A Top 10 list of What Not to Do on an African Safari

An African Safari trip is a life long dream of lots of people around the globe. Connecting with Mother Nature, seeing majestic views, knowing more about the wildlife, and being away from the havoc of the world for some time. Who doesn’t want that? All you need is to travel Safely. No matter the location, the African Safari trip always pays off with some breathtaking experiences. To make sure your responsible travel and that you get most out of your trip, here are the top 10 things not to do on an African Safari.

African Safari

  1. Acceccive Cell Phone Usage

While you travel across continents to get a chance to see the wildlife with your own eyes, make sure you don’t spoil once in a lifetime chance to see nature from so close. Be responsible, keep yourself away from any unimportant external contact or work. Only use your phone as a camera.

  1. Being Too Loud

A very common mistake by people going on African Safari. While you travel through the wild, don’t make loud sounds or shout towards animals as it may scare them away or maybe trigger an attack in the case of large animals(elephants mostly) and prevent you from amazing sightseeing.

  1. Not Listening to your Guide

Your guide is the most important person to ensure your best experience. Listen to his/her instructions very carefully and do accordingly. To get an eyeshot of all the animals, you have to be patient and silent. The instructions are given to you so that your behavior doesn’t make the animals uncomfortable and you can see them more closely.

  1. Unwise Packing

The weather change plays a vital role in responsible traveling. It can be very tricky in Africa as the most area is desert and the nights are quite cold in some parts. Keep a blend of clothes for both climates. Going on a Safari trip doesn’t mean you have to pack your whole closet, be wise, and pack accordingly so that you don’t have any distractions during the trip.

  1. Disrespecting Locals

As a traveler to another continent, you are a guest their so make sure you leave a good impression. Africa is full of different and colorful local cultures. Treat the locals politely and respect their traditions. Do not offend them in any way and try to greet them in their language. It is not whether you speak their language correctly but the effort you make matters. Your good gesture will be reflected by the locals in many ways and will make your travel even more fascinating.

  1. Not Keeping Distance

You are on a safari trip and there is no doubt you are excited. But don’t let that excitement compromise your safety. Some animals may seem very calm and polite but you never know when they might get triggered and attack you. The behavior of wild animals is very unpredictable so always keep your distance from them and don’t pet them or else your life long dream might turn into a regrettable nightmare.

  1. Not Preparing

Before your travel, make sure you do some research on the places you want to specifically visit. Choose your clothes according to the climate and make sure they are comfortable as the visit can be very tiring. If you are on medication, make sure you do bring some extra just in case. Do prepare yourself well as such trips are once in a lifetime experiences.

  1. Driving Off-Road

You may be an adventurer or a daring human but a Wildlife Safari is not a place to showcase such talents. Don’t go off-road as there are very rare chances of you not getting lost. Many animals get threatened very easily when you enter their territory. Especially elephants as they may directly charge on your vehicle when they see you on their territory or approaching one of their young ones.

  1. Exiting your Vehicle

This is probably the most unresponsible thing to do which can get you in lots of danger. No matter how strong or quick you are, remember you are in the wild and the animals have the advantage here. So never leave your vehicle.

  1. Not Staying Alert

Look carefully around you and don’t miss any breathtaking scene of Mother Nature. Keep your eyes and ears attentive in all directions. The wilderness is all around, you just have to look for it.


An African Safari trip is something not most people get. So make sure you avoid doing the above-listed things and be alert so that you can get the most out of your travel.

YouTube engagement

4 Quick Wins to Increase Your YouTube Engagement

YouTube is undoubtedly the biggest and most visited video hosting platform in the world. With billions of videos every day, this platform is where tons of activities happen for a wide range of individuals and businesses.

As a result of a large number of channels on this platform, the competition is usually high for YouTubers to get enough viewers. So, if you want to increase your YouTube engagement, you should understand that the activities involved in achieving your task are tasking but not impossible.

Don’t get worked up because we have the 4 quick wins that can help you increase your YouTube engagement.

YouTube engagement


  • Know your audience


As long as getting more YouTube engagement is concerned, it is important for you to satisfy your audience. However, there is no way to satisfy the audience if you don’t know them. Therefore, you should start by understanding your audience.

Foremost, define your audience and learn about the things they want to see in your videos. Also, you should know the duration of videos they like watching and find out how you can keep them entertained through the video.

You can check out the videos in your niche that are getting lots of engagement. Such videos should give you a clear idea of what your audience wants. If possible, you can get a few target viewers and conduct a survey.


  • Post videos consistently


Your audiences are only going to engage your YouTube video and channel when you post content regularly. So, you must make it a duty to post content from time to time. As you post regularly, your target audiences will likely keep coming back to check your content. However, if you don’t post regularly, they will likely forget about you and not engage your YouTube channel or content.


  • Encourage your audiences to like and comment on your videos


Although some viewers can engage your YouTube content naturally, others are waiting for you to tell them to do so. So, use call-to-action words or phrases to make your audience comment on your content or like it. 

For instance, as you are ending your video, you can say “if this video has been helpful to you, please, feel free to share, comment, or share it.” Otherwise, you can suggest engagement by saying “to get more quality content like this, please subscribe to my channel now.”


  • Engage your audience


Another tested and proven method for increasing the engagement on your YouTube content is engaging your audience. Make sure that your conversation with the audience is simple and understandable. Handle online conversations like a real-life conversation. Highlight tips and steps that are easy for your audience to remember.

Also, when people comment on your videos, try as much as possible to reply or like those comments. This shows that you value their opinion; thus, encouraging your audience to engage your content the next time you post.

In conclusion, you can also encourage your audience to use a YouTube video downloader to download and keep your video on their devices. Each time they see such a video they will likely remember you and may want to hear more from you.

4 Innovative Ideas to Bring Your Next Webinar to Life

Imagine that you are taking a class and none of them is listening to you and you keep on delivering your knowledge to dumb students. Does it make you feel uncomfortable? discouragement probably!

Sharing information is the way of optimism but wasting information is stupidity. It all depends on you that how to make your webinar engaging or leaves it as a robotic session. Businesses are preferring webinars for live meetings/sessions. People are getting into this trend of a webinar by opting for live sessions. However, some people have no idea how to make an interactive session. Most of the people are not aware of the amazing webinar software that is available on the internet.

webinar software

To get rid of such webinar failures, we have found out some points which would help you to decrease the rate of non-engaging webinars.

  1. Relevant information

The listeners of your webinar must have some information already. You cannot pretend them less educated. The lack of information can create a negative impact on your webinar and due to this many people will take you for granted and consider you as the fraud guide. You must be pretty sure about what you are delivering to the audience because if you have no information regarding your subject then it will yield embarrassment, and nobody will pay attention to your webinar. Partial knowledge will not be a good idea, you will be creating fake stories if someone cross-questions you during the session. You will not be allowed to hit the pause button of your webinar software because it will eventually affect your reputation. Be more educated and prepared before starting any webinar.

  1. Management

People hate messed up things that make them annoying. Your webinar software must be very managed and user friendly. Wherever you organize the session, make sure it should be a quiet place where no disturbance or any interruption affects your webinar. Your set up must be very disciplined and on time. Take out the extra time to re-check every setting which you would have done for the webinar. Organize a mockup in which check your sound system, visualization, and your voice. If it makes an issue, then you will have some time to troubleshoot the system. Have a look at the environment as well, it should be very clean and managed. You will go live and viewed by different people from different professions. It will create an optimistic impact on your viewers if you are well-groomed and your surroundings are clean. Make sure that you never leave your seat when you are live on the webinar.

  1. Be more courteous and humbler

Think before you speak. Be very vigilant and do not use informal or abusive language or examples. You will be presenting your whole nation and must be expecting to rank up in the webinar speaker world. People prefer soft-spoken and cool minded speakers who never get frustrated when asked some questions from the audience. Your audience will be discussing your behavior after the session to different communities. Harsh words and jargon will be the reason for your negative reviews among the people. Follow ethics and mannerism while speaking. If you about to cough or sneeze, then hit the mute button rapidly on your webinar software so that it will not disturb others. Use quotes in your session if you present someone and an apology when you give an example of people who are not anymore.

  1. Invite a guest speaker to your webinars

People love twists and changes. They get bored of listening to the same person for a long time. Find the best relevant speaker according to the agenda of your webinar and introduce him or her in hidden words before he or she comes live on your session. It is a trick to gain the attention of your audience and the best part to turn your speech into an interactive session. Always take extra time for the feedback and answer to the questions of your audience.


These ideas are the backbone of any engaging webinar. If you have not found out the ways to make your session interactive, then this will be going to help you for sure. Consistent usage of correct information, good webinar software, soft skills will increase the value of your webinar and an idea of the guest speaker will add charm to your webinar.

Decorating Your Bathroom on a Student Budget

As a student, you may feel that decorating your bathroom will be too expensive. However, you couldn’t have been further from the truth. The fact is that there are some budget-friendly means of decorating your bathroom.d

Here are the ways for decorating your bathroom on a student budget:

Student Budget

  • Create a lovely storage

Ensure you have a storage space in your bathroom. If there is shelving in your bathroom, use plastic boxes or wire baskets to keep your bathroom products.

If your bathroom is small and does not have enough storage space, buy a door rack, and use it to keep bathroom products that you are using in your bathroom. By doing this, your bathroom will look clean and tidy. Not just that, you will save some little space in your bathroom while still improving its organization.

  • Use colorful towels

Your towel has a lot to say about you, this is why you need to do away with old towels. You need to make use of a good towel in your bathroom as a student. Look for colorful and attractive towels. It will do you good if you can make use of a towel that will look beautiful when it is hanged in your bathroom.

  • Place a bath mat in a strategic place

First of all, a bath beautifies your bathroom. Also, it offers some level of functionality. Look for quality and fascinating bath mat that doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg.

  • Accentuate your bathroom with plants

We all know that some colorful plants add beauty to our bedroom and other living areas, but they also do so to our bathroom. You can get a few small and succulents plants that are attractive to decorate your bathroom. Place them inside a plant pot and hang them all over your bathroom. It is important for you to pick a plant that suits your bathroom theme.

The beautiful thing about adding plants to your bathroom is that it doesn’t cost a lot. Hence, it is a perfect recommendation for decorating your bathroom on a student budget.

  • Embellish the walls with prints

For with bathroom with plain walls, you can add beauty to your wall by integrating your favorite prints to your bathroom. Your favorite quote or frame can also come in handy to boost the appearance of your bathroom. This will cost a little but will add more beauty to your bathroom environment.

  • Add mirrors

Mirrors always wonderful additions to any bathroom. So, don’t leave them out. You cannot spend much if you want to buy a budget-friendly mirror. Having a mirror on your wall performs little tricks and makes the bathroom looks good.

  • Get a functional and aesthetic water steamer

Every item in your bathroom should add to its look. Therefore, don’t just go for any steamer you see in the marker; select the best steam generator that can glamorize your bathroom.

For more items that can beautify your bathroom and toilet, consider checking this website.

table games

The effect of table games and simulations on higher education

As research develops on effective ways to improve the education system, the indication of the effectiveness of table games and/or simulations progresses. It is becoming more and more obvious that there are many ways to stimulate the brain for a more efficient way of processing and understanding. Recent studies now show that table games and similar simulations are one of the ways this is done successfully.

table games

As technology and gaming become a larger part of our daily routine, this is no different from our education routines. As they become deeper implemented into the way of teaching and the older traditional techniques become less effective. This could be down to our lifestyle change from our first years which now revolves more around healthy competition and gaming rather than just playing outside in the fresh air. When implementing games into the educational system it was found to have three main responses from the brain, these are; cognitive, behavioral, and effective. The research conducted is aimed more at the teachers/lecturers rather than the students themselves to offer the space to adapt their learning schemes as they see fit. This is because the research which has been conducted thus far is focused more on what NOT to-dos rather than the what COULD we dos. Leaving the teachers and figures of authority still trying to work out what is called a healthy balance.

Experience and studies have shown previously that a focused way taught subject is more likely to have dropouts or failures than those who change and adapt to each class. A one way taught subject claims that the lecturer adopts one method of teaching and sticks to that for all modules and topics. Although the method that is chosen may be the proven best way to teach that subject if it is the only way it is likely to lose its effectiveness on the educational outcome.

When conducting the research the focus is not only on the cognitive effect, this means how the brain takes to learning a topic via gaming however it also looks at the result of behavioral and effectiveness outcomes. Although the reaction from the brain may be positive and conclusive it is pointless if the information is not retained and then practiced. Different types of gaming can be included in educational systems such as digital gaming, table games, and of course, educational gaming. Another type of gaming is interactive gaming.

Interactive gaming is becoming more and more popular in the higher education field. With things such as simulation which is where a group of students are grouped and given a goal. Through a scenario given by the teacher, they must come up with a way, together, to achieve the final goal (also pre-decided). To achieve this outcome the group must work together using real-life situations about whichever topic they have been given. The scenario or topic is usually relevant to the subject being taught. This allows the teacher to see and understand whether the students are taking the correct benefits from the class and also understand how much information they are obtaining as well as the students having the opportunity to develop in their, subject knowledge, team building, leadership, and communicative skills.

Another type of simulation which is found to becoming popular in high education is digital simulations. This is an individual version of what was mentioned above, since the game is individual, and the goal is already set it is completely up to the student to complete correctly. Games and simulations differ by concept games are designed to test and educate in a theory prognosis whereas simulations should be life-based and accurate in the result.

When looking at games to incorporate into your teaching it is important to ensure you are investing in the best game tables for your needs, the same as when incorporating simulating into your teaching is important you create the determined goal by the curriculum you are teaching. Both versions can be developed throughout the semester so that you can see which students absorbed the most relevant information and when. Thus, developing your teaching techniques and understanding. You can start each game simple at the beginning of the year and progress the difficulty as the year goes on.

When teaching it is important to retain a good relationship between you and your student to ensure the most fruitful outcome. By introducing gaming and simulation into your methods you are creating a higher chance of success with this. Humans generally learn best, with interaction and example.