fifa 2019

How to Perform A Fitness Shot Score in FIFA 19

The finesse shot is back in FIFA 19 and it once again serves the purpose of taking a highly accurate shot on goal with the sacrifice being a little bit of the power that you’ll find on a normal shot. The trade-off is that Finesse shots are a little bit harder to execute and will add a bit of curve to the shot which often does well to get around the goalie.

The finesse shot can be used in a number of different scenarios, but we’ve found that it’s a really good shot to use when you are one on one with the goalie and they are the only one between you and the goal. Since the shot uses a curve, you’re going to want to angle the player to take the shot with their dominant foot and then try to curve the ball around the goalkeeper. The finesse shot won’t look as powerful as other shots, but it can be used from a number of different distances. Additionally, when you’re in front of goal in FIFA 19, there will be times where you need to hit the ball with every last ounce of strength that your player can possibly conjur up in their leg. Other times, a more delicate approach is required. That’s where the finesse shot comes in particularly handy in your offensive arsenal, allowing you to place a shot into unreachable areas of the goal such as top or bottom corners.

fifa 2019

In order to do a finesse shot and score in FIFA 19, you’ll need to use the same inputs you’ve been doing in previous years. For newcomers, let’s run you through those. On PS4, you’ll need to hold the R1 button while you’re holding Circle to charge up your shot with the right amount of power for the distance you are away from goal. On Xbox One, you’re going to hold the RB button while you’re holding B. That’s enough if you want just a bog standard finesse shot, but who wants standard when you can pull off a wonder strike?
In FIFA 19, the introduction of the Timed Finishing system means that you can get some additional placement and power on your shot by pressing the shoot button (Circle or B) again at the exact correct time.
Unfortunately, if you don’t have the trainer on in FIFA 19, there’s no gauge or bar to tell you when to hit the shoot button again for the Timed Finishing system, you just have to kind of guess. But once you’ve got a few under your belt, you’ll be pulling off one miraculous finesse shot after another in FIFA 19.
And there you have your rundown on how to finesse shot in FIFA 19. Hopefully, this guide would be helpful for you. Recently, FIFA 19 future star players are on promotion. Wanna add one of those wonderkids to your squad? Then come and buy Cheap FIFA 19 Coins and Points at We are the cheapest online in-game currency store.

Live radio

4 Reasons Why Always Radio Is Preferred Over Media Players

Live radio players have lasted a decade more than any other means of listening to music, from its peak regime days of the 80s and 90s, where radio players were seen in every other movie or show either on the car or separate radio players, radio was shown as the cool back then. To today’s era, when such advanced and new devices like Alexa, and apps like Spotify have been introduced, radio still tops the chart in America in terms of the most common way to discover new music, according to Nielsen, a data analytics company announced in their annual music 360 report, which has been just released. The Radio All Dimensions Audience Research has also stated that since 1970, the percentage of people aging 12 and more listening, every week, to broadcast radio has remained steady. Which shows that radio is still alive, while the government seems to be saying that the radio days are long dead, dead and dusted.

Live radio

It may be the case that terrestrial radio days have certainly died. And so are car radio times, as people don’t seem to be blasting music on radio players in their cars because of built-in tapes in vehicles and mobile apps which are directly connected to the tape and stored music is at your service at all times. While the Internet has changed the course of living, it sure has left the radio days behind, but not entirely. In place of it, live streaming of radio over the internet has gained popularity amongst the millennials, as the internet is the most easily accessible commodity to them. One way or the other, radio has lived through the decades to present times.

Reasons Why Radio Is Still Better Than Media Players

Even with the new media players or now even more advanced music downloading apps like Spotify, Apple music, and tons of others. Radio has been able to live to all these times because of the reason. Which Larry Miller, director of the music business programme at New York University, likes to describe as “with such wide choice of music on hand at all times has led to the tyranny of choice for some people, as some academics and analysts like to call it.” Which means with all the music available at all times, people still don’t know how and where to discover new music from, like back in radio days, which will help them if not the radio? What’s the latest good music, head back to the radio and discover yourself.

Internet, however being easily accessible to the entire globe, some parts of the world still does not have such easy and free access to the Internet. It is these parts of the world which have still kept the radio days alive, like China, Egypt, Iran, India, Pakistan and Africa, and many others. The Internet is not as free to some parts of the world like these as to the others, which means not as easy access to apps like Spotify Apple Music for the middle to lower class of these countries, which has favored the prolonged period of live radio players. As in these parts of the world, live radio is still listened to daily widely, by the people who cannot afford the internet.

Radio still has preference over the new and advanced media players because of the cost of using it. People who cannot afford to enjoy the facility of free internet or free music sites still prefers radio as a free means of entertainment like always, which it still is.

Some people still prefer radio players over media players because radio players are not only confined to music. They reach a wide range of entertainment departments like talk shows and sport or news updates. While music players only offer music entertainment to its users.

People have been listening to radio shows and following them from the start of time, while a lot of other media player apps have changed the course of music playing, people still prefer to follow their podcasts and talk shows they have been following from a long time, which glues them to radio players as well.

Screen Reader

Why You Should Hire A Script Reader

When you are making a low budget film or amateur movie, it is ok to ask your peers or your fellow writers to write screen coverage for you. However, if you are looking forward to making a movie or TV drama that you hope to go viral, it is highly recommended that you get the services of screen reader as soon as possible. A good screen reader can polish your work and give your movie a higher chance of being accepted by viewers.

Nowadays, when competition is at its highest in the movie industry, it is important that you do thorough work to be able to compete with the rest of the scriptwriters. As a scriptwriter, you have a risk of ending your career when you receive multiple bad reviews from producers. Producers usually don’t have the patience for amateur writers. Thus, you need to hire a screen reader to help you point out errors in your work before you turn it in.

No doubt, paying someone else to criticize your work can seem challenging but it worth it. It is better you receive a constructive criticism than to have movie executives reject your work and terminate your contract. If you still don’t know why you need to hire a screen reader, this article will show you the top reasons why hiring a screen reader should be your priority.

Screen Reader

Top Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Screen Reader ASAP:

  1. Get a Constructive Criticism

Making a movie involves millions of dollars. Thus, movie executives always ensure they get the best script. After all, a movie is as good as the script. If a movie receives a bad rating, then the scriptwriters are to blame as well. Of course, no one wants to hire a writer with bad ratings. This is why it is important you get this criticism from an expert before you get it from the public.

Public criticism can end your career as a scriptwriter or movie maker. A script reader, however, can help you ensure that this doesn’t happen. A good script reader knows what people want. Thus, he will go through your script to ensure these things are there before you turn your work in. You will receive valuable inputs on how you can improve your work and make it better.

  1. Improve Your Work

The work of a good scriptwriter isn’t just to criticize your work. Like we pointed out above, he will help polish your work and make it shine. Normally, a good script reader will have something to say on every aspect of your work including the concept, the story, the plot, scenes, title, grammar, writing style, pacing, characters, genre, theme, dialogue, tone, formatting, and even the marketability of your work.

His goal is to plug every loophole in your work. When he returns your script, he will make recommendations on various ways your movie or TV script can be improved. Today, almost every blockbuster film in Hollywood passed through a script reader multiple times. It is crucial you have this in mind next time you are thinking about why you need to hire a screen reader.

  1. Help You Move On to the Next Draft

Have you heard of writer’s block? It is very common with even the top screenwriters. At a point, it seems like you have nothing to write again. Writer’s block can happen to anyone especially when you have a lot of scripts to write. This is where a script reader comes in. He will take a look at the concept and help you to develop your story.

When you are stuck with a draft, a screen reader can make inputs on what you can do with certain characters and even suggest how to end the story or move it to the next stage. A lot of screenwriters have been able to work faster with a professional script reader by their side.

Final Word

Hiring a professional script reader will be a choice that will benefit you in so many ways. You can write with more confidence knowing that a script reader can help you improve your work and plug loopholes. With services of experienced script readers, your work as a screenwriter will always be a contender for a blockbuster movie each time you turn it in.


A Fun Trip To Barcelona

Going on a tour and landing in Europe, wondering what this trip could bring up for you. First things first, you can be highly confident about the fun you will be having on this trip as Europe holds amazing places to enjoy and what’s more, to it is the famous Barcelona bar tour. The fun-filled city Barcelona offers you the incredible pubs where you can enjoy whole nights. The trip can offer you amazing once in a lifetime experiences. When in Barcelona there are many things to enjoy and get involved in to make the most of your trip. The tour will be the one you would remember forever just make sure to have the best guides who can guide you for the remarkable and astounding trip which could always sit back and think of and just thinking about it gives you the feeling of happiness.


Beautiful city with lively inhabitants

Beautiful Barcelona is a city widely known for being cool, an enjoyable place full of young happy people ready to celebrate any event that comes up. The cherished people who are full of life play a major role in making your trip to Barcelona the one you will remember for the lifetime. With the happy and cheerful crowd who celebrate each and every moment of their life with delight and amusement, the city is also capable of giving you an experience you could barely have anywhere else in the world. With the amazing and full of life pubs you can enjoy the best pub crawl. The one experience without which the trip will be left incomplete is partying your way through Barcelona’s best clubs offering free drinks beside the incredible experiences.

Bigger and better than any other encounter in Europe will be the night you wildly enjoyed crawling through the lively and energetic clubs enjoying the drinks and then having the fun you never had before in your life. In Barcelona, one can enjoy the pub tour any night of the week and doesn’t have to wait for the weekends to have the interesting and astonishing night hours.

A trip is all about enjoying day and night. Early to bed and early to rise is not the way a tourist has to live. It’s all about you enjoying each and every minute of your trip. So don’t waste your time worrying about sleep. You will have all the nights to yourself to enjoy the deep sleep. But you won’t have the chance of enjoying the incomparable nightlife experience which you will have when in Barcelona.

Bar tour guide

You have tour guides when you visit places. The guides make your trip a lot easier and more achievable as they can take you the best locations of the place. Same is the case with the Barcelona bar tour. You can get the bar tour visiting the famous and the most enjoyable pubs. All you have to do is to have a booking with Barcelona’s best bar crawlers and enjoy a night full of drinks, games and all the fun stuff along the way.

Either you are a solo traveler or traveling with a companion; you don’t want to waste your time in the city as you have a lot and a lot of things to do. To make the most of your trip to the city, make sure to have a beforehand plan and make all the bookings and reservations to have the fun-filled and adventurous tour. The moment you land in the city, you won’t have time for all these hustles and if you get stuck in one then know that you are missing a lot which you could have been doing in that time.

This summer vacation tour is sure to be the best of your lifetime. Just go ahead, pack up, make all the arrangements and shoot for Barcelona to have the best time of your life span. Have the perfect bar tour of most famous pubs in Barcelona and make it the tour you can always enjoy thinking about.

Music Intro for Your School Presentation

Simple Guideline to Choose A Music Intro for Your School Presentation

The same way with any project, you might find it hard to know where you are going to start. And if you are working on your upcoming school presentation, including intro music is a significant advantage.

Did you know that intro music can help you set the mood for your presentation? Through this kind of strategy, you will be able to engage your listeners from the very beginning of your presentation while keeping the segments separate. If you obtain unique intro music, you can make your activity more successful and one-of-a-kind.

The intro music is designed and created to be played at the beginning of your presentation, and as your voice starts to fade in, the music begins to fade out. Your chosen intro music is essential in solidifying the distinct mood and sound which will introduce what you are going to present to your audience.

If you want to add some twist and attract the attention of your audience, you can use intro music. So, what are the practical ways need to learn to choose the ideal music piece for your presentation?

Music Intro for Your School Presentation


At the very start of your presentation, you need to exert an effort to play with the interest of your audience. If you can get the attention of your audience as you play the intro music, there is a big chance that they will participate in what you are presenting or pay attention throughout the activity. Meaning, the podcast intro music can set the standard whether you listeners will develop an interest to your presentation or they will pretend that they are listening.

Now that you know the importance of intro music to a presentation, the next thing for you to do is to find the perfect clips to use. If songs from radio are what you are thinking as an option, you have to be aware copyright protects them. Meaning, you cannot use the majority of your favorite pop music, not even a few seconds of the clip.

In ensuring that you will be free from the copyright of the song, it is better for you to do a research first or use podcast intro music coming from a reputable source.


Instead of music with copyright, you can opt for clips that are good to use with attribution. This simply means that you can take advantage of the sample intro music by giving the creator credit for the work.

Furthermore, you can go for music is that is free of attribution can help you use the podcast intro music even without mentioning its creator. Different music websites offer a vast variety of intro music. So, all you have to do is choose the particular music that is suitable for what you will be presenting.


If you think you have a unique taste for intro music, you can consider hiring someone that can offer you custom music. This, way you can be sure that you will have a unique and original song. However, if you cannot find that someone, a few websites are offering custom podcast intro music coming from musicians.

Getting the attention of listeners while you are presenting your topic can be challenging. But, with the help of Podcast intro music, all ears will be on you. So, there is no way for you not to present your topic effectively, the unique intro music is what you need.