Sound Therapy And Its Benefits
Sound therapy is a healing technique that uses the aspect of music to improve the emotional as well as physical health and also improve the well- being of a person. The person being treated partakes in sound healing frequencies with the help of a well-trained practitioner who understands how the frequencies works.
The sound healing involves things like listening to music, mediating, playing instruments, and moving up to the beat of the music. There are different types of this kind of therapy which includes vibrational sounds that provides vibration and it is believed that vibrational energy improves the waves of the brain. This type of therapy is believed to have its origin in Greece when music was used to help to treat mental disorders.
And throughout the centuries, music has been playing a great role in helping boost morale, help people work faster and raise the spirits when necessary. Having said that am sure you can agree with me when I say that sound therapy benefits are many and the following are some of them.

Source: Healthline
Relief from stress
One of the greatest benefit of sound therapy is the fact that it is an effective stress relieve. The soothing sound of music has been used for centuries for this purpose and science backs it up that music retune the brain and helps it to cope with stress better. This happens because music replenishes the brain through high frequency sounds.
Reduces headaches
Headaches are very common especially to the adults and I don’t think there is any adult out there who can go for a week without experiencing a headache. Painkillers might help but the perfect way of dealing with it is by trying out sound therapy. Sound therapy helps many get a relief to chronic headaches as well as migraines. It is also believed that it can address the root cause of the headache like high blood pressure and the common one, stress. A study that was conducted found that adults with symptoms of migraines got relief after 14 days of sound therapy.
Boosts confidence
Sound therapy creates new and positive pattern in the brain which can help bring about a boost in confidence. When you enjoy a sound therapy regularly, you will be able to take up the challenges that life brings to you with more confidence and believing that you can do it. This is something that we all need to help us keep pushing and if a sound therapy can help, then it is definitely worth a try.
Sound therapy gives you more focus
A session with a professional for sound therapy can help you regain the lost focus in your life. Sound therapy lowers the brain wave frequency and this is believed to help a person focus more. This will help you cope with day to day activities and it can also help athletes improve their performance.
More energy after a sound therapy
The truth is most things that you feel in your body is normally connected to your brain and it sends signals throughout the body. If your body is under stress, it normally feel tired and fatigued. A sound therapy is going to help relieve the stress and it can also help the brain to release latent energy.
Better relationships
One of the major causes of breakups in many relationship is too much stress. Stress can even lead to a divorce in a marriage that have been intact for many years. It is also a major contributor to poor work done which can lead to one being fired. Those are just but a few problems that stress can lead to. If you undergo a sound therapy, the stress levels will be lowered and you will be able to focus on building and strengthening your relationships.
It is a great relief to common ailments
There are a lot of ailments that we face in our day to day lives that are actually stress related. The old and the young all undergo stress in this modern age and the ailments related to it have increased drastically. Some of these ailments that sound therapy is going to help is depression, joint pains, and stomach pains and other stress related diseases. The sounds from the therapy creates a healing environment in the body and the body just starts healing itself.
Energy healing
If you are looking for an alternative way to improve your mental health, maybe you can try out energy healing. Energy medicine involves working with the energy within our bodies. It can be any type of therapy that uses the energy within the body of a person. Research shows that 10 minutes of energy healing has the same effect as the physical therapy.
Energy healing is being recognized by many health professionals as a good alternatives because of how it concentrates more on healing the whole body instead of just a part of the body. If you learn how to, it is something that you can do yourself from the comfort of your home.
There are many types of energy healing methods including shiatsu, polarity therapy and Qigong. Crystal healing, acupressure and acupuncture can also be included as methods of energy healing. But the common energy healing techniques which are, reiki healing and pranic healing.
Pranic healing uses prana the life force in the body to heal the processes of your body’s energy. The method utilizes the moon and sun among other natural resources and Master Choa Kok Sui (developer) claims that the body can heal itself if you work with your emotional energy.
Reiki healing on the other hand is believed to help many ailments like stomach ache, flu, common colds, and serious conditions like heart diseases. It is also very effective when it comes to dealing with depression, anxiety and other mental disorders. The technique works with the principle of bringing the body back to balance.