Why Brides Need Virtual Wedding Assistants

Of course, you need someone to help you through every step of planning for your wedding. It doesn’t have to be a traditional wedding assistant who must be there full-time. Everything gets more stressful when you think of all you need to do before your wedding. A virtual wedding assistant helps you make informed decisions that will ensure your wedding runs smoothly. Wedding assistants know the value of the services they provide.

All the wedding-related tasks from performing vendor research, negotiating contracts, to organizing wedding activities can be overwhelming. They require a full-time commitment to getting them done! If you have a full-time job, this could be even more difficult. This is why you need a virtual wedding assistant you can rely on. http://www.weddingassistant.co.uk would be able to help you in any way you need.

wedding assistant

If you think you can manage it all on your own, you need to read the reasons why hiring a virtual wedding assistant.

1.      It Is Convenient

Imagine having a full-time job plus your social responsibilities and you still have to spare more time to handle wedding tasks. It is stressful and you may not even enjoy your day as you planned. Planning your wedding on your schedule can make life simpler. With a virtual wedding assistant, you can do this without stress. You can always plan for your wedding together with your virtual wedding assistant through texts, emails, or skyping. Thanks to technology which has availed planning tools online. You can create weekly tasks and manage your wedding preparation online while carrying out your daily duties with ease.

2.      You Don’t Have to Hire A Local Wedding Assistant

The location of your wedding assistant has no impact on the capability of making your day special. They don’t have to be there physically to manage wedding tasks, advice, or help you save cash. What is most important is their knowledge, experience, and whether you can trust their services.

3.      Vendor Research

Booking vendors is overwhelming. You need to call, email, or text the vendors you know to confirm their availability. You will also discuss with them about pricing and packages before hiring any. Then you now compare their prices and services. This will take you time especially if you are confused about what to inquire from the vendors. Do you see why need a virtual wedding assistant to this tedious work for you?

A virtual wedding assistant will contact the vendors you prefer wit a list of services they provide plus their pricing. Your assistant will submit this for you to review. You will only need to decide based on what you see.

4.      It Will Help You in Cutting Wedding Cost

Cost is one of those major reasons why most brides choose to plan for their weddings without a wedding assistant. You will need to direct more funds to big things such as wedding venue, photography, entertainment, and catering. Investing money in someone your guests won’t even see is a waste of money. Work with a virtual wedding assistant and save all the money.

5.      You Get the Exact Level of Assistance You Need

Traditional wedding assistants provide full-time wedding services or step in when you are close to making your big day special. Do you know what this means? You will either get more help than you need or not get the level of assistance you needed. A virtual wedding assistant gives you exactly what you need.

6.      Writing Timeline

If you want your wedding to run smoothly, then you need a well-written timeline. You have to make time for certain activities. Have you set time for the arrival of guests and departure? How about doing makeup, transportation, speeches, and meals? A virtual wedding assistant will help you develop a perfect timeline that will match your wedding vision.

What Is the Difference Between Virtual Wedding Assistant and Traditional Wedding Assistant?

Depending on the services you want to be covered, a traditional wedding assistant will be there from day one to the last. On the other hand, virtual wedding assistants offer similar services although they cut costs. You can save thousands of dollars by hiring a virtual wedding assistant rather than a traditional one.


Hiring a virtual wedding assistant is the best thing you can ever think of. After all, you don’t want to spend so much money on your wedding when you can save some. Virtual wedding assistants provide wedding planning services you can easily afford. Although the virtual assistant services vary depending on the company, all the time-consuming tasks such as vendor research, budgeting, and timeline writing are usually covered.

The Best SEO Tools for Tracking

SEO is undoubtedly a common topic is the digital marketing world. This is because SEO can be the single most essential factor that will determine the success of a business or brand online. Therefore, every business must invest in optimizing their web pages and content for the search engines.

SEO Tools

Source: Search Engine Journal

While using different SEO strategies, it is equally important for every business to monitor their effort. This will help you know whether your SEO strategies are offering the desired results or not. And this is where using the best SEO tools for tracking comes into the picture.

Let’s look at the best SEO tools for tracking.

Google’s Webmaster Tools

Google’s Webmaster Tools is undoubtedly one of the topmost tools for any SEO specialist in Milton Keynes. This reliable tool can go a long way in helping you learn more about how Google sees your website. Since this tool is free, every SEO specialist or marketer can use it for monitoring their SEO activities. In addition, the simple and user-friendly interface of this service makes it suitable for everyone, including a novice.

One of the most exceptional features of this service is PageSpeed Insights, which can be used for tracking the speed of your website on mobile or desktop devices. Another feature is Fetch as Google. This feature is recommended for troubleshooting when your SEO is performing poorly. It provides relevant data that you can use to enhance your ranking in the search results.

Website Grader

Offered by HubSpot, Website Grader is designed for assisting businesses to track their sites to find different SEO opportunities. Like Google’s Webmaster Tools, HubSpot’s Website Grader is a free tool that you can use for a wide range of activities.

With an updated version of this program, you can easily monitor the loading speed, requests, size, and important SEO metrics of any page on your website. Also, Website Grader can assist you to determine the mobile readiness and security of your site.


If you are looking for an in-depth analysis of your website, Woorank should be one of your topmost choices. Although Woorank is a paid tool, it offers several benefits that you may not get from other free options. By using the website audit program, SEO specialists can get a detailed analysis that shows the performance of usability, speed, and other factors of a website.

After tracking the SEO of your site with Woorank, you will get a report with eight categories. These categories include SEO, technologies, mobile, marketing checklist, visitors, usability, social, and local.

SEO Report Card

This free tool is offered by UpCity. It focuses on analysing your site and comparing your site to the competitors’ sites. In general, UpCity’s SEO Report Card uses your contact information to track your stand against your main competitors.

After tracking your site’s SEO, this tool will provide information that includes trust metrics, rank analysis, on-site analysis, link building, indexing, and accessibility of your site.

Pro Tools

Moz’s Pro Tools also deliver an excellent analysis of your site. While keeping track of your SEO, this tool will assist to boost the search ranking of your business. This program comes with a wide range of tools that track your site’s growth, find SEO opportunities, create great and understandable reports, etc.

Using Moz’s Pro tools can be instrumental in helping you optimize your SEO strategies. Although you can enjoy a free 30-day trial, this is a paid program. Other best SEO tools for tracking include Ahrefs, BuzzStream, Check My Links, Linkody, and GrowthBar.

Global Exposure is a digital marketing agency that provides an impactful ROI for its clients by offering Creative Website Design, SEO & Social Media Management services. Global Exposure’s Website Design Studio is found in Central Milton Keynes where the company serves more than 100 happy clients in the UK.

Baltics Launch Europe’s First Pandemic ‘Travel Bubble’

As widely reported, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have finally opened their common borders as the Baltic region starts getting back to its regular state after the economic meltdown caused by the coronavirus issue. This has created what can be referred to as the first “travel bubble” among the countries in the European Union.

Some Estonian border officers got rid of all the signs stopping cars and other automobiles from entering into the border. Afterward, the border officers took cake and coffee together at the end of the activities.

After the first vehicles passed through the borders of Baltics, Martin Maestule said that “We have the little celebration because the border is now open again.”

So, if you want to have Baltic tours to explore Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, you can start preparing to do so now.

Baltics travel

With this new development, citizens and residents of these three Baltic countries can now enjoy movement from one nation to another without any restriction. However, any individual coming from outside will need to observe self-isolation for 14 days.

Lithuanian Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis noted that “The Baltic Travel Bubble is an opportunity for businesses to reopen, and a glimmer of hope for the people that life is getting back to normal.”

The opening of the borders of these Baltic nations came at the time when the executive of the EU is persuading its 27 member nations to open their internal borders again and allow people to travel wider with strict adherence to safety measures like putting on face masks during flights.

The infection rate of COVID-19 has slowed down in the Baltic nations as none of them reported over 12 new cases on Thursday. Besides, lockdowns have been stopped by the authorities since the end of April.

Also, the total number of deaths recorded by these nations is less than 150. This is significantly lesser than Germany, Spain, Italy, France, or other larger countries in the EU.

According to officials, about 120 vehicles passed through the border between Lithuania and Latvia within the first hours of opening it on Friday.

Also, on Friday, foreign ministers of Estonia and Lithuania went to Riga for the signing of a 3-way memorandum on the plan of the three nations to operate the travel zone collectively. The officials didn’t shake hands and maintained a distance of 2 meters between each other. During the meeting, they signed three copies of the document.

It is worthwhile to note that these three countries are the poorest members of the EU zone. It is believed that their economies will go down by 7 to 8% this year. The drop could have been 10% or more if the economies of these nations are not opened before the summer comes.

Notably, people can now travel between Poland and Lithuania as well as Finland and Estonia as the restrictions were removed recently. However, neither Finland nor Poland is in haste to be a part of the full “travel union” proposed by the Baltic nations.

Top-Quality Office Cleaning Services for All Sectors – Best Office Cleaning Companies in Brisbane, Australia

Nowadays, appearance matters in the viability and success of your business, regardless of your niche or industry. If you want to present a professional look to your clients and also hire the best hands in your field, you should have an office or business that is clean and attractive. Therefore, you should always engage a professional company for the best office cleaning Brisbane.

If you would like to hire the services of one of the best office cleaning company in Brisbane, Australia, you should realize that there are tons of companies you can consider. Unfortunately, these various options can make it difficult for you to decide the best office cleaning companies in Brisbane. Besides, if care is not taken, you may fall into the hands of amateurs who don’t know the right thing to do to clean your company. Well, don’t worry because Commercial Clean Group is here for you. We are a team of professionals that are fully dedicated to providing great cleaning services to all and sundry in Brisbane.

At Commercial Clean Group, we have perfected the art of cleaning various offices; hence, you can rest assured that we will proffer the best office cleaning solution whenever you are working with us. Our experts go extra lengths to make sure that we give you the kind of clean office that will boost the productivity of your employees.

Office Cleaning

Excellent work process

When working with any business in Brisbane, we understand that every business has different needs and preferences. Therefore, we take our time to understand your requirements before we start delivering exceptional services that will make you come back to hire us. Each service that we offer is overseen by seasoned management and supervision team. As a result of this, we are bound to get it right the first time. We make no excuses and your satisfaction is always guaranteed.

Similarly, our cleaners at Commercial Clean Group are professionals with several years of experience under their belt. We are fully insured and certified to service the needs of all businesses and offices in Brisbane, Australia. Consequently, there is no doubt about our ability to proffer excellent cleaning solutions.

At Commercial Clean Group, our experienced staffs are adaptable to changing our offerings to all companies. So, whether you are using our full service or need a customized cleaning solution, our commercial cleaners in Brisbane will give you unsurpassed cleaning services that will ensure extraordinary results.

Reasonable service costs

We understand that cleaning is a regular activity that your business cannot avoid. Resultantly, it tends to accumulate over time and become a substantial amount that can increase the running cost of your business. To help you manage the cost, we make sure that our services are affordable and reasonable. When compared to most of our cleaning competitions, our services don’t cost you an arm and a leg.

Also, we give every client the chance to determine the kind of cleaning services that they want. Our flexible office cleaning services in Brisbane make this possible for all businesses. Whether it is a one-off, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleaning service, we are always here to take care of your cleaning needs.

Contact Us

If you are ready to give your office a clean look, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today at Commercial Clean Group. Our office cleaning experts promise to deliver great services that will keep you coming for more. We also offer industrial cleaning in Brisbane, childcare cleaning in Brisbane, and commercial cleaning in Brisbane.

Email Negotiations Dos and Don’ts

For a long time, email has always been a leading means of communication for individuals in the world of business. When you email a proposal, you make obvious what is to give and take between the involved parties just as if you are meeting physically. You agree on things which then bring about the confirmation of all the important details of what you have agreed to or completed.

However, it should be noted that doing negotiations through email is not a perfect process as an email can be easily misinterpreted, especially when it comes to intent and tone. Indeed, this explains why negotiation training, such as the one offered by Shapiro Negotiations that covers all forms of bargaining, whether physical or virtual.

With this in mind, we will highlight the things to and the things not to do when it comes to email negotiations.

email negotiations


  • Focus on the details and strategic signals

Many people in the business world are fond of drafting and sending negotiation emails without putting into contemplation the strategic signals they are sending. For all it is worth, paying attention to all the necessary details and assessing the strategic signals being sent are very paramount. You do this by considering the language of your email draft and check if you’re communicating the way you intend to. Pause and check before sending it because your message should be as strategic as needed.

  • Be clear and concise

Complex proposals and data dumping through email can bring about confusion or ambiguity on the part of the recipient. This is because it’s very easy to misunderstand the content of an email message. Therefore, try to use a language that is not only clear but also concise.

Besides, try to include bullet points and executive summaries to make the message easily readable. When this is done, the recipient will have some confidence, which makes it easy for them to focus on the salient points while neglecting the less important ones.

  • Be wise with the timing

Apply wisdom to the timing of your negotiation emails. You don’t want to appear desperate to your counterpart so that they won’t take advantage of you. Therefore, before replying to any email during negotiation with another party, let it take some time so that they can understand you are not driven by desperation.

  • Consider whether to choose to send only an email or attach documents

Sometimes, the email doesn’t convey complex ideas properly. Thus, you might want to consider the option of putting it into Word and attaching it as a document instead of drafting an unnecessarily long email.

  • Apply benchmarks

Lastly, try to support your positions with benchmarks and standards such as precedent, market value among others. It is never enough to just email your message to your counterpart without any backing authority.


  • Send when angry

Anger is a destroyer. It can mar something built for ages in just a few seconds. Therefore, endeavor that your emails are not sent in the heat of the moment, lest you use a language you will come later to regret.

  • Lie or be dishonest

Another thing you must avoid at all costs is dishonesty. Research has shown that individuals tend to lie more in emails than in physical negotiations and break down negotiations faster than dishonesty as it destroys the mutual trust already established between the involved parties.

  • Sound manipulative

Finally, you have to watch the tone of your messages carefully before sending them. This is because you need to avoid coming across as manipulative, which is usually caused by relying solely on persuasion. This is especially so when such persuasion comes from a powerful position.

Now, you know the dos and don’ts for getting the most out of your email negotiations.