Things to Consider with Open Enrollment

If you are planning to be enrolled in Medicare plans 2020, then you should already be familiar with open enrollment. Open enrollment is a time each which gives you the opportunity to adjust your employee benefits. It allows you to sign up for health insurance, add a child or make changes to other benefits. Many employers will slightly change their plans, and you may have to adjust accordingly to the plans that are being offered to you.

Some employers will also require action on your part or you may be unrolled from plans. It is important to carefully read the documents that are given to you so you can adjust it with you and your family’s needs.

Below are the things that you should keep in mind during the open enrollment:

  1. Your needs

First you need to determine if your needs have changed over the last year or if they will change in the course of next year. For example, if you are turning 26, then you have to get your own coverage. It is easier to sign up during open enrollment. There is no other way to sign up to a health insurance plan, unless if you have life-changing events.

open enrollment

  1. Changes

When you receive your open enrollment materials, you will need to look for changes in the plan that were being offered. You may see differences in more than just premiums for the plans, but also detailed differences in the co-insurance and co-payment amounts. You should also check to see if there is different deductible amount. Depending on the size of your employer, you may have several different plans to choose from.

It is important for you to consider all of our out of pocket costs for each year, and the likelihood that you will meet those maximums. This might change from year to year.

You need to also consider if there are changes in the providers of your benefits. Your employer may switch insurance companies depending on the overall cost for them for coverage. It there is a change in the insurance provider, your dentist or doctor may no longer be covered under your new provider. Therefore you need to check with your new provider’s list of hospitals and care networks that they are using.

Check about the procedures that are being used as well, because there are some companies that will require you to file for pre-approval.

  1. Insurance that you require

You need to consider the insurance that you need for coverage. If you do not have any family history of a certain disease, then you can skip that particular insurance. If you do not wear glasses, then you might not need any vision insurance.

You can also consider purchasing term life insurance in case if you are changing jobs so that you do not need to worry about not having any coverage during this time.

This work similarly if you are in your twenties or thirties, you may not need long term disability insurance.


This is why you should purpose to exercise daily

Well, we all know it is important to exercise but some people don’t really know how important it is. Exercise improves the wellbeing of a person, increase your energy, makes you feel better and even improve your sex life. Exercises are for everyone whether old or young and anyone can enjoy the many benefits of regular exercises regardless of the gender. If you want to understand all about the benefits of regular physical activities, this article is for you. Check them out:

  • Controls weight

Well, if you want to lose, add or maintain weight, exercise is the route to go. There are some specific exercises for those who want to add some muscles and add weight. And if you want to lower your weight, you just need to follow a certain diet that is low on in carbs and incorporate some exercises daily and from there be patient about it. If you are consistent and eat the right foods, you are going to experience weight loss within a very short time.


There are a lot of exercises that you can engage in from home like pushups, press ups, running, jogging, swimming, dancing and anything you that can keep your heart pumping. Just make sure you don’t skip even a single day without a valid reason because consistency is the key here. If you are a Medicare beneficiary, you can learn more about Medicare supplement plans 2020 from our earlier blogposts.

  • Exercise combats diseases

Well, people who are overweight are at a higher risk of serious health conditions like high blood pressure, heart diseases, and diabetes among other chronic diseases. If you are of the right weight you are going to lower the risk of such diseases drastically.

Exercises lowers the levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and it can also help increase the levels of the HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). Exercise will improve the flow of blood in your body and when that is improved the cardiovascular diseases will not be a big risk to you.

  • Exercise improves moods

Well, we all have those rough days and if you just had one today, exercise might just be your best friend. It is a perfect emotional lift that has been proven and it is going to blow off some steam to your stressful day. You don’t have to go to the gym to lower stress through exercise, you can walk around especially to the greenly and watery places and connect with nature, you can jog around for like 30 minutes or you can go swimming your partner.

Just do something that will keep your heart pumping and your body is going to release the endorphins which will leave you feeling happier and relaxed. Also when you exercise, you get to cut down some pounds and get the perfect body that everybody wants this will leave you feeling more confident about your body and your self-esteem will be improved.

Sound Therapy And Its Benefits

Sound therapy is a healing technique that uses the aspect of music to improve the emotional as well as physical health and also improve the well- being of a person. The person being treated partakes in sound healing frequencies with the help of a well-trained practitioner who understands how the frequencies works.

The sound healing involves things like listening to music, mediating, playing instruments, and moving up to the beat of the music. There are different types of this kind of therapy which includes vibrational sounds that provides vibration and it is believed that vibrational energy improves the waves of the brain. This type of therapy is believed to have its origin in Greece when music was used to help to treat mental disorders.

And throughout the centuries, music has been playing a great role in helping boost morale, help people work faster and raise the spirits when necessary. Having said that am sure you can agree with me when I say that sound therapy benefits are many and the following are some of them.

sound therapy

Source: Healthline

  • Relief from stress

One of the greatest benefit of sound therapy is the fact that it is an effective stress relieve. The soothing sound of music has been used for centuries for this purpose and science backs it up that music retune the brain and helps it to cope with stress better. This happens because music replenishes the brain through high frequency sounds.

  • Reduces headaches

Headaches are very common especially to the adults and I don’t think there is any adult out there who can go for a week without experiencing a headache. Painkillers might help but the perfect way of dealing with it is by trying out sound therapy. Sound therapy helps many get a relief to chronic headaches as well as migraines. It is also believed that it can address the root cause of the headache like high blood pressure and the common one, stress. A study that was conducted found that adults with symptoms of migraines got relief after 14 days of sound therapy.

  • Boosts confidence

Sound therapy creates new and positive pattern in the brain which can help bring about a boost in confidence. When you enjoy a sound therapy regularly, you will be able to take up the challenges that life brings to you with more confidence and believing that you can do it. This is something that we all need to help us keep pushing and if a sound therapy can help, then it is definitely worth a try.

  • Sound therapy gives you more focus

A session with a professional for sound therapy can help you regain the lost focus in your life. Sound therapy lowers the brain wave frequency and this is believed to help a person focus more. This will help you cope with day to day activities and it can also help athletes improve their performance.

  • More energy after a sound therapy

The truth is most things that you feel in your body is normally connected to your brain and it sends signals throughout the body. If your body is under stress, it normally feel tired and fatigued. A sound therapy is going to help relieve the stress and it can also help the brain to release latent energy.

  • Better relationships

One of the major causes of breakups in many relationship is too much stress. Stress can even lead to a divorce in a marriage that have been intact for many years. It is also a major contributor to poor work done which can lead to one being fired. Those are just but a few problems that stress can lead to. If you undergo a sound therapy, the stress levels will be lowered and you will be able to focus on building and strengthening your relationships.

  • It is a great relief to common ailments

There are a lot of ailments that we face in our day to day lives that are actually stress related. The old and the young all undergo stress in this modern age and the ailments related to it have increased drastically. Some of these ailments that sound therapy is going to help is depression, joint pains, and stomach pains and other stress related diseases. The sounds from the therapy creates a healing environment in the body and the body just starts healing itself.

Energy healing

If you are looking for an alternative way to improve your mental health, maybe you can try out energy healing. Energy medicine involves working with the energy within our bodies. It can be any type of therapy that uses the energy within the body of a person. Research shows that 10 minutes of energy healing has the same effect as the physical therapy.

Energy healing is being recognized by many health professionals as a good alternatives because of how it concentrates more on healing the whole body instead of just a part of the body. If you learn how to, it is something that you can do yourself from the comfort of your home.

There are many types of energy healing methods including shiatsu, polarity therapy and Qigong. Crystal healing, acupressure and acupuncture can also be included as methods of energy healing. But the common energy healing techniques which are, reiki healing and pranic healing.

Pranic healing uses prana the life force in the body to heal the processes of your body’s energy. The method utilizes the moon and sun among other natural resources and Master Choa Kok Sui (developer) claims that the body can heal itself if you work with your emotional energy.

Reiki healing on the other hand is believed to help many ailments like stomach ache, flu, common colds, and serious conditions like heart diseases. It is also very effective when it comes to dealing with depression, anxiety and other mental disorders. The technique works with the principle of bringing the body back to balance.

Personality disorders and how to know if someone has one?

Though they were invented a very long time ago, personality tests are something that the internet has made huge. If you want to find out the highlights of your personality you just need to look for free online personality tests on Google and you’ll get a thousand options. While they might not all be psychologically proven, they always tell us some facts about ourselves that end up making sense and giving us a fuller image of who we are and an explanation on why we really are the way we are. What many don’ consider is how personality tests are appealing because, in a world of uncertainty, they tell you how to behave. One of the things these tests can do is tell you if you happen to have a personality disorder. Here is something about personality disorders you might want to learn.

What is a personality disorder?

personality disorder

Credits: HealthyPlace

When we talk about personality disorders, you probably think about the movie “Split”, right? Wrong, well, not really, but they are much more common than you’d think, and they usually don’t transform you into a weird beast. A personality disorder is, indeed, a mental illness that can be triggered by environmental factors (such as experiences or upbringing), or can be more linked to genetics. Usually, it is both. There are different types of personality disorders, and you can take a free personality test to find out if you have any. In order for a disorder to be personality-related it has to affect at least two of the following areas:

  • Way of thinking about yourself and others
  • Way of controlling your behavior
  • Way of responding in an emotional sense
  • Way of relating to other people

Types of personality disorders

Antisocial disorder includes a pattern of not caring about, or even violating the rights of people around you. They are impulsive and have a disregard for social norms.

Avoidant disorder is a pattern of shyness, sensitivity to criticism, and being inadequate to the situations they face. There is a strong fear of rejection, which is why they usually don’t engage with others.

The Borderline disorder creates instability in emotional relations, as well as poor self-image, and impulsive behavior. Thy have a very strong fear of abandonment, to the point of threating with killing themselves.

Dependent personality disorder comes with a submissiveness and clinginess to those who have it. They can’t really make tough decisions without assurance and can’t quit take care of themselves.

Histrionic disorder involves excessive emotion and excessive attention seeking. They tend to try and draw attention to themselves, sometimes even with involuntary physical movements.

The narcissistic personality disorder might sound funny but it is a little more complicated than you’d think. People who suffer it have an intense lack of empathy, and give themselves utter importance. They are very entitled and try to take advantage of whoever they can.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a very famous one nowadays, but contrary to what they have made you think, it is not just putting your pencils by color. People who suffer from it are prone to seeking perfection and control, and have the intense need to comply with schedules.

The paranoid personality disorder involves the individual being constantly suspecting other of trying to harm them and sees everyone as mean to them. They are very difficult to obtain trust from and don’t usually let a lot of people close (emotionally and physically) to them.

The Schizoid personality disorder makes the person detached from social relationships and comes with a low expression of emotion in people. They tend to avoid close relationships.

Finally, the Schizotypal personality disorder, which includes patterns of uncomfortably with close relationships, eccentric behavior, and distorted thinking. They tend to develop odd beliefs and behaviors. They usually suffer from social anxiety.

How to know if I have a personality disorder?

There are many signs that might indicate you or someone close to you has a personality disorder, they might be extremely paranoid, have very focused beliefs, lack of interest for other, and many of the ones mentioned above. For some personality disorders, you can take free online personality tests that are psychologically approved and will help you determine if you suffer from it or not. For example, there is a 3-minute test that can accurately help you determine if you have Borderline Personality Disorder and is often used by psychologists to determine it.

Best IVF Center in India

There are several cities in India where IVF centers are confidently situated to make childless parents in India and across the world wear a smile as wide as the sky. Although these centers are not without their intricacies, they still serve the IVF purpose. Hence, all of the following are worthy of honorable mentions when it has to do with the best IVF centers in India.

Fertility Center

WellSpring IVF Women’s Hospital

If you are in Ahmedabad, then I would say you are lucky. There are countless couples who have been helped by WellSpring IVF Women’s Hospital. Not only from India, but also they have helped people from all over the world and that’s the most amazing part. Infertility is not something which can not be cured. With cost effective method and with proper and professional people, WellSpring IVF Women’s Hospital is considered to be the Best IVF Center in India right now. With numerous positive reports online and as well as through posts in social media about them, it made them one of the leading IVF centers in India.


Infertility India

Another fertility clinic in the heart of India; Mumbai. This fertility clinic is mostly recognized for its successes. Hence, a lot of people from far and near see the center as worthy of patronage. It also has chains in other cities like Nerul, Navi Mumbai, New Dehli across India.  But the report is not so good about them.


Bloom IVF clinic

One of the oldest in India and one of the oldest on the chart of the best IVF clinic in India. The main center is in Mumbai, and it has other centers just like the others which can be found in cities like; Bandra. The one at Bandra is called the hospital at Bandra.


BLK hospital

An IVF hospital like this is bound to be cherished most by the millennials. The reason is that the best reproductive technologies have been adopted by the doctors here to ensure that parents, mothers who need to have children encounter ease both in the process and at the end. The hospital remains one of the finest in India, and it is located in one of the finish places in India; Dehli.


The Apollo hospital center for assisted reproduction

This has been a perfect place of the answer for people looking for children. Not only has it been a center for children reproduction, but it has also managed overtime to be a center of plethora centers. Some of the centers that were birthed are; Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and others.


Pulse women hospital

There are indeed great centers for IVF in India; the pulse women hospital is one of the unique ones that has recorded a very high success recorded in years. It is one of the most regarded among the Indians and along with specialists even.


Virk center for human production

The peculiar thing about the Virk center is that it is equipped to render a variety of services converging infertility. Some of these contents are; IVF, surgical sperm retrievement, male product evaluation, ICU and IVF among others. It is perfect to go to a center for both parties when they are not sure about who needs treatment. This is because it is an all-inclusive IVF center or fertility center that talks about and helps both partners to see how they how you are doing.


Hiranandani hospital

This is one of the significant IVF hospitals. It is clear that it is because it has made it to the top of the best IVF hospital. It has a team that is made up of renowned and veteran specialists owe work can be trusted and vouched for. It is a center located in Mumbai that has worked tirelessly for years to see that all infertility issues cease to happen and success in childbearing gets more popular.


Shivani fertility and mother care

In 2004, the center was established in Jaipur. It has been a fantastic experience with women and parents alike ever since its impression.  The specialists in this center have also learned to use new technology and new techniques. Better art.