Skin Health: Include These Vitamins In Your Diet for a Healthy and Glowing Skin

The skin is known as the human’s largest organ as it covers the majority of the body. Despite its importance to the body, the health of the skin is often affected by stress, dehydration, inner health, sleep deprivation, and lack of certain nutrients in our diets.

If you want your skin to glow and stay healthy for an extended period, different studies have shown that taking vitamins in your diet is one of the most reliable ways to explore.

Vitamins health


However, what are the vitamins that must be included in your diet for healthy and glowing skin? They are highlighted below.

Vitamin A

According to a 2013 study published by Gilbert C, vitamin A is a crucial vitamin that your body needs for the maintenance of the function and integrity of different layers of your skin. This vitamin has been identified as one of the primary nutrients that play a pivotal role in fighting free radicals in the body. By replacing your skin cells regularly, this particular vitamin ensures that the skin is strengthened from time to time.

Furthermore, vitamin A manages the production of sebum; hence, its availability in your diet can help you to treat psoriasis, eczema, acne, and other related skin conditions. Apart from skin health, vitamin A also enhances the functions of the bladder, the eyes, the respiratory tract’s lining, the inner ear, the gastrointestinal tract, and so on.

This vitamin can be found in egg yolks, carrots, cod liver oil, sweet potato, organic grass-fed butter, and liver.

Vitamin B3

Otherwise called niacin, vitamin B3 is another important vitamin that must not be missing in your diet if you are focused on getting healthy and glowing skin. Its main functions are to make your skin glow, soft, and healthy. It works by improving the skin function and ensuring that the skin cells are replenished regularly. When deficient in your diet, some of the skin disorders you can experience include dermatitis and rashes.

A few of the food items that contain vitamin B3 are green peas, beef, leafy vegetables, liver, chicken, avocado, turkey, sunflower seeds, yeast, pork, mushrooms, tuna, etc.

Vitamin B5

Some studies have shown that vitamin B5 is instrumental in improving the process of wound healing as well as the growth of new skin cells. Other names for vitamin B5 include pantothenic acid and anti-stress vitamin.

If you want to include vitamin B5 in your diet, consider taking fish, sweet potato, broccoli, egg yolk, chicken, liver, avocado, whole grains, and mushrooms.

Vitamin B7

Popularly referred to as biotin, vitamin B7 is a water-soluble B vitamin that goes a long way in safeguarding your skin cells against a wide range of issues including water loss. It lowers the risk of dry skin, scaly scalp, inflammation, and several other skin conditions.

Egg yolks, salmon, legumes, nutritional yeast, beef, almonds, whole grains, walnuts, liver, and avocado are some of the common sources of vitamin B7.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most commonly known types of vitamins. Evidence from various studies has shown that this immune-boosting vitamin is crucial for anyone that wants healthy and glowing skin. Based on the findings of a study carried out by Pullar et al, vitamin C plays a key role in reducing or mitigating the effects of sun damage or free radical damage on the skin. Consequently, this vitamin helps you to produce new collagen and speed up the rate of wound healing.

Parsley, kiwifruit, dark leafy greens, citrus, coriander, tomatoes, and capsicum are great sources of vitamin C. Notably, you should not cook these food sources too much as heat can destroy vitamin C.

Vitamin D

Like most other vitamins, vitamin D improves the health of your skin by promoting the growth of new cells. Victoria J. Drake, an expert at Oregon State University, also noted that vitamin D increases the rate of wound healing.

Although your body can get vitamin D through the exposure of your skin to the sun’s ultraviolet B, you can also get it from certain food sources. These sources include mushrooms, egg yolks, fatty fish, cheese, and cod liver oil.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that is responsible for the protection of the surface of the skin through its ability to stimulate the synthesis of sebum. You can find this vitamin in hazelnuts, leafy greens, avocado, olive oil, almonds, and Brussels sprouts.

While consuming these vitamins in your diet, consider using varicose veins cream to improve the health of your skin.


  • Gilbert C. What is vitamin A and why do we need it?. Community Eye Health. 2013;26(84):65.
  • Pullar JM, Carr AC, Vissers MCM. The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health. Nutrients. 2017;9(8):866. Published 2017 Aug 12. doi:10.3390/nu9080866
  • Victoria J. Drake. Skin Health and Vitamin D.

Therapeutic Update: Using Lasers for Tattoo Removal

Tattoos are a very popular thing among the youth yet as they grow older many may want to have their tattoos removed, this is referred to as tattoo regret. According to many, the main reason for having the tattoos removed is because they made a naïve decision while young and now don’t feel good about the tattoos.  Many are times some request the names of their ex-lovers removed. In most cases, visible or some types of tattoos do not go well with most types of work environments. However, laser technology invention has come in handy to assist people to deal with this problem, unlike traditional surgeries.

Is it possible to remove any type of tattoo?

This is a question asked by many, the density of the tattoo, its size, and the type of ink used will greatly affect the removal process.


The majority are removable, unfortunately, some are not completely removable. Over the last 10 years, tattoo experts have upgraded their tattoo skills and because of the improved ink technology, most tattoos tend to be permanent.

How does the laser remove tattoos from the skin?

Tattoos are usually designed to last for a lifetime, however, they can be removed by the use of laser technology. Once the ink gets into the skin, the immune system immediately senses danger. The white blood cells are then released to the site to fight the intruder.

Tattoo ink is usually made of heavy metals that are not compatible with the white blood cells. They therefore immediately start fighting it and takes it towards the kidneys where they will be disposed of from the body.

However, the problem here is that the blood cells are too small compared to the tattoo ink. The blood cells will take decades upon decades trying to fight but the ink will often remain almost intact; here is where the lasers come into play.

Lasers work by producing energy which breaks up the tattoo ink under your skin into very small particles. This makes it simpler for blood cells to carry and dispose of, it requires many laser sessions for the tattoos to be fully removed from your body.

What are the factors of successful tattoo removal?

In the removal of a tattoo, many factors are considered to the level of success.
Size. The bigger the size of the tattoo, the longer the amount of time it will take to be fully removed.

Location. Tattoos in softer locations of the body are easier to remove than ones is a harder region of your body.
color. The success of tattoo removal depends on the type of color used. The black color is generally easily removed, unlike others.
Age. Older people mostly have weaker immunity, making their body healing process slower, this makes it harder to remove the tattoos permanently.
Newer tattoos are also more difficult to remove compared to older ones.
and health conditions.

Tattoo removal just hurts as much as when they are placed, even though this varies among people; it is generally uncomfortable. To reduce the pain, experts advise on having Tylenol some hours before the session begins. Anesthetic ointments are also applied to the tattoo to reduce the pain further.

The removal of tattoos by laser always takes a few minutes, this will however depend on the size and the type of tattoo. You will need many sessions for the tattoos to be removed, most are usually split between 5-8 weeks.

During a tattoo removal session, you will be required to wear eye shields to prevent the eye from coming in contact with the laser rays. The laser pulse is usually very rapid and as per the tattoo size, between 10 and 30 pulses will be required per session.


There are many ways of removing tattoos but most of them often leave scars in place of the tattoos. The laser has proven to be the best method of removing tattoos, it has very minimal side effects and is also highly effective.

Laser technology has helped to easily remove tattoos and without leaving any traces of the tattoos or injuries. This has unlike traditional ways increased the efficiency together with the amount of period that the tattoo takes to disappear.

Acupressure Mat

What is an acupressure mat and could it help your anxiety?

For centuries, acupressure techniques have been used as a form of remedy. Pressing your body on certain points give benefits you cannot get from medication. While acupressure treatment takes time, effort, and sometimes a lot of money, the method itself can be transformed into day-to-day tools. One of which is the acupressure mat. The idea of a mat that can press your body up may seem a little strange. But once you understood the purpose and benefit, you can use it to help your anxiety.

What is an acupressure mat?

Acupressure MatBasically, it is a thick mat made of foam or rubber that is embedded with spikes on hard disks. To put it in a simple sentence, it is a more modern version of a bed of nails. These spikes are designed to replicate the pressure applied to your body throughout acupressure therapy sessions. The cheap ones made from durable plastic, good brands offer 100% recyclable Medical grade HIPS plastic, other bmats can be made from metal materials such as nickel.

With acupressure mats, you get to enjoy most of the benefits of acupressure therapy without having to attend any session with the therapist. This way, you get to save more time and money.

Can acupressure mat help your anxiety?

When facing a challenging or stressful situation, some people may experience anxieties. Some won’t last long, but some experience severe anxiety that may impact their lives in the long term. The symptoms of anxiety include fatigue, nausea, sleeping disorder, and muscle tension.

Anxiety is mostly treated with therapy, meditation, or a combination of both. There are also alternative treatments that can help, including acupressure. Acupressure can counter anxiety as it switches on the nervous system to produce chemicals in the body. These will provide pain relief.

The direct relation of acupressure mat and anxiety is slightly small. But, there’s a sign that it will help you relax. One of the quickest ways to help you relax when anxiety hits you is to sit in an upright position. You can place your thumb between your eyebrows quite firmly and make circular motions with your thumb. While you’re doing it, breathe through the nose and out through your mouth. This exercise will relax the nervous system and stop your heart from beating too fast.

It’s recommended to use the acupressure technique in a meditation or yoga practice with professionals. Also, acupressure mat will give a maximum benefit when you use it even just by lying on it for 20-40 minutes, several times a week. It’s a safe and simple way to relieve your anxiety.

How to use it properly

It may take some time to get used to the mat. The spikes are sharp and can cause pain or discomfort when you use the mat for the first time. But after a while, you will start to warm up to it and you will feel good lying on the mat eventually. To help you with the transition, here are some tips to use your acupressure mat properly:

Choose the right surface to lay the mat

First-timers often make a mistake by using the mat on a bed or sofa. This may seem like a good idea, but the mat requires a flat and firm surface to optimize its function. That being said, if the spikes are hurting too much, you can use the bed as a start. Once you get used to it, spread out the mat onto the floor.

Apply another layer between yourself and the mat

To help you get used to the sharp spikes, you can wear a shirt or a thin fabric instead of going bare skin. It may help to reduce the pain from the pressure. However, for the best result, it is highly recommended to go bake skin.

Use the mat often and routine

For some people, it takes time to get used to using the mat. But many others have no complaints even from the very first time. Using the mat often will help you get used to it plus optimizing the result.


The acupressure mat is guaranteed to help you with your anxiety. As your blood flows better, your body becomes more relaxed. That is one step closer to the anxiety-free moments you deserve. Play relaxing music in the background and practice your breathing technique during your time lying on the mat. These will help you even better with your anxiety!

How to deal with peptic ulcer disease?

Peptic ulcers occur when the lining of the stomach and small intestine gets open sores. These open sores induce a lot of pain and discomfort and are sometimes a source of bleeding as well. Read on to know more about peptic ulcer disease and how you can prevent it:

What causes peptic ulcer disease?

As with the pathophysiology of almost all the gastric diseases, eating habits and lifestyle play a vital role. An important cause of peptic ulcer disease also lies with what we tend to eat. Ulcers form in the gastric lining when there is excessive production of gastric acid, or there is breakdown of the protective mucus layer. As a result, the stomach lining gets irritated by the acidic environment, and inflammation and pain ensues.

In our setting, Helicobacter pylori infections are a major cause of peptic ulcer disease. H.pylori spreads through eating unclean food and water, as well as, close contact. While many people who are carriers of H.pylori do not get ulcers, in some, it can break down the mucus layer and raise the amount of acid. This can end up causing severe and resistant to treatment peptic ulcer disease, which often returns despite treatment.

peptic ulcer disease

Frequent and indiscriminate use of painkillers also leads to peptic ulcer disease. NSAIDs like Aspirin can interfere with the protective mucus barrier over the stomach lining, which makes it vulnerable for the stomach acid. This also occurs with other NSAIDs like naproxen and ibuprofen, as they have the same mechanism of action, and occurs more often when these drugs are taken for a long time. For this reason, self-medication is often not a great idea, as seemingly harmless drugs can also have potential adverse effects people are unaware of.

Other types of painkillers like acetaminophen, however, do not have the same adverse effect on the stomach lining and are often prescribed as an alternate.

Stress can be an unavoidable risk factor and causative agent for peptic ulcer disease, as can be eating spicy food and smoking cigarettes.

What are the symptoms of peptic ulcer disease?

With excessive gastric acid production, there is discomfort in the belly, especially on an empty stomach. There can also be acid reflux in a recumbent position, especially at night, or on lying down shortly after eating. In severe cases, there can be a grinding pain under the breastbone, which goes away on taking antacids, but returns when the effect of the drug wears off.

Small ulcers more often only cause pain. However, big ulcers can be problematic and can show alarming signs like blood in vomitus, bloody or dark stools, or weight loss. If any of the aforementioned symptoms are observed, you should visit a hospital which has a multi-speciality panel as soon as possible. Mid City hospital is a good option in this regard.

How to manage peptic ulcer disease?

The goal of therapy in peptic ulcer disease is: to relieve the symptoms of the patient, and deal with the cause of excessive acid production. Small ulcers can heal on their own, but some ulcers can be recurrent if proper care is not taken. In most cases, treatment is tailored according to the cause behind the ulcer.

In case of H.pylori infection, a mix of antibiotics are used to kill the bacteria. Triple therapy is used—with two kinds of antibiotics, and one proton pump inhibitor, for some time for complete eradication of bacteria. Any interruption in treatment can lead to recurrence of infection, therefore, adherence and compliance are essential for treatment to be successful.

If the cause behind peptic ulcers disease is too much use of NSAIDs and painkillers, then their use must be tapered for relief. Reducing the dose of painkiller can also be effective; you can talk to your healthcare provider to switch your medication to one that does not disturb the gastric mucosa.

There are certain medications for peptic ulcer disease that help to reduce the secretion of gastric acid. These include drugs called: proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine blockers. PPIs help in reducing the secretion of gastric acid, and therefore protect the lining of stomach and duodenum, and allow it time to heal. In fact, PPIs are also used in fighting H.pylori infection. PPIs are great for managing peptic ulcer disease; however, they too aren’t without side effects. PPIs should be used only for the duration of the period they have been advised by the healthcare provider and not longer. Studies show that in Pakistan, many people self-medicate with PPIs, which is not a good thing in the long term. Examples of PPIs include: omeprazole, esomeprazole, pantoprazole, lansoprazole.

Histamine receptor blockers also help to reduce the secretion of acid through blocking the histamine pathway. They also work in a similar manner to PPIs and give time for the peptic ulcer to heal while there is reduced secretion of acid. Examples of histamine receptor blockers include: famotidine, cimetidine, ranitidine.

Another class of drug that helps to protect the gastric mucosa is called protectants. They work by coating the ulcers in a way that gastric acid cannot come in contact with the ulcer. Sucralfate is a commonly prescribed protectant that doctors use for peptic ulcer disease. Antacids can also be prescribed to help neutralize the acid already present in the stomach.

Peptic ulcer is a serious condition and requires immediate attention from a gastroenterologist. You should thus visit a hospital at your earliest with a competent gastroenterologist panel. The National Medical Center is one such facility.

The Best Office Cleaning Tips & Tricks

Cleaning the workspace regularly by company employees is not common in Australia. Business owners do not feel that the office should be cleaned in the same way as their residence. Besides, it can be cumbersome to do so and instead, a commercial cleaning company is hired. If you have not hired a professional commercial office cleaning company in the past, then,  chances are that you are not aware of the severity of the situation. Hence, it is in your best interests to consider hiring an office cleaning company. However, if you want the office employees to play their part in cleaning the office, the following office cleaning tips and tricks will prove useful.

Office Cleaning

  1. Assign a Shelf for Cleaning Items

One of the best tips that will ensure that cleaning is done on time is by assigning a shelf for the cleaning items. When it comes to office cleaning, it is crucial that a shelf is designated for all of the cleaning equipment including the microfiber rags, rubbing alcohol, cleaning solutions, mops, and dusters.

  1. Involved Everyone To Clean Their Workstation

The best way to keep the office in a tip-top condition is by ensuring that everyone is involved in cleaning their workstation. If everyone meticulously cleans his or her workstation regularly, it will help keep the office neat and clean. Moreover, equipment on the desk such as the stationery items, keyboard, phone, and the monitor should be dusted every other day to clean the cubicles.

  1. Clean Dust From Lighting Fixtures

It is common for electrical equipment and lights to gather dust. Hence, it is important that they are wiped often. But, the employees should be cautious when cleaning the dusting from lighting fixtures. These days, there are many cleaning supplies that make it a lot easier to clean dust from the lights and lighting fixtures.

  1. Focus on Floor Cleaning Daily

The first thing that people notice when they step into an office is the floor. This is why it is crucial that the floor is cleaned daily. Tile and linoleum floors look their best when mopped and vacuumed daily. Older floors on the other hand can be stripped and maxed based on regular intervals to retain their top condition.

  1. Regularly Clean the Refreshment Area

The refreshment area is one of the areas which gets dirty quickly. Thus, it has to be regularly cleaned. The coffee and tea area easily attracts flies and different types of bugs when the trash has not been emptied. Moreover, the counter should also be wiped down.

  1. Ensure That Employees Regularly Clear Their Wastebasket

Since every employee has his or her own wastebasket, it is vital that they clear it regularly. When employees leave from work every day, they should make sure that they emptied the wastebasket.


A clean workspace is crucial for a healthy workspace. The above tips will help ensure that the employees play their part when it comes to keeping the office neat and clean.