Personality disorders and how to know if someone has one?
Though they were invented a very long time ago, personality tests are something that the internet has made huge. If you want to find out the highlights of your personality you just need to look for free online personality tests on Google and you’ll get a thousand options. While they might not all be psychologically proven, they always tell us some facts about ourselves that end up making sense and giving us a fuller image of who we are and an explanation on why we really are the way we are. What many don’ consider is how personality tests are appealing because, in a world of uncertainty, they tell you how to behave. One of the things these tests can do is tell you if you happen to have a personality disorder. Here is something about personality disorders you might want to learn.
What is a personality disorder?

Credits: HealthyPlace
When we talk about personality disorders, you probably think about the movie “Split”, right? Wrong, well, not really, but they are much more common than you’d think, and they usually don’t transform you into a weird beast. A personality disorder is, indeed, a mental illness that can be triggered by environmental factors (such as experiences or upbringing), or can be more linked to genetics. Usually, it is both. There are different types of personality disorders, and you can take a free personality test to find out if you have any. In order for a disorder to be personality-related it has to affect at least two of the following areas:
- Way of thinking about yourself and others
- Way of controlling your behavior
- Way of responding in an emotional sense
- Way of relating to other people
Types of personality disorders
Antisocial disorder includes a pattern of not caring about, or even violating the rights of people around you. They are impulsive and have a disregard for social norms.
Avoidant disorder is a pattern of shyness, sensitivity to criticism, and being inadequate to the situations they face. There is a strong fear of rejection, which is why they usually don’t engage with others.
The Borderline disorder creates instability in emotional relations, as well as poor self-image, and impulsive behavior. Thy have a very strong fear of abandonment, to the point of threating with killing themselves.
Dependent personality disorder comes with a submissiveness and clinginess to those who have it. They can’t really make tough decisions without assurance and can’t quit take care of themselves.
Histrionic disorder involves excessive emotion and excessive attention seeking. They tend to try and draw attention to themselves, sometimes even with involuntary physical movements.
The narcissistic personality disorder might sound funny but it is a little more complicated than you’d think. People who suffer it have an intense lack of empathy, and give themselves utter importance. They are very entitled and try to take advantage of whoever they can.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a very famous one nowadays, but contrary to what they have made you think, it is not just putting your pencils by color. People who suffer from it are prone to seeking perfection and control, and have the intense need to comply with schedules.
The paranoid personality disorder involves the individual being constantly suspecting other of trying to harm them and sees everyone as mean to them. They are very difficult to obtain trust from and don’t usually let a lot of people close (emotionally and physically) to them.
The Schizoid personality disorder makes the person detached from social relationships and comes with a low expression of emotion in people. They tend to avoid close relationships.
Finally, the Schizotypal personality disorder, which includes patterns of uncomfortably with close relationships, eccentric behavior, and distorted thinking. They tend to develop odd beliefs and behaviors. They usually suffer from social anxiety.
How to know if I have a personality disorder?
There are many signs that might indicate you or someone close to you has a personality disorder, they might be extremely paranoid, have very focused beliefs, lack of interest for other, and many of the ones mentioned above. For some personality disorders, you can take free online personality tests that are psychologically approved and will help you determine if you suffer from it or not. For example, there is a 3-minute test that can accurately help you determine if you have Borderline Personality Disorder and is often used by psychologists to determine it.