
How to treat people with Mysophobia and Cynophobia

When we meet new people, it is very difficult to introduce ourselves. They may or may not like us, the first impression is usually the last impression, and then there are many other problems as well. All of these problems are compounded when we have to meet anyone who does not know about our fear of dogs. So what does one do when they are in the company of people who are unaware of the fear of dogs, or cynophobia, that we suffer from. Here are some simple tips for people who fear dogs. These are not meant to be followed exactly. Rather it is the spirit of these simple techniques that one should inculcate, instead of trying to follow them to the letter.


Keep Silent

The first thing that you can do is to keep silent about this. Talking about one’s phobias is something that should occur only when one is in the company of close friends, and it should be done with care. So if you are in the company of strangers or people that you have just met, then there is no need to mention that you are suffering from the fear of dogs. This will only lead to you becoming the topic of discussion for all the wrong reasons. So make sure that you are not the topic of the discussion just because you suffer from a fear of dogs.

Phobia is not a handicap

Another simple thing that you can do, if you have to mention your fear, is to make sure that you mention it as a condition, not as a mental handicap. Many people tend to think of all phobias, like mysophobia, or the fear of germs, as something of a mental handicap that will leave a person incapable of going about their day to day life. Therefore it is important to introduce your phobia, not as something that makes you lose interest in your daily life, but rather as something that is just a minor hurdle.

Do not paint a fearful picture

When you are talking to people who are in your company, you should make sure that you are not going to make them fearful of something. This applies to all kinds of phobias, but the fear of dogs, in particular, are prone to this kind of treatment. So for example, if you are going to mention it to friends, they will focus on the panic attacks, and they will get the mental image of an epileptic person in their minds. You have to talk to them in a manner that makes sure that the image they take away is not that of a deranged epileptic.

Phobias do not make you a mental patient

When there are people talking about something that they have heard about for the first time, they tend to create an image in their own minds. So if you are talking with people who have never heard about the fear of dogs, then they will get a mental image of a person who freezes when they as much as see a dog on the television screen or in an emoji. Although there may have been cases like these, this is not the everyday routine of anyone suffering from this condition. So make sure you are not putting the wrong ideas in their heads.

Do not be ashamed

Last but not least, you should be open about your phobia if you do talk about it. There is nothing to be ashamed of in being fearful of dogs. Various studies have suggested that at our subconscious level, we humans are fearful of one thing or another. So the fear of dogs is not something that is unique, rather it is present in one form or another in all people. While some have it in such a minuscule amount that it barely registers, others have it in larger doses.

So, to conclude, make sure that you are open and frank in discussing your phobia, but only with people who are near and dear to you. Try to make sure that you are not the center of attention for the wrong reasons.

stress-free student life

The Ultimate Anti-Stress Guide for Students

Have you ever been so stressed that it’s hard to maintain focus on important goals?

Classes, exams, college admission, and homework, all can cause a lot of stress. While many students are struggling under big expectations of parents and peer pressure, there are some who bottle up their anxiety when it comes to exams. To meet everyone’s demands, students are spending every spare minute worrying too much and chasing after perfect grades. Yet, this constant quest for perfect grades can lead to high stress and mental health problems. According to 2013 survey by the Nightline Association, 65% of students feel stressful. Likewise, a poll conducted by American College Health Association in 2016 reported that 34.4% of college students were stress sufferers which affected their annual academic performance.

However, living a stress-free student life is possible. Scroll down for some useful strategies to beat the stress effectively so you can study better and achieve more.

stress-free student life

Healthy diet

Foods like fresh fruits are stress busters. Fresh fruit juices of orange and grapefruit are proven to boost immunity so you can manage to cope with stress. Omega-3 rich foods like salmon also keep the stress hormones at bay. As a student, you are more likely to get tired and exhausted. At this time, you would find junk food like pizza or ready-to-eat meal more tempting. However, consuming food that’s high in sugar or caffeine will only elevate the stress. This is why you should eat variety of healthy nutrients. This will help you stay relaxed as well as increase your brain power. Also, cooking from scratch is more curative and healthier.

Beat social media distractions

Do you keep looking at your phone thousands of times? Well, you need a digital detox. It can be hard to resist the urge of keeping in touch with social networks since technology seems to be part of everyone’s lives these days. However, while studying, it’s a good practice to keep the technology away. If you find switching off your phone a bit hard, delete the apps that are causing the distraction and install a website blocker so there’s no other way to view the sites that disturb you the most. For Mac users, there is a free Self Control app which enables users to block sites for a certain period of time.


It doesn’t have to be an exhausting gym session. As a student, a daily brisk walk of 30 minutes or a bike ride is sufficient to improve mental awareness and concentration – these two facets are important to get success while studying.  A regular exercise can be immensely beneficial for both your body and mind.  Whether you practice a cardio workout or going outside for yoga, in every form of exercise, body will produce endorphins (stress-fighting hormone) that will help you reduce anxiety, and allow your mind to focus on positive things.

Try a Weighted blanket

Do you know the calming effects of weighted blankets? Well, they are good for stress-prone students. After whole day of struggle and mental load, you need a deep sleep to perform well and less anxious the next day. Weighted blankets may help you to unplug your thoughts, turnoff your mind completely and experience a more restful sleep.

Designed to be 10% of your body weight, weighted blankets naturally lessens the anxiety and increase relaxation through deep pressure stimulation. This deep pressure touch sensation has many positive effects from lifting the mood, to improving focus.

Fly a Drone

Do you want to switch off and relax? Well, you can take a break from your studies and stress by taking up a fun and relaxing hobby. There is an incredible surge in popularity of drones. From helping you create YouTube videos, to rescuing a missing person, drones are now used in all kinds of ways. Hovering drones is quite an anti-stress hobby. Flying drones can stop you thinking of your stressors, and can lead to a more calmed state. You don’t need a pilot’s license anymore to fly them. Get amused by flying drones indoors, outdoors or in backyards. But, make sure to register the drone legally for noncommercial (hobby) flights. Other than that, avoid flying over restricted areas. Since many drones come with video game controller, you are bound to have a fun experience.

Time Management

Do you want to study more effectively? Often students get stressed when they know they are running out of time to accomplish something. However, life gets easier when you become a pro at time management. It’s a good idea to make checklists, keep a schedule and plan ahead. Prioritize your study schedule into urgent and non-urgent basis. These techniques will help you stay more relaxed and focused.

Get a Pet

There are many social and health benefits of having a dog. Adopt a pet and reduce your anxiety level. Playing with animals can keep you more active and encourage social connection.


Laughter is one of the effective stress relievers. A good bout of laughter can keep the muscles in your whole body relaxed for up to 45 minutes.  Laughing out loud also promotes blood flow and oxygen intake which, in turn, reduces the stress level. So, don’t take life too seriously. Have fun, crack few jokes and seek out more opportunities for humor and laughter. It’s always fun to have a good laugh. Besides being stress buster, it’s also a natural pain killer. How great is that?

Talk Out Your Study Stresses

Isolation or loneliness put a negative impact on your body. During exams, you feel more anxious and worried. Since you have so much to learn and study, doing it all alone can turn you into a ball of stress. To realize that you need someone’s help is the first step. Talk to your friends and family as they can understand what you are going through. Tell your concerns to them. Ask their take on it. Sharing issues can help boost your mood.


Are you stressed about grades or about getting admission in college? Should you be? It’s about time to realize that stress can’t help you achieve more. Whatever you focus on, just try to do the best of your ability. Be stress free. Follow above mentioned tips to deal with stress of studying.

Medicare plan

Looking for an AARP Medicare plan? What students should know

Medicare plan

AARP is an organization or a sector which is providing help to folks by analyzing the needs of people currently living in America and are above age 65. It serves them with zeal and confronts their issues so that they can live a happy life with their beloved ones.

AARP gives a Medicare Supplement insurance plan and it is provided by the United health care insurance company. It is for those people who have made the experience in Medicare services and are worried that their Medicare plans are not enough to meet their needs and requirements of the health insurance coverage. Through this procedure, people can supplement their Medicare coverage. It has been 50 years where AARP Medicare Supplement is proving beneficial for experts who have gotten membership of an organization.

Coverage Plans of AARP Medicare Supplements

AARP provide coverage plans to the people who live in the U.S at any place and can go to those doctors who are familiar or can accept Medicare. For AARP no referrals are required or considered essential. There is an opportunity where people can keep their personal doctor for current checkups. AARP goes long even after the health problems of ones just because he has been paying his premium. He will never get cancellation until and unless he/she stops paying his premium. Medicare costs can be controlled by merging AARP plans with the Medicare Plan D.

The significance of the AARP plan

Sometimes Medicare is not enough to pay out expenditures of co-pays, coinsurances and deductibles then at this situation AARP proves a life saver. All insurance needs can be fulfilled by AARP plans but for this, you have to go through a cumbersome or lengthy enrolment procedure. Before getting enrolment to be a member of AARP by filling the online application form available on the website.

Why AARP Medicare insurance plan?

United Health care is a center who is working in the Health insurance field for about 30 years and is committed to facilitating people with all expertise so that they can make good decisions in the future. These plans fall under the category of Medicare supplement insurance plans and labeled as AARP plans. That’s why it is considered to be discussed in Medigap. A large variety of budgets available where everyone can accommodate a plan to fulfill their needs. It has been seen that people who had done the survey of Medicare plans would suggest AARP plans to be adapted to their relatives, friends, and family.


The insurance company of Omaha and it’s supplements

Mutual Omaha is an insurance company based in Omaha. Mutual of Omaha was established in 1909 by a medical student named Mabel Criss, and his wife Dr. C.C. It has exceeded into a Fortune 500 insurance companies providing insurance plan and financial solutions for individual man/woman, business people and batches throughout the United States. Mutual of Omaha has numerous branches including United of Omaha Life Insurance Company, United World Life Insurance Company, Mutual of Omaha Investor Service, Inc., Omaha Financial Holdings, Inc. and East Campus Realty, LLC. Due to its financial strength and capability to meet policy Mutual of Omaha received A+ ranking. Mutual of Omaha was also rated 5th of 18 huge life insurance companies.


Medicare Supplement from Mutual Of Omaha

Mutual of Omaha gives a variation of Medicare supplement plans. They offer medical procedures according to your need. Programs that also covers care of elder ones and there living. Mutual of Omaha has been providing their services since 1919. Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement services are for those who are at the age of 65 or before that suffering from disabilities like renal disease or other.

Which Supplement Plans do Mutual of Omaha Offers?

Mutual of Omaha offers 8 Medicare Supplement Plans:

Medigap Plan A

Medigap Plan B

Medigap Plan C

Medigap Plan D

Medigap Plan F

Medigap Plan G

Medigap Plan M

Medigap Plan N

Medicare Supplement Plan A covers hospital stay bills and allowed coverage of an extra 365 days in the hospital but only through this policy. It also offers the service connected to Medicare part B in which a patient receives medical treatment without being admitted to the hospital. It also covers the first 3 pints of blood. In most regions, Mutual of Omaha offers Plan A. Plan C and D cover Plan A and B that offers almost all of the essential coverage. Part A,B,C,D are basics plans. Whereas Plan F, G, M, N are advanced plans, higher premium plans than A, B, C, D.

Benefits of Mutual of Omaha Medical Care Supplement Plans.

Each plan provided by Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement covers primary benefits. There are providing 365 days coverage in hospital apart from Medicare part A limits. Further provides a facility for our patients. They gave you a guaranteed agreement with no health questions. They gave rights to choose your doctor. Plan F and G covers travel tours. They include your domestic travel. They guaranteed good changes in your health. They also increase your Medicare cost year after year. They also offer a vision discount plan. The vision plans cover eye care and eyewear.

How do I register myself in a Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement Plan

You can express yourself or your elder one before three months you or they reach at the age of 65. Mutual of Omaha give awareness to help you to communicate in your region by contacting their company through their website. They provide plans according to your need. After registering yourself, you can avail their insurance policy.

Travel Insurance

A Complete Guide to Get the Best Travel Insurance in 2019

If you plan to travel across the world, see to it that you already get travel insurance. When people go on a trip, expect that they have travel insurance.

So, what are the reasons why travel insurance is necessary when traveling?

Travel insurance provides medical coverage in the case that you get injured or sick. Also, you can obtain a reimbursement when your favorite camera breaks, you lost your bag, some of your stuff is stolen, or your flight was canceled.

Travel insurance is considered to be the all-purpose coverage during an emergency while you are on a trip. Never leave your home without it because many people have already regretted having no travel insurance.

Furthermore, if you have travel insurance, you do not have to worry about losing money. You can use the insurance to protect yourself from unknown since some of the health insurance does not cover overseas journey while the credit cards have limited protection.

Things to Consider in Getting the Best Travel Insurance Plan

Travel Insurance

With so many companies claiming that their travel insurance is the best, it might be difficult for you to choose.


One of the best ways to ensure that you are putting your trust in the right travel insurance plan, you need to be provided with up to $100,000 medical care coverage. Having a high coverage limits means that you can be confident when you get injured or sick and you require for serious attention from a professional healthcare facility.


In the case that you an on hiking and you get injured, the policy needs to cover the evacuation to the hospital. Also, emergency care should be separate from medical coverage.

Good travel insurance should have the following provisions:

  • Cover most of the countries
  • Cover sudden illnesses and injury
  • Cover electronics
  • 24/7 emergency services
  • Cover damaged, stolen, or lost possessions
  • Offer financial protection
  • Cover cancellations, including hotel reservations or flight in the case of emergency

What Are the Best Travel Insurance Companies?

In any country, you can find different travel insurance companies. But, make sure that you are working with a reputable and dependable one.

World Nomads

In just a matter of minutes, you can renew your insurance policy through online processing. They have responsive and friendly staff. Also, they offer plenty of coverage at a very fair price.

Clements Worldwide

This insurance company is known to be the best in electronics coverage. They provide up to five million in coverage. Also, they have affordable deductibles.


They offer high medical evacuation coverage as well as annual plans. If you use their plan, you can experience limited time to be spent in some foreign medical facilities.

STA Travel

They offer cost-effective plans and basic coverage choices. Their services are ideal for backpackers and students on a budget.

What are you waiting on? Buy travel insurance before processing your flight itinerary for a visa. This ensures that you are protected all the time.