How to Buy Clothes That Are Built to Last


Everyone likes quality clothes, but what does it mean? We say the word easily, but we have not paused to understand the definition. First, quality is subjective. What looks like quality to you might not be to another. Second, expensive doesn’t mean quality. People prefer to buy expensive clothes because they believe that’s what defines quality. There’s nothing worse than spending a lot of money on a garment, and it gets ruined after a few months. A cloth with good quality should last for at least a year without stretching or fading. Though quality is subjective, I’ll be giving a few tips to help you decide if the clothes you are shopping for has good quality.

  1. You can’t see through the material.

When checking out clothes on a mannequin, don’t go for sheer materials. Most sheer materials have a short lifespan. While shopping, hold up the clothes to the light and put your hand through it. If you can’t see your hand through the material, then it means it’s of good quality, and it will last for a long time.

  1. There are no gaps when you pull the seams.

Before purchasing a cloth, examine the clothes for signs of loose stitches, or missed stitches. Loose stitches make the seam weak, and they are prone to split and snag. But tight stitches make the seam stronger. Quality clothes usually have tight stitches without any sign of gaps.

  1. Shirts come with extra panels between the shoulders

Quality shirts usually come with extra material at the back of the collar. It’s a back yoke, and it strengthens the back of the shirt and prevents it from pulling.

  1. The fabric pattern matches the seams.

It’s hard to tell if the fabric pattern matches up at the seam when it is on a mannequin, especially, if you’re far off. A way to find out is to look if the pattern of the fabric matches the surrounding material. If the fabric pattern doesn’t match up at the seam, it’s a sign that the fabric will have a short life span.  Manufacturers of low-quality material skip the process of matching patterns such as stripes at the seam. But manufacturers that produce high-quality fabrics will take their time to ensure the pattern on the garment match up.

  1. There are no exposed zippers

Always check for exposed zippers while shopping for your clothes. Fabrics that have exposed zippers can snag or split. Quality clothes with extra zippers come with a covered placket. Also, check for metal zippers. Plastic zippers are hard to zip, plus they fall off all the time. Clothes with metal zippers last longer than plastic zippers.

  1. It comes with extra buttons and thread.  

If your clothes came with an extra piece of a button and spare thread, that’s a good sign because the manufacturer expects that the garment will last longer and need repair.

  1. Always read clothing labels

Many shoppers find it difficult to understand cloth labels, and some don’t bother to read it. Just as checking food labels tells you what it is made up and how it can be beneficial to you, clothing labels also do the same. Clothing labels tell you about the material and where it was made. When shopping for clothes, avoid clothes that are made from natural and human-made fibers. Mixed fabric tends to shrink or fade easily. Natural fibers are better because they last longer. If you’re getting jeans, look for spandex because it allows your jeans to stretch. Also, look for items that are made in the USA, Europe, or Australia.

  1. Examine the seams

Many of us see a garment in the store, and we are excited to get them. We are not patient to examine the seam. It doesn’t mean you have to check every seam on the fabric, but looking at a few of them gives you an idea of the quality. The seam should be straight and neat. If the seam looks rough and doesn’t match the pattern of the fabric, then it’s a sign it won’t last long.


For your clothes to last long, you have to play your part. If you take care of them well, they’ll hold up for a long time.

The Best Reasons Why Online Learning is the Future of Education

The current COVID-19 pandemic has made world look at many things from a different perspective. Initially, exposing the children to computers or cell phones was a taboo in order to protect their young developing minds and bodies from radiation and media influence. However, this pandemic has changed the thought process completely, since there is no scope to go out and attend normal school / college. Now the gadgets kept off limit from the children have become their “best friends” and saviors, as through online medium they can pursue their education without a break.

source: Online Learning

Source: Leverage Edu

Here are some reasons that specify why online learning is the future of education and how to get inside of an International online school:

  1. FLEXIBILITY OF OPERATION: In online education, there is flexible time option and one can study in a relaxed manner. Unlike traditional classroom and set class timing, online offers the convenience of selecting the class at a suitable timing. The teacher and student can fix a common agenda to work on and interact comfortably when both have the time.
  2. TIME AND MONEY SAVING: Since you can access the online class from the comfort of your home at a convenient time, you eliminate the expenses incurred in travelling to school Besides, since most of the study material is available online for free or within the course fees, you tend to save on buying books and other stationery. Apart from expenses incurred for commuting and study material, other major expenses of traditional school attendance like school bus fees, hostel accommodation, dining and others need no consideration at all.
  3. WIDER SCOPE OF COURSE SELECTION: E-learning offers many courses and gives you the option to select the ones that match your interest. Unlike traditional learning, where there is a fixed syllabus and limited course options per academic year, the online counterpart throws the gates wide open for a broader spectrum of learning. Besides the course that you have enrolled for, you can select other subjects too to gain knowledge in variety of fields.
  4. GOOD INTERACTION AND PROPER ATTENTION: Online learning is of two types. One where the classes are in live progression and the other being pre-recorded lessons. In case of live classes, usually there is a cap on enrollment to facilitate better student-teacher ratio. Smaller group ensures that each student gets proper guidance and attention. On the other hand, pre-recorded sessions are open to many students at a time without a cap on enrollment. Thus, they can listen to the lecture, make notes and ask their difficulties in the next session. Under both the circumstances, students get proper knowledge, albeit in a relaxed manner.
  5. EASY ACCESSIBILITY: Since the classes are online and need no physical attendance, online learning is accessible to anyone across the globe, so long as you enroll for the session. There is no hard and fast rule as from where you should attend the class. You can do it even when you are travelling, provided you have an internet connection to access the class. Hence, you need not sacrifice your wanderlust to gain knowledge. This e-learning provision permits you to get the best of both worlds – your passion for travel and pursuit for knowledge.
  6. FAVORABLE LEARNING EXPERIENCE: When a student is relaxed and taking classes from a place where he / she is comfortable, there are more chances of proper grasping and understanding. There is no pressure to perform or to commute to classes and thus the student has a more positive approach towards learning. When the mind is at peace, the retention rate of gained knowledge is better as compared to studying in tense atmosphere.
  7. PERFECT BALANCE OF SYLLABUS LEARNING AND SOFT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT: Online learning gives enough scope for soft skills development along with the hard skills knowledge that you gain. Having flexibility of attendance, no peer pressure or choice of subjects does not mean that one can take things very lightly and ignore the responsibilities or initiative to come up with their own opinions and ideas. In fact, in online classes the students get many opportunities to come forward to discuss their views and get doubts cleared. In online live session and group discussions, the students get encouragement to express themselves and hence build self- confidence. Besides, they also learn time management in order to balance their studies, activities and other hobbies. Hence, one can safely say that apart from traditional school, where it was a belief that children get all-round development opportunity, the online learning also offers holistic development of the student.

CONCLUSION: The COVID-19 pandemic has surely changed the face of education and made it more unconventional and accessible. The final aim is to gain knowledge and nothing can be better than to get it at your own pace and in own space.

5 Factors That Affect Your Credit Scores

Many people feel that they need an advanced degree to analyze and maintain their credit scores. Well, the true fact is that the process is actually very simple. 

It is important to mention that the credit score usually falls somewhere between 300 to 850. But the account holder does not just need to play with the numbers for credit score. According to the Velocifin, there are a few other factors that demand your attention to calculate and improve your credit score. This score is used by lenders to know whether you will be able to pay back the debt on time or not. That is why it is considered as a deciding factor to get a loan for your new house or vehicle. 

Factors that affect your credit score:

If you are also interested in making a big investment with the help of a loan, it is good to understand the factors that affect your credit score. This knowledge may also give you a better opportunity to improve this score with time. 

Here we have listed the five most common factors that are directly linked to your credit score:

Payment history: 

The first important ingredient of your credit score is your payment history. Note that even one missed payment can have a negative impact on the credit score. Lenders are always interested in giving loans to one who can pay it back on time. That is why they consider your payment history before accepting the loan application. The payment history holds 35% accountability in the FICO score used by lenders. 

Credit utilization:

The credit utilization ratio is counted by dividing the revolving credit currently in use with the total revolving credit limits. This ratio helps lenders know about the credit that you are utilizing and give an idea about how reliant you are for the available non-cash funds. Credit utilization makes up 30% of the FICO score, and if you are using more than 30% of the available credits, it gives a negative indication to the creditors. 

Credit history length:

The credit history length makes up 15% of the portfolio. It gives information about the tenure of your oldest credit account, the age of the newest credit account and the average age of all the credit accounts. Longer credit history usually leads to a higher credit score. 

Credit mix:

People that have top credit scores are more likely to carry diverse credit account portfolios. It may include their mortgage loan, student loan, credit card and car loan etc. The credit mix presents a report on how well you are managing a wide range of credit products linked to your account. It accounts for 10% of the total FICO score. 

New credit:

The history of credit accounts that are recently opened and the number of hard enquiries made by you while applying for new credit accounts for remaining 10% of the FICO score. If you make too many inquiries, it may lead to higher risk and can hurt the credit score by a considerable level. 

Now you have gone through the detailed information on what affects your credit scores.  

Top Benefits of Hiring Fire Watch Services

The owners of the business and commercial property are solely responsible for the protection and wellbeing of their customers and employees. During the period of a serious situation, any property needs to have professional fire watch services so that the damage can be mitigated. The particular service is very beneficial for protecting the property and life of occupants. The chemical industries are more likely to implement this service as it is more prone to significant hazards. Therefore, the article mainly focuses on the benefits of hiring a fire watch services which would more emphasis on its usage. 

Top benefits of hiring a fire watch services 

Protection at the time of breakout of fire: it is very essential to protect the property from fire strike. It could be done through hiring a fire watch services. This particular service would be considered as one of the most effective as it encourages the right and modern tools which would safeguard the property. Construction sites are more likely to have fire hazards especially when the property hold wood framing. For this particular reason numbers of local governments hire fire watch services on the location until or unless the particular construction has been completed. 

Perform Patrols: Performing patrols at continuous intervals by the professionals of fire watch services confirms the protection and safeguard of property. Therefore, it is very necessary to hire those professional fire watch guard who can perform patrols as it assures complete protection from the risks of fire. 

Water system breakage: when the property basically relies upon sprinkler system then it is very necessary that it is not disrupted. If any incident occurs, when the sprinkler system is not able to work properly or it has been damaged then its effective to minimise the risk, which would be vulnerable. The Fire Watch Guard makes sure that there is no risk until or unless the sprinkler system is reinstated. 

Breakage or non-functioning of the fire alarm system: when the commercial or the business property have not installed the fire alarm system then the fire watch services would be of value. On the other hand, during the situation when the alarm system is not functioning properly then the watch guard upon the premises is very fundamental. 

Presence of risky elements which makes the fire hazards more dangerous: the properties or the sites which mainly includes the risky flammable elements which are more likely to catch fire such as chemicals, sprits or crackers should be handled with much care. For these properties and sites, it is compulsory to hire fire watch services. The professionals of fire watch services are trained in such a manner that they are very effective in mitigating the threat of these situations. 

Aiding the business to follow the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines: The professionals of fire safety service are suitably educated and try to advise the owners of properties to meet the OSHA requirements. It is very necessary to meet these requirements since it provides safety guidelines which every business need to follow. The fire safety services mainly fall under the specified guidelines. The professional of fire service mainly assist the business to create a prevention plan and implement it.  In this way, the professionals of fire security would help the business not to face shut-downs or possible fines when these requirements are not met properly. 


The article signifies that it is very important for any type of personal property or commercial sites to hire fire security professionals. More notably the construction sites or the industry of inflammable substances must have these services as it would be advantageous both for the industry as well as for the people around the site. Every business needs to have the knowledge and learn more about the protection of services against fire hazards.  All the benefits which have been acknowledged in the article portray the importance of fire watch services during the temporary situation and permanent situations. These services are also considered as the key to minimise fire hazards or related risks and protect the property. The presence of fire watch professionals at the site or property would aid in minimised destruction. 

Grounding Techniques for Teens Suffering From Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorderalso referred to as anxiety—is a condition that involves much more than the ordinary stress and worry people experience in their everyday lives. Anxiety is an intense and ongoing mental health condition that makes ordinary tasks appear to be almost impossible.

Individuals who are suffering from anxiety may have a fear of social situations, flying on airplanes, advancing in their career, and just about everything else. According to the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH), anxiety affects about 18.1% of teens and adults to some degree. This makes anxiety one of the most common mental health conditions in the United States and elsewhere around the developed world.

Many teens suffering from anxiety will need intensive forms of treatment, including inpatient or residential facilities like But others—especially younger adolescents who are just beginning to experience symptoms of anxiety—may simply be looking for basic coping mechanisms and grounding techniques. Even if these individuals never seek residential treatment or even receive a formal diagnosis, these grounding techniques are proven to make a major difference.


In this article, we will discuss six of the most accessible grounding techniques for individuals suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. By taking a step back and trying to reorient yourself in the world, you can begin to overcome some of the challenges that anxiety has been causing.

  1. Deep Breathing Exercises

As a primary bodily function, breathing has a major impact on our overall mental well-being. Making an effort to take slow, deep breaths can help both teens and adults feel more relaxed. Thinking about positive things (your dog, favorite memories, etc.) while deep breathing will help relieve anxiety even further. In order to be ready for stressful situations as they emerge, you should practice deep breathing on a regular basis.

  1. Regular Yoga and Meditations

In the words of Amit Ray, “Yoga means addition—addition of energy, strength and beauty to the body, mind, and soul.” Even if you are not particularly flexible, there are dozens of yoga positions and meditations that can help instill a greater sense of grounding. Meditating outdoors will be even more productive, due to your ability to connect with nature. Individuals who are prone to anxiety should spend just a few minutes meditating at the beginning and end of each day.

  1. Disconnecting

One of the reasons why social media and the internet are such a frequently cited source of stress is because they are always there. Being unable to withdraw from the internet will cause you to carry these stresses wherever you may go. If someone has been experiencing symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, making an effort to disconnect can go a long way. This is especially important for teens, who—according to the University of Essex—are 50% more likely to be depressed if they spend more than five hours per day online.

  1. Worry Journals

In order to cope with anxiety, it will be crucial to find a productive outlet. When our thoughts and concerns are bottled up inside, it can be very easy to turn a small source of stress into something much greater than it actually is. Writing down our concerns and using something known as a “worry journal” can make these sources of outside stress appear to be more manageable. These journals also help people track the development of their anxiety over time and also make their personal decisions a bit more carefully.

  1. Personal Relaxation Kits

A “personal relaxation kit” can come in many different forms and it will be up to you and your teen to find something that works. These kits may include things such as pictures of happy places, relaxing activities (such as a coloring book or puzzle), inspirational quotes, calming music, and other related items. Whenever feelings of anxiety begin to emerge these kits can help provide a “life vest” that is familiar, personal, and comforting.

  1. Positive Self Talk

Sometimes, saying things out loud can help us begin to change the ways we think. As is the case with writing, making an effort to say positive things out loud can help ideas evolve into something a bit more real. “I’ve got this”, “I know I can do this”, “Everything is going to be alright”, and “I control my own destiny” are just a few positive phrases that—while simple—can help an anxious individual ground their thinking. Positive self talk can also be effectively combined with meditation, yoga, and other mindfulness exercises.

What if these grounding techniques aren’t enough?

The nice thing about these grounding techniques is that they do not really have any specific risks associated with them. As your teen feels anxious, they can always try to use these techniques; if they’re eventually proven ineffective, their approach to addressing anxiety can always be readapted.

In some instances, more intensive treatment options will be necessary. These grounding techniques are often combined with various treatment modalities such as cognitive behavioral therapy and somatic experiencing. There are also many different types of anti-anxiety medications available. Speaking with a professional can help you recognize if and when a more intensive form of treatment will be needed.


Anxiety disorders can be very debilitating and can make living a focused and productive life much more difficult. In order for your teen to effectively cope with challenges in the world around them, it will be crucial to find a few powerful coping mechanisms. While the techniques mentioned in this article are indeed very simple, they have also had a major impact on many people’s quality of life.