Sleeping Better

The Student’s Guide to Sleeping Better

Do you want to sleep better at night? How much sleep are you getting on average? The experts say that young adults need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep each day. If you get around 6 hours (or worse, less) then your brain isn’t going to work at its best. That’s going to put you in some embarrassing situations. Should the sleep deprivation continue though, it can lead to more serious problems including weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, and reduced cognitive performance. There are several potential causes of your inability to sleep properly at night;

Sleep Apps

It’s true that technology can make it harder to sleep at night, however, it can also help improve sleep quality when used properly. Apps such as SleepCycle and SleepTime can help a lot. They aren’t the most accurate measure, but they can still help you to determine if you have a troubled sleep cycle. Understand your sleep cycle and improve it so you wake up feeling more refreshed and alert.

Sleeping Better

Turn Electronics Off

Electronic screens give off blue lights that make us feel more alert and awake. You should turn off the TV and computer and avoid using your phone for at least half an hour before going to bed. Experts suggest the blue light from screens can trick the brain into thinking that you should be awake, which is going to make it harder to sleep at night. If you have absolutely no impulse control when it comes to watching Netflix or checking Instagram before bed, then take all of the technology out of your bedroom. Don’t give yourself the chance.

Be Active and Stick to a Routine

You should aim to stick to a regular schedule that sees you wake up at the same time in the morning. This synchronizes your body so you start getting tired at an appropriate time and have less trouble falling asleep. Exercising regularly can also help to improve sleep quality. Try to exercise at a similar time each day. If you like to work out in the evenings, then you should do your exercises with at least three hours to spare before going to bed. Exercising too close to bedtime is a stressful activity that can negatively affect your sleeping habits.

Create the Right Bedroom Environment

Getting to sleep requires the right light levels. Sleep schedules can be affected by light levels. Try to convert your bedroom into a place where you can rest and relax. Put up some softer lights like fairy lights that you can dim before hitting the hay. When the time comes to sleep, prevent light from getting into your room by closing curtains and blinds. On the other hand though, being exposed to natural light in the morning helps you to wake up slowly and naturally, and your body is sure to appreciate that.

If you’re looking to repaint your room then you want to avoid stimulating colors such as red. Instead, you should focus on warm neutral colors that make the room more relaxing.

Having trouble sleeping because of your neighbors or roommate? If that’s the case, you should try drowning them out with SleepPhones or earplugs to create the quiet, peaceful environment you need for sleep.

People sleep better in general when the temperature is a little cooler. Turn down the temperature in your bedroom to around 18 degrees Celsius. Not only will you sleep easier, but you’ll cut down your utilities bill too!

If you’ve tried these tips and you’re still having trouble sleeping at night then it could be time to contact a healthcare provider. How much sleep you get can be a major determining factor in your ability to live and function like a regular human being. Be sure to get enough of the good stuff!

Order in the Military

Disobeying an Order in the Military

Article 92 deals with violations of orders or regulations and failure of orders or regulations. This article covers different situations; violating regulations or general order, violation of other regulations or written orders, violation of the legal order or duty negligence.

What is Article 92?

Article 92, violation of the UCMJ, has many variances. These changes require slightly different elements of each charge to prove. Article 92 establishes three types of offenses: violations or non-compliance with general orders or regulations, non-compliance with other legal orders and negligence in the obligation. Article 92 leaders are common in many lawsuits. The government does not have to put much effort to find a claim under the article of 92 in most cases.

What Does Article 92 States?

Order in the Military

Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice states that a soldier does not comply with an order or regulation issued by an officer, officer or unauthorized person in a division or division. Article 92 is perhaps the most important article in the uniform law on military justice. Any member of the military personnel, be it the army, air force, navy, navy or coast guard, who does not obey the order of its superiors, risks serious consequences. Article 92 of the Uniform Law on Military Justice makes it an offense to disobey any legal order.

As a matter of threshold, the settlement must apply to the alleged and forbid the conduct they are alleged to have committed. In most cases, the order or regulation is intended to provide guidance. The regulation should specify that it is punitive. The agent should keep in mind that the specification may be defective if the appropriate regulations are not specified or if the request is a public request. The lawyer must also ensure that exceptions to the system or regulation are verified.

In case of negligence to duty, the question of the threshold is whether the defendant has a specific duty. The assignment can be applied by any number of sources, usually, the service included. The key, again, is that the accused must be aware of the exact obligation. The defense of incompetence will be largely determined by the facts. Examine the client’s duty, education, skills, and the context in which they are required to perform this duty.

What is the Maximum Punishment under Article 92? 

  • The maximum penalty for violation or violation of the general legal system or general regulations is dishonorable discharge, loss of all payments and appointments, and imprisonment for two years.
  • In case of violation of other legal orders, the maximum penalty is the discharge of bad conduct, the loss of all salaries, allowances, and imprisonment of six months.
  • In the event of negligence to duty or ineffectiveness of the offender, the maximum penalty is the loss of two-thirds of the amount per month for three months and a term of imprisonment of three months.
  • In the case of deliberate willful misconduct, the maximum penalty is the disqualification of misconduct, loss of all wages and benefits, and imprisonment for six months.

For charges of violation or failure to obey the legal general regulations or orders, most of the defenses will focus on deficiencies in regulation. This special provision does not require the accused to have specific knowledge of the regulation or order. In this regard, attacking the regulation defects is the main area of attack.

What You Need To Know About Cooling Tower Fill Media Today

We, in our everyday life, are surrounded by the advanced machinery and technology which we do not have even a slightest clue what they are for and how can they make our lives easier. One of such device is a cooling tower. It is used for, as the name says, cooling. It is an essential part of the systems that run power plants, manufacturers and factories or commercial HVAC systems to cool office buildings, hospitals, and schools.

**What is a cooling tower?

It is basically a heat exchanger which brings the water and air in contact with each other and are used to dispose of waste heat from manufacturing or other industrial processes. Other than preventing from overheating and explosion, it also cut costs by extending the life of the device.

How does it work?

In cooling towers, the most important part is the “fill media”. Hot water is pumped into the cooling tower and sprayed over the fill media which dissipate the heat quickly. The cooler water is collected at the bottom in the cold water basin and is pumped back into the facility to absorb the heat and cool down the equipment again.

The cooler tower fill media increases the surface area between the air and the water flow. It is a collection of slats/boards/PVC inside the tower that distribute the water evenly, quickly and as widely as possible. That is why fill selection is a crucial part.

Cooling Tower

##Fill selection

Selecting the right kind of fill can change the whole game of filler cooling tower. There are different types of fill media such as

  1. Splash Fill – it interrupts the water flow and causes a splash. The modern splash fills possess an offset flute geometry and are more fouling resistant.
  2. Film Fill – Pieces of fill are out together to create sheets of various thickness and heights depending upon the cooling tower you are going to use. The water travels across it.
  3. Vertical film fill – They have an amazing fouling resistance and provides a straight path for water and airflow but its thermal performance is not that great as compared to others.
  4. Bar type fill – the fill takes the form of splash bars throughout the tower allowing much more water to be passed. It is good to process dirty water and is easy to clean but it is the least effective fill.


The patterns in the fill are called flutes and are generally ridges or wrinkles. They make the water flow through the longest route possible.

• Smaller flutes have more capacity per cubic foot and are more expensive
• Larger flutes they are good for dirty water application because they get less clogged due to the excess space. Although they are not that efficient.

##Cleaning of the fills

Dirty cooling tower fills can lead to the production of bacteria, build ground for algae and other such things. There are variety of methods by which you can clean the fills i.e.

• Manually cleaning the tower then
• Wash with high pressure water filler repeatedly.
• If the filler is collapsing and producing various bacteria then it is better to replace the fill and sterilize the tower.
• Rinse the fill and the tower from inside and outside with water.
• For large cooling systems, fill can be cleaned by reducing the pH of concentration and the water
will become under saturated of calcite. Dissolve calcium carbonate in it which will bind with calcite and will work effectively.

Every possible effort should be made to clean the tower otherwise it will not work properly and can cause damage which will cost way too much.


Other than cooling down the facility and preventing it from exploding or fire, cooling tower fill media controls pollution as well. Here’s how

• Although the evaporating water droplets have certain harmful chemicals that can be bad for the environment but cooling towers have a thing called ‘drift eliminators’ in them. They prevent the water droplets from going into the environment by changing their direction and velocity and then recycle the water for heat absorption again.

• They are UV protected.
• Cooling towers can be installed quickly and easily.
• They are highly efficient.

type of funeral

What Students Needs To Know About Making Funeral Arrangements

If you have a friend or loved one who is seriously ill and you expect them to die in a few days or weeks, funeral planning is something you should think about. By getting ready in advance, you have control that allows you to explore your capabilities. It can help you meet with a funeral director to be more productive and save money.

Funeral arrangements

Most funerals are organized by relatives and close friends of the deceased. Many funerals are organized through the funeral director from the funeral home you decide to use. Remember to contact a couple of funeral directors to know and compare their prices, services, and request written information on the cost of services and other reimbursements before you plan any plans. When it comes to making funeral arrangements, discuss these with your friends, loved ones, about all religious and cultural inclinations that you would like to be honored during a worship. The funeral director can help you to contact the person you have chosen to create the monument or help you find someone. You can arrange the funeral yourself, it just takes a lot more work. When starting a funeral, you should first determine the type of funeral.

type of funeral

A Funeral Expenses

There are various families who find funeral arrangements that are not always a good option for their beliefs because of the cost of a funeral that is too great. It doesn’t matter if you arrange the funeral with the funeral director or do it yourself, your family and you will pay the expenses yourself. We need to warn you that before signing anything, ask for a price list and get a written estimate from the funeral director. Explaining the budget to the funeral director is very helpful. After choosing the funeral you decide on, a written estimate will give you a more detailed view of all the expenses involved. A prepaid funeral plan allow you to arrange and detail what kind of service you want your friends and family to celebrate the life you have lived. Informing your family about your funeral plan will reduce those difficult and complex decisions they will have to make during a difficult and emotional time.

Advance payments

Advance payment for funeral arrangements are for people who would not like to burden their loved ones with funeral expenses. A good funeral service, regardless of religion, price or planning, is basically a service to remember and honor a loved one. The best way to remember a person who has passed away is to remember what life they lived.

A funeral does not always have to be sad

The comfort of being together with others is important, so we can remember and celebrate one’s life. We are all different and people are increasingly planning personal and creative funerals to make the event as memorable as possible. A significant event of remembrance is the last way to show your love and commitment to the deceased. An important step in the grieving process is to celebrate the memory of your loved one and let her go.

Top 10 Tips to Stay Awake While Studying

Sleep is the enemy when it comes to studying for long hours late at night to cram for an important exam or test. Sleep gets in the way of you reaching your goals. If you study early on in the morning and you’ve got a fresh mind then things come easily enough, but if you try to study in the afternoon or late at night, the urge to sleep rises as you try to study for longer. There comes a point where you just get restless and you’re left with two choices; you can put the books down and try to get some rest, or you can fight the urge to sleep and continue studying. The problem is that it’s all too easy to fall asleep when studying. What you want to do is stay awake and fight off the need for sleep.


Here we have ten effective tips to help you fight away sleep while studying late into the night. Take note of how making small changes to your study schedule could make it easy to cast off the drowsiness and continue studying long into the night.

  • Keep the Study Room Well Lit

The first – and biggest – mistake many students make is that they study with just the light of a table lamp to keep them company. This leaves much of their room left unlit, which creates a cosy and comfortable environment that is going to tempt you into going to bed and falling asleep. Keep the room well lit to avoid this and make it easier to stay awake.

  • Sit On your Chair, not your Bed

Where you sit can go a long way when studying for a long time. Try to sit at a chair with good back support and a table in front of you. This helps you to stay alert and active when studying. If you were to lie down when studying it makes it all too easy to feel lazy and sleepy. Make sure that you regularly move your body parts while sat at the chair too to prevent them from going dormant.

  • Avoid Eating Heavy Meals

We’ve all had a heavy meal that leaves us feeling drowsy. If you go into studying in that kind of mood then you won’t be able to help falling asleep. Eating a heavy meal leaves you relaxed and full and can make it difficult to keep your eyes open. The lethargy that comes with eating a heavy meal also makes it harder to retain information, on top of making you more likely to go to bed. Don’t think that you’ll have to starve yourself to study though. Just eat a little earlier and choose a lighter meal option.

  • Get Plenty of Water

Water is recommended to students not only to keep them hydrated but also because it keeps you alert. This is one of the best studying hacks around. If you drink a lot then you need to get up regularly to pee. Having to pee like that keeps you alert and ensures you move around enough to stay awake. Getting a lot of water also hydrates your brain and makes it better able to read, process, and retain information.

  • Stick to “Early to Bed, Early to Rise”

They say that being early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. There’s some truth to that saying as getting to bed early will mean that you sleep enough to wake up feeling refreshed and energized. You can take that fresh mind and better concentrate on your studies. Fresh and ready minds are better able to concentrate and retain information.

  • Take an Afternoon Nap

If you’ve been stuck studying since morning, then you should be sure to take an afternoon nap. Getting a nice nap will stop your brain from getting too exhausted. It can also help you to avoid sleeping when studying late at night. Just a short nap is all you need to keep the drowsiness at bay.

  • Keep Your Body Awake and Alert

If you study in the same position for too long then you’re more likely to be hit by drowsiness and sleepiness. When you start to feel sleepy you should get up out of your chair and stretch your arms and legs. Take a few steps around your room and consider studying while walking. Studying while walking has been shown to improve concentration and stave off sleep.

  • Read Out Loud When Studying

This trick is a simple but effective way to stave off lethargy. Reading out loud minimizes the risk of sleeping while studying. This has something to do with listening to your own voice. You should teach yourself similar to how a teacher would explain topics in the classroom. Read out loud as if you were a teacher teaching yourself. This improves your learning power while making it easier to stay wake while studying.

  • Learn by Writing

Doing nothing but reading text on a page is just monotonous and it makes it more likely to feel bored. Boredom is the first step towards sleepiness. Keep the lethargy at bay by being more active in your studying. Learn by writing by taking down notes and other such things. This keeps your brain active because it focuses on using the pen and paper and it makes it easier to recall what you learn.

  • Avoid Hitting Heavy Subjects at Night

You’ll feel more sluggish at night if you try to solve complex problems or learn more difficult subjects. It’s recommended that you stick to easy and light sections of the syllabus at night. Leave those tough subjects for the day time when you are more fresh and alert. Late night studying should be for easy and interesting topics that you enjoy.

If you’re a student who is ready to sacrifice their sleep for grades, then these tips will certainly help you to reach those all-important academic goals.