How Should I Store My Boat?

storage units

Not very many people own a boat. It is one of the luxurious properties around the world. If you own one, you definitely love fun and outdoor activities. You can never get enough of summer holidays. The sad part about boat fun is the seasonal aspect. The beginning of winter is a halt on all the enjoyment and entertainment from summer. When winter strikes, you have to get a suitable place to store your boat and wait for the next summer holidays. Finding an appropriate and trustworthy storage company for your fun companion is not easy. You do not want any excuses of damage or loss of your boat. In such cases, storage units near you are not a priority. You need to be guaranteed of safety. Am sure if you had an option you would keep it in your garage, but a storage unit is the most ideal way to store a boat considering its size. Here are tips on how to ensure your boat is well maintained on storage:

Prepare the engine

Unlike automotive where engines are checked when planning for a trip a boat should be maintained when going for long term storage. Experts advise to change engine oil before taking your boat to storage. Letting your boat sit in a storage facility for months until the next summer can damage its engine if some parts and key components like oil are not checked.

Thorough Clean

It is important to get to every corner of your boat and clean before taking it to storage. Dirt and any form of debris can remove paint or cause rusting. As such, you should clean your boat from the top to the bottom including the deck. The canvas should not be left pinned on the boat. Be sure to remove it before locking it in storage.

Check the cooling system

This is important if your boat has a raw cooling system. In such scenarios, you should use pure water to flush out any form of debris that may have accumulated over time. Besides, you should regularly check the cooling system to ensure extreme conditions in winter do not interfere with its functionality.


This is a standard maintenance practice for any gears and machinery. Ensure every moving part in your boat including hinges on the doors are properly lubricated before storage. Oil/grease not only prevents damage but also preserves the gears. Some of the key components that should not forget are; push-pull swings, wheel bearings, bow rollers, ratchet mounts, and latches.

You will appreciate the time and effort put into maintenance when the summer season is back and you pull out your boat. The shinning paint, softly moving hinges and swings will motivate you to pack and head out for a longer holiday. How you enjoy the summer is fully dependent on maintenance practices during winter. Considering storage units near you will offer you a chance to properly maintain your boat.

HMRC Takes On Limited Company Contractors

LTD Comapany

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is responsible for the collection of taxes in the United Kingdom. For a long time, the regulatory organization has been harsh to contractors with regards to tax. According to the president of the HMRC and a counterpart in the industry, there should be a standard structure of taxing all working citizens in the UK. This is irrespective of whether one is self-employed or in formal employment. A recent move by the organization indicated its intention to crack down on the self-employed, especially, limited company contractors. Although there are no implementations as per now, the changes in NIC and dividends allowance depict their intentions.

Impending Changes

Evidently, contractors do not feel the love from the HMRC. Limited contractors are used to employing strategies that reduce their tax obligations. Typically, limited company contractors receive their payments in bulk through dividends as opposed to ordinary salary. Any contractor will confirm this is the most effective and favorable way to receive their payments to reduce bites of NIC. However, the regulatory organization thinks otherwise. HMRC bosses indicate their dissatisfaction with the process terming it as unfair to other regular employees receiving the same amount of pay as salary. The organization categorically stated its intention to straighten the process, by establishing a universal payment system for all workers.

Move on NIC

Although the HMRC has not directed or implemented any policies officially with regards to equalizing dividends and pay, the recent National increase for contractors is a development towards achieving that goal. Limited company contractors have been slashed allowance on their dividends from £5000 to £2000. Besides, the type 4 national insurance has increased from 9 to 11 percent. The objective of HMRC is clear in this case, to do away with the difference between salaries and dividends as a form of payments in the United Kingdom.

Objective of HMRC

Although there is still a significant difference between regular employees and limited company contractors, it is an indication of more policies to reduce the disparity in the near future. The increase of national insurance and slashing of allowances was only a minor move, which precedes relating policies. In few years to come, there is bound to be a negligible difference between the contractors and standard employees. There is also a possibility of completely equalizing these two groups of people. The aim is to achieve total parity in NIC and tax among all employees.

Shift to Umbrella Companies

The stiffening of policies has resulted to a significant move of contractors from limited companies to umbrella company net. While it is not yet clear if the HMRC is comfortable with the shift, umbrella companies are undeniably increasing in popularity in the United Kingdom. Killing limited companies might be a strategy by the HMRC to propel umbrella companies which the government can be technically one of the players. Nevertheless, HMRC perceives umbrella companies as a tax evasion vehicle.

Food Grade Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium chloride is a dietary source of magnesium that many people with various diet and health problems need to take. Magnesium chloride is the easiest available and simplest to use the supplement of magnesium. It is also advised to people recovering from a heart attack to consume magnesium chloride. Although you will be prescribed the dosage that you will need to follow, here are a few things about the medicinal use of magnesium chloride for sale that you need to know beforehand.

magnesium chloride

Why is Magnesium Needed

All the organs of the body require ions and salts in small amounts. They are called micronutrients. Their necessity in certain metabolic activities is absolute and in their dietary deficiency, metabolic disorders begin to appear. Your heart. Kidneys and skeletal muscles need magnesium for proper repair and proper functioning. Magnesium also helps to regulate and decrease your blood pressure and blood glucose concentration. It also plays a significant role in the acquisition, storage, metabolism and use of other nutrients including calcium, phosphate, potassium and vitamin D. There are sufficient concentrations of magnesium present in food like tofu, leafy greens, nuts and whole grains and if you do not have incorporated these food items properly in your diet then you might have a risk of deficiency and you might need to take magnesium supplements in the form of magnesium chloride.

Effects of Deficiency on Heart

Due to improper diet plans or unhealthy diet choices, magnesium deficiency is quite frequent in America. Apart from this, magnesium deficiency can also be caused by different conditions especially viral or bacterial infections which cause prolonged diarrhea and prevent absorption of magnesium through the gut. In these cases, the heart is especially prone to abnormal activity. Where magnesium is required to maintain a steady heart rate and cardiac rhythm, its deficiency initiates the exact opposite. These heart conditions are potentially fatal and they must be avoided or dealt with immediately.

Dose Determination

Selecting the right dose for you requires a multi-factorial analysis of your physical health or the prognosis of your condition by a doctor. There are different doses set for different conditions. in cases of mild magnesium deficiency, you have prescribed about 500 mg of magnesium chloride per day. Alternately, in severe cases, IV magnesium chloride can also be applied to pump about 4 grams of magnesium in 3 hours. Magnesium chloride is also given intravenously to heart attack patients brought to the hospitals.

Other Conditions

The use of magnesium chloride is not limited to hear related problems. Another thing that you should be aware of is that many medications that people are on react with magnesium. Therefore, magnesium intake is contraindicated in individuals who are using these medications. Such medications include: amphetamines, sodium polystyrene and other medicines used to treat osteoporosis.

Essentials for Car Body Repair

car repair body

Cars are engineering marvels. They are composed of tens of thousands of very small parts which are working in unison to give you something which is much more than a commodity. Despite that complexity, cars have unbelievable reliability. However, frequently things are bound to go wrong. Your car might need to spend some time in the workshop. However, you can fix most of your car related problems by following these simple tips. If your car body is not looking its best and if you have dents and scratches from bumps on your car. Let’s see more important details about a car body repair.

Acquire a Good Quality of Filler

Any kind of car body damage leaves its mark on the form of dents and rubbed off paint. For your body repair to be on point, you need to get better at using filler and making the end results of your body repair unnoticeable.

Use Spray Painting as your method of choice

A compressor is the tool of choice when it comes to body repair of cars. It creates and ejects an even coat of paint. Once you have determined the paint that your car will need, and once you have matched the color, it is extremely necessary for you to apply the paint seamlessly. The best way to do that is to apply several coats days apart to really give your car the factory-fresh look.

Sand the Body Thoroughly

Use a sanding machine or if you do not have that, then use your hands and a sandpaper to sand the car. This has many purposes and a lot of advantages. It removes any grooves in the body, it removes any layers of the previous coat of paint on the body and it smooths everything out so that you can get the perfect shine and smoothness from your car once you have applied your new coat of paint.

Use Glaze to Finish

It serves two major purposes. First, a finishing glaze can smooth out any minor flaws that remain in your paint job e.g. if the paint is applied unevenly. There is a self-leveling variety of finishing glaze that works well for this purpose. Alternately, it is an essential step before applying the final coat of paint if you are working on a large car renovation project, rather than just the repair of a damaged body part.

Use the Right Tools

There is a performance toolset which comprises of all the tools required in bodywork. If you want to do the repair job without ignoring or forgoing any meticulous details of the job. It includes various shapes of hammers to hammer out bumps in metallic sheets. The right toolkit will be to your advantage. You will be able to fix body damage fast and with minimal hassle.

More info about the car body repair job can be found by accessing this website.

Easy to Start Small Businesses

Small Businss

There are many businesses you can easily start. These small business ideas will be very valuable to you even for the people who are employed in different companies and want some extra money. Some of these business ideas should be things that you are good at and love to do. So when starting a small business, it is a best practice to select something that you will enjoy.


A photographer is a person who captures the memories of a certain event. When being a photographer you will be working on a freelance basis and will be hired for specific jobs. There are different types of photography that you will be hired for such as wildlife, sports, landscape, real estate, weddings, graduation and advertising. There will be some jobs where you will get paid for presenting pictures that you took, for instance, an accident that you photographed can be bought by a newspaper.

A photographer can be a part-time employee who will be working on weekends or cover night functions or if you wish you can be a full-time photographer. For you to be a part-time photographer all you need is a creative eye and a good camera preferably a DSLR. But if you want to be a full-time photographer you might have to set up a studio apart from the other thing.


A musician is a person who has a passion to play a musical instrument. Being a musician you will have the freedom to perform as a solo artist, in a band or in orchestras either in front of a live ordinance or in a recording studio.

Becoming a musician is an easy task given that you are talented in playing musical instruments and have the rhythm in your body. This is a job that you can do as a young or as an older person.

If your knowledge about music is high you can always go and teach music to those who are willing to learn.

Car Detailer

If you are a person who is interested working with cars being a car detailer is a good option. You can start off by working in an auto dealership, car wash or detailing shop where you can gain experience before opening your own shop.

The main responsibilities of a car detailer are to make the cars neat and clean both inside and outside. He has to have a sound knowledge about the equipment that needs to be used and the products that are used in cleaning cars.

You can be a self-employed car detailer. This is by cleaning out cars of your neighbors and family. This type of job is most suitable for younger people who are in between jobs or needs some extra money.

Personal Trainer

A personal trainer is an individual that has knowledge of how to train people. This job entitles you to motivate the client and give precise exercise instructions. This is a job for all those fitness enthusiasts.  You can even study part-time to get all the qualifications that you should have in order to become a reputed and a qualified personal trainer. The time you spend on becoming a personal trainer can deliver rewarding results in the long run.