
Dancing Tips

Do you ever feel embarrassed at being the weird one in the group during a party just because you are not confident to dance? It is not a good place to be because you will fringe at the mention of the word party and start ignoring invitation just because you want to avoid the embarrassment. You should not let this problem weigh you down because dancing can easily be learnt by anyone. All you need is gain the confidence and enjoy the music without trying so hard. If you want to watch the night fade away faster than is the norm, take time to grasp a few tips here.


Bob Your Head

Follow the beat in your head and give it a move as grasp it. It is okay to count the measures as you give a little swing or bob to your head. Listen to the drums or bass to catch the rhythm. This will help you learn how to focus to music.

Shift your Weight

Adjust your feet so all you weight is carried on one foot. You may lift the other foot to ensure it is free. At the count of say; 1 and 3; shift your weight to the other foot as you focus on the counts. When you can do this comfortably, try shifting on every count until you get the hang of it. Keep your legs loose by slightly tilting your knees. Add a little of a bounce in your shifts as you make the counts. You may exaggerate the bounces, as you feel freer to enjoy the moves.


After you notice comfort in the shifts, begin to move the feet further apart. Begin with slight distances of a few inches as you increase gradually. Avoid raising the foot up as it should be as close to the ground as possible.

Add some Hip Action

Move your hips to the rhythm to add style to the movement. Begin by moving it slightly to the direction of the foot movement. Continue twisting your body slightly to add flair to the movement.

Move the Arms

When you are comfortable enough (and this may take you time to learn) you may move your arms or snap your fingers.

At this moment, you will be flexible enough to adjust to other styles of dancing. It is the basic move that helps you keep up rhythm and all the other styles can be built from this single dancing move.


First you need to realize that dancing in its basic form, is an expression of emotion, release of energy, and delight in body movement. In summary, you need to get the connection and involvement with the moves beyond grasping them. Take note of the impulse because it can be channeled by performers and spread through the audience. Allow yourself to be carried away with the powerful impulse without thinking too much or trying too hard. If you find the connection, nothing will stop you from dancing.

student clothes discount

Clothing Stores You’d Never Knew Had College Student Discounts

student clothes discount

Are you looking for clothing stores where you can avail discounts? As a college student, the struggle is very real when we talk about the money. Hence, it is very hard for you to purchase the stuff you really need, particularly new clothes. After all, you should get some sort of discount after paying so much for your school!

However, fret no more! In this post, we will provide you with top clothing stores that offer a discount to college students. Are you now ready? Let’s dive in!

  • TurboTax

TurboTax for college students: If you’re a student and attended at least one course last year, you might qualify for significant student tax breaks.”

“Lucky for you, TurboTax specializes in helping students get their maximum tax refund. We have a great student discount, or for students with simple taxes, you might even be able to file free!”


This sought-after store offers 5% cash back on all purchases along with a student discount. All you need to do is to sign up for StudentRate.com, and you’ll receive free shipping with any purchase worth more than $50. Isn’t that amazing?



Dockers is an online store, but once you sign up for them, college students receive a 20% discount instantly!



This store has many branches all around the country. If you want that internship look, this store will get you that along with a 15% student discount!


  • CREW

This unique and classic accessory, shoe, and clothing store will offer college student quirky looks all year round with a 15 percent discount.



Catered for women only, Ann Taylor is a clothing store that offers female college students with 15% student discount.



What’s more, Topshop is a store which features some of the best women’s fashion trend and even features Kylie and Kendall Jenner’s swim collection. So, if you are into that, grab your college student ID and go to their store to receive 10% off online and in stores.



The Banana Republic offers 15% college student discount on full-priced purchases.



Get a 15% discount off full-priced products every time you shop in a Kate Spade store.



In this store, college students aren’t only the ones who are privileged with 15% discounts. Teachers also can take advantage of their 15% off in-store purchases.

  • H&M

Take advantage of all the trendy and sophisticated accessories, shoes, and clothing your wardrobe can hold at H&M’s 15% discount.



Whether you shop online or in-store, Club Monaco will offer you 15% off on both sale-price and full-price purchase.



Shop and purchase at Boohoo and take advantage of their 10% full-priced or off sale items.


  • LEVI’S

If you want to receive discounts from this sought-after clothing brand, all you need to do is to sign up with email, and you will get free shipping and a 20% off on your first online order. But wait, there’s more! You’ll also get a 15% discount after that. What do you think?



All your pre-med university out there can receive 15 percent discount scrubs along with college student discount by Medelita.


  • TOMS

Want to change that old pair of shoes of yours for a discounted price? Steve Madden offers 10 percent cash back on shoes, and for each pair you purchase will be given to a kid in need. You don’t only get discounts; you’ve also helped someone with your purchase.

With this stores that offers college student discount, you can surely get brand new items which doesn’t break your bank. What are you waiting for? Shop now!

Reducing Depression – A New Approach to Reducing Depression

According to a research conducted by the American Psychological Association in 2017, 25% of all primary care patients experience depression. However, only 33% of these are diagnosed and treated. The figures prove that mental illness is as common an issue as obesity or cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer. At least 14 million Americans suffer depressive disorders. The sad part is that majority of them are clueless about their condition and do not attempt to find relevant solutions.

The important and relieving issue is that depression is highly treatable and manageable too. You do not have to be helpless anymore. Along with workable therapy and medication, there is a lot that you can do by yourself in reducing depression. This includes your physical activity, lifestyle, and way of thinking.

reducing depression

Here are some tips on how to reduce depression

Adopt a Routine

Experts recommend routines for depressed people. Since depression strips victims of a structural life, you need to create habits as a fight back. When you are depressed, days melt quickly into weeks without any reasonable or useful work done. Adopting a routine helps you bring back order in your life. This is possible through developing a daily schedule to help you get back on track.


Exercise is responsible for stimulating the ‘feel-good’ chemicals called endorphins. This means that exercise is a good long-term solution for depressed people. Regular exercise causes rewiring of your brain in positive ways.

You do not need to run marathons to get a benefit from exercise. Maintaining light exercise but on a regular basis will have the biggest positive effects, which you need.

Adopting a Healthy Diet

Admittedly, there is no magic diet solution for depression. However, it is wise to watch what you eat, as some foods will only make the problem worsen. For example, if the condition pushes you to overeat, you are at risk of gaining weight. Getting control of your eating will improve your life.

You may not find a prescription, which is definitive to adopt. However, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and folic acids help in reducing depression. They include salmon and tuna (rich in omega-3 fatty acids) and spinach or avocado (rich in folic acid).

Enough Sleep

Insufficient sleep makes depression worse. It makes it difficult for a victim to get enough shut-eye moments. Finding enough sleep will counter its effects. You may begin by choosing a lifestyle, which includes a schedule for bed time. Avoid all distractions from your bedroom. For example, get rid of your computer, TV, lighting and music. These measures will help improve your sleep patterns.

Take on Responsibilities

Depression compels one to pull back from life and withdraw from responsibilities. Do not accept to be pulled off from responsibilities from home and work. Staying involved and having daily responsibilities helps to maintain a lifestyle that keeps depression at bay. Duties ground you and have a sense of accomplishment. If you are busy with full-time school or work, you may introduce some part-time activities.

Tyson Rhame’s Advice on Goals and Dreams

Entrepreneur, starting new business, leadership concept.

Ty Rhame after graduating from the Air Force Academy in 1988, he fed his fondness for aviation and his love for leadership and after then pursuing a career in the United States Air force Reserves. His dedication to the military service has earned him awards and he serves in the capacity of a Lieutenant Colonel.

Ty Rhame in this his Slideshare presentation outlined the characteristics and attribute existing in the mind of a successful entrepreneur, as well as the mentality needed to maintain a strong work ethic as an entrepreneur. He used iconic entrepreneurs to illustrate and break down their mental composition so as to better demonstrate how certain attributes creates a particular work ethic and in the end a more successful future.

He narrates how he used his military experience to develop is entrepreneurial skills. He outlines the correlation between the training he receive in the Air Force Academy and his ability to draw the positive attributes acquired in the Air Force to start successful business. He further explains that in the military, it is very important to have a tremendous skill for easy communication, coordination, motivation and understanding the people who are needed for any mission completion. Ty Rhame further says that in the military knowing people’s problem, strengths, impuissance, and motivation so as to achieve long term goals was necessary. There he leaned to be perceptive to both nonverbal communication and actions. He mentioned that everyone deserves respect and that everyone has something to offer. This became one of the most rewarding and one of the most critical skills he need as an entrepreneur.

Creating business and employment is part of being an entrepreneur he conveyed and these jobs should be solely about people. Ty Rhame reiterates that as a businessman, you should take very good care of your employee. The people that work in a business are not just “cogs in the wheel” that run in a machine as he calls it but to show how they merit to be respected and endowed. To be a successful business owner in his opinion, an entrepreneur is requires to respect, nurture, and care for the people throughout the organization. Ty Rhame mentioned how this can lead to great opportunities for them, making the world a better place for them and all. In his reference to business and military, he mentioned that military and business cannot achieve anything if there is no harmony among the rank and that solid people skills are the keys to unifying efforts.

Tyson Rhame made a self-proclaimed goal to work with the Air Force Endowment Board where he will be able to raise awareness and educate graduates so that he would be able to teach them leadership skills and how convert the opportunities offered in the Air Force Academy to enhance themselves to become better and inspiring leaders. A dream which became true.

How to mix and match your leather sofas with other pieces of furniture to achieve the most beautiful interior decorations

It has always been a norm to mix and match things beautifully in your living room before you can be seen as a stylish person.  Your choice of leather sofas and how well you mix them up to bring out the beauty of your living room tells a lot about your personality and sense of style. In this post, we will help you learn some seasoned tips you can employ when it comes to mixing and matching your leather sofas to achieve a more visually appealing furniture setting around your home.


 Let the color of your leather sofas act as the unifying theme.

This is one of the most important mixing and matching rules when it comes to your interior decor. It is okay to have a wide variety of styles in the same home space to suit your unique style and tastes, but there has to be something that acts as a unifying factor for all your styles and decorations. And the easiest way to achieve this unification is to make color your unifying factor.  You can choose a conventional sofa that comes with a number of modern armchairs to do the unifying work for you, so long as they all fall into one color family.


Choose a companion for every piece of furniture

Most people believe every room should have its own statement piece. While this can be said to be a very nice concept, it is important to point out the fact that it can be very deceptive. A statement piece does not imply you must decorate a whole room using one sleek, modern interior decor idea, and then add a single piece that might look like something out of Hollywood living rooms.

While the statement piece will certainly stand out in the room, it will fail to make the strong statement you desire. Instead of going with the statement piece idea, you can go with something more effective like this: Make sure every piece of furniture has a companion, and ensure their even distribution throughout the room.  What this means is that you must avoid putting all the matching pieces in one place when you have different styles of leather sofas or some other piece of furniture.

For instance, if you have some medieval designs of leather sofas and some modern designs, don’t put the medieval designs at one end and put the modern the designs at the other end. Mixing everything up will make more interior decor sense and give a more pleasing visual appearance to your living room.


Avoid Combining Too many Styles

While you want to mix things up a bit, you should avoid going for too many styles that may end up giving your living room a sloppy look instead of the stylish look you desire. Adding too many styles, colors and designs of leather sofas and other pieces of furniture will end up giving your room a busy and stuffy appearance.


Choose the best quality leather sofas

This is about the most important rule of all. This is one furniture rule that will never go out of fashion. Choosing the best quality furniture your budget can accommodate is one of the most important things you should pay attention to while choosing leather sofas and other furniture for your home decoration. A good quality furniture will last for years, and you won’t need to shop for replacements anytime soon.