a price tag of $8 and it offers easy access to 100 minutes of talk time, 3GB data, and 10SMSes. This plan is good if you don’t need so much data. Another perk of choosing this data plan is that users also get free data roaming to Malaysia. Moreover, there is no need to worry about additional charges for texting and calling on Malaysian numbers. This deal seems a great choice for people who visit Malaysia more often.


Although the name of the company sounds a little awkward, it is one of the recently launched MNVO in the market that makes use of Singtel’s infrastructure. If you are an extremely light user, the VIVIFI Lite Plan can serve you better at $8.80. It offers 500 minutes of talk time along with 3GB data and 20 SMS. In case if you need more than that, you can check out the VIVIFI Plus (6GB) and VIVIFI Plus (10GB) plan. Note that both these plans offer 100SMS, 350 minutes of talk time, and unlimited incoming calls.


Due to extended demands for unlimited data by the users, Zero1 has updated its $9.90 per month plan with new offers. This 6GB to Unlimited plan now allows users to surf 6GB data at the speed of 4G and after this, you will be able to access the internet on managed network speed. For now, the registration, delivery, and SIM card charges are waived off to new customers.

Other than this, you can check the latest plans from MyRepublic, SingTel, StarHub, and M1. You can place an order for the best Sim-only deals for 2021 at to enjoy fast delivery at your doorstep.

How to Buy Clothes That Are Built to Last


Everyone likes quality clothes, but what does it mean? We say the word easily, but we have not paused to understand the definition. First, quality is subjective. What looks like quality to you might not be to another. Second, expensive doesn’t mean quality. People prefer to buy expensive clothes because they believe that’s what defines quality. There’s nothing worse than spending a lot of money on a garment, and it gets ruined after a few months. A cloth with good quality should last for at least a year without stretching or fading. Though quality is subjective, I’ll be giving a few tips to help you decide if the clothes you are shopping for has good quality.

  1. You can’t see through the material.

When checking out clothes on a mannequin, don’t go for sheer materials. Most sheer materials have a short lifespan. While shopping, hold up the clothes to the light and put your hand through it. If you can’t see your hand through the material, then it means it’s of good quality, and it will last for a long time.

  1. There are no gaps when you pull the seams.

Before purchasing a cloth, examine the clothes for signs of loose stitches, or missed stitches. Loose stitches make the seam weak, and they are prone to split and snag. But tight stitches make the seam stronger. Quality clothes usually have tight stitches without any sign of gaps.

  1. Shirts come with extra panels between the shoulders

Quality shirts usually come with extra material at the back of the collar. It’s a back yoke, and it strengthens the back of the shirt and prevents it from pulling.

  1. The fabric pattern matches the seams.

It’s hard to tell if the fabric pattern matches up at the seam when it is on a mannequin, especially, if you’re far off. A way to find out is to look if the pattern of the fabric matches the surrounding material. If the fabric pattern doesn’t match up at the seam, it’s a sign that the fabric will have a short life span.  Manufacturers of low-quality material skip the process of matching patterns such as stripes at the seam. But manufacturers that produce high-quality fabrics will take their time to ensure the pattern on the garment match up.

  1. There are no exposed zippers

Always check for exposed zippers while shopping for your clothes. Fabrics that have exposed zippers can snag or split. Quality clothes with extra zippers come with a covered placket. Also, check for metal zippers. Plastic zippers are hard to zip, plus they fall off all the time. Clothes with metal zippers last longer than plastic zippers.

  1. It comes with extra buttons and thread.  

If your clothes came with an extra piece of a button and spare thread, that’s a good sign because the manufacturer expects that the garment will last longer and need repair.

  1. Always read clothing labels

Many shoppers find it difficult to understand cloth labels, and some don’t bother to read it. Just as checking food labels tells you what it is made up and how it can be beneficial to you, clothing labels also do the same. Clothing labels tell you about the material and where it was made. When shopping for clothes, avoid clothes that are made from natural and human-made fibers. Mixed fabric tends to shrink or fade easily. Natural fibers are better because they last longer. If you’re getting jeans, look for spandex because it allows your jeans to stretch. Also, look for items that are made in the USA, Europe, or Australia.

  1. Examine the seams

Many of us see a garment in the store, and we are excited to get them. We are not patient to examine the seam. It doesn’t mean you have to check every seam on the fabric, but looking at a few of them gives you an idea of the quality. The seam should be straight and neat. If the seam looks rough and doesn’t match the pattern of the fabric, then it’s a sign it won’t last long.


For your clothes to last long, you have to play your part. If you take care of them well, they’ll hold up for a long time.

4 Innovative Ideas to Bring Your Next Webinar to Life

Imagine that you are taking a class and none of them is listening to you and you keep on delivering your knowledge to dumb students. Does it make you feel uncomfortable? discouragement probably!

Sharing information is the way of optimism but wasting information is stupidity. It all depends on you that how to make your webinar engaging or leaves it as a robotic session. Businesses are preferring webinars for live meetings/sessions. People are getting into this trend of a webinar by opting for live sessions. However, some people have no idea how to make an interactive session. Most of the people are not aware of the amazing webinar software that is available on the internet.

webinar software

To get rid of such webinar failures, we have found out some points which would help you to decrease the rate of non-engaging webinars.

  1. Relevant information

The listeners of your webinar must have some information already. You cannot pretend them less educated. The lack of information can create a negative impact on your webinar and due to this many people will take you for granted and consider you as the fraud guide. You must be pretty sure about what you are delivering to the audience because if you have no information regarding your subject then it will yield embarrassment, and nobody will pay attention to your webinar. Partial knowledge will not be a good idea, you will be creating fake stories if someone cross-questions you during the session. You will not be allowed to hit the pause button of your webinar software because it will eventually affect your reputation. Be more educated and prepared before starting any webinar.

  1. Management

People hate messed up things that make them annoying. Your webinar software must be very managed and user friendly. Wherever you organize the session, make sure it should be a quiet place where no disturbance or any interruption affects your webinar. Your set up must be very disciplined and on time. Take out the extra time to re-check every setting which you would have done for the webinar. Organize a mockup in which check your sound system, visualization, and your voice. If it makes an issue, then you will have some time to troubleshoot the system. Have a look at the environment as well, it should be very clean and managed. You will go live and viewed by different people from different professions. It will create an optimistic impact on your viewers if you are well-groomed and your surroundings are clean. Make sure that you never leave your seat when you are live on the webinar.

  1. Be more courteous and humbler

Think before you speak. Be very vigilant and do not use informal or abusive language or examples. You will be presenting your whole nation and must be expecting to rank up in the webinar speaker world. People prefer soft-spoken and cool minded speakers who never get frustrated when asked some questions from the audience. Your audience will be discussing your behavior after the session to different communities. Harsh words and jargon will be the reason for your negative reviews among the people. Follow ethics and mannerism while speaking. If you about to cough or sneeze, then hit the mute button rapidly on your webinar software so that it will not disturb others. Use quotes in your session if you present someone and an apology when you give an example of people who are not anymore.

  1. Invite a guest speaker to your webinars

People love twists and changes. They get bored of listening to the same person for a long time. Find the best relevant speaker according to the agenda of your webinar and introduce him or her in hidden words before he or she comes live on your session. It is a trick to gain the attention of your audience and the best part to turn your speech into an interactive session. Always take extra time for the feedback and answer to the questions of your audience.


These ideas are the backbone of any engaging webinar. If you have not found out the ways to make your session interactive, then this will be going to help you for sure. Consistent usage of correct information, good webinar software, soft skills will increase the value of your webinar and an idea of the guest speaker will add charm to your webinar.

When Can You Use A Wooden Flower Bouquet?

Today, you don’t have to wait for a certain season before you can get flowers that you desire. With wood flowers, you can now get flowers for your use at any time of the year. All you need to do is to get wood flower bouquets.

Perhaps you are wondering about the occasions that you can use a wooden flower bouquet for; here are some good examples.

wooden flower


We are quite sure that flowers are usually used on wedding days as they make a perfect fit for every wedding. A wooden flower bouquet can be used for decoration and other things. Wooden wedding flowers are very clean, cheap, last longer, and flexible for any arrangement you might want to make.

On your wedding day, some of the things you can use the flower for include:

  • Wooden flower bridal bouquet: Rather than going for an expensive bridal bouquet, a wooden flower bridal bouquet gives you the same look at a cheaper cost. It has no flaw because you can arrange them easily and dye them the way you want. It does not attract insects like the natural flower bridal bouquet will do.
  • Wood flower corsages: Do you know that wooden flower corsages are durable and lighter than the classical flower corsages? Yes, they are. You have the chance to customize them to align with your wedding theme. Wood flower corsages last longer than classical ones.
  • Wedding floral arrangements: Using flowers for decorations especially in a bigger venue will cost a lot. But with a wooden flower bouquet, you can save some cash. It would not damage your environment because it is 100% biodegradable. It is eco-friendly.

Office Decor

Wooden flower bouquets are useful in the office. Some people love seeing flowers in their offices because the flowers beautify the office and make them comfortable. It is now easier for you to decorate your office with no stress or thought of tending to the flowers every time by watering them. Wooden flower bouquet lasts for a long and there is no need to water them every day.

Christmas wreaths

Flowers make Christmas look good as they give us the beautiful memories of the special season. You can get your Christmas wreaths from wood flowers. They will last forever if you can maintain them; hence, they can save you lots of cash.

Jewelry and accessories

Do you know that wooden flowers can be used for jewelry and accessories? Yes, you can use wooden flowers for them. You can make your talent known by making delicate jewelry and accessories from wooden flowers. Jewelry and accessories made from the wooden flower are always attractive and suitable for a wide range of occasions.

Floral arrangements

At occasion and events, people love seeing flowers. You can make beautiful floral arrangements with wooden flowers. For your wedding, baby showers, birthday, and casual home parties, you can save cost by decorating your venue with wood flower bouquets.

In a nutshell, you can explore a wooden flower bouquet as it is a cost-saving option for various occasions.