Storage Units

3 Important Tips On Organizing Your Storage Units

Worried and frustrated with the mess you have made, despite having stocked in the best Storage Units New York has to offer? Well. . .don’t fret. We have the remedy for you. Follow this simple tips and tricks to get your storage units and you will get rid of the daunting task of juggling around the muddling chaos you might have made in your storage unit. These are the 3 most important piece of advice you should hearken unto and thereby undo the clutter you have created.

Storage Units

1) Make an Inventory

Start with a database of all the stuff you are going to store in the storage unit you have rented in the city. The inventory must be segregated according to size, weight, usage, features and the content of the stuff. Say for instance canisters and cans with liquids should be a separate list. Apparels and household stuff should be a separate list. Your list can be in accordance of the size of the boxes too if you have packed them all. Name and tag all the boxes or containers you have stored or packed your stuff with so that you have easier access to. Use categories like L1 a 256, where L refers to Liquid, 1 refers to container number 1 and ‘a’ might refer to any subdivision you might have made and 256 the serial number.

2) Creating Storage space

Quite often, you may have been literally blocked in your own storage space because of the clutter you have created with the units stuffed therein. Now that you have the inventory properly categorised, arrange the boxes or the containers vertically with enough breathing space to move around each row and column. Create a space in between the room too. It’s best if create an aisle through all the units you are placing in the storage unit.

If you have the means then go for a larger space to accommodate your belongings

3) Solid Liquid and Gas

Although it’s a strict No No to keep liquids in the storage unit unless they are beverages with long shelf life, you can store one but properly sealed. Engines or other devices and components should be properly sealed and regularly checked. Check for leaks and stains frequently. Don’t store inflammable substances in the storage unit. By all means, do not, under any circumstance store anything that breathes. Dead animals are an absolute NO too! Don’t store anything that decays or spoils at room temperature or slight humidity.


Now that you are aware of how to organize and maintain the best of Storage units New York has bestowed you with, make the most out of the spaces allocated. Follow the tips and most importantly follow the user manuals and guidelines for virtually every product you have stuffed in your storage. Don’t neglect any instruction your storage unit provider offer.

Happy storing!