physics tuition

Why it’s important to have tuition for “O” Level Physics in Singapore

A recent study has shown that Singapore will face a considerable amount of shortage of engineers unless it finds a way to renew the love between this generation and physics. Every student has a particular subject they dread the most and physics is fast becoming a scare. Although physics is a broad area of study that combines both maths and science, a lot of students in Singapore would rather have maths over physics. The result of this is that students now perform poorly in the subject and much of this failure can be attributed to their outright dislike right before they learn about it. Most students in Singapore have now started to question the logic behind O level physics tuition since they don’t have any interest in the subject.

physics tuition

It is no longer a secret that Singaporean’s can’t have the same level of excitement towards physics like Einstein had but one would expect them to show some interest like every other student.  Unfortunately, this is far from the current situation. O level students are struggling increasingly and have begun to campaign for the removal of O level physics tuition. While this move might seem valid based on the perception of an average physics hater, there might be other palliative measures to fix the problem.

Physics is a wide field and a lot of people who have become professionals can testify that the resources devoted to learning and understanding the subject is absolutely ridiculous. They will also tell you that the O level physics tuition cost is enough to fend off interests from students. It is, however, important to recognize that there are other ways of handling student disinterest in physics. This provides students with an efficient alternative to deal with O level physics tuition whether they love the subject or they don’t.

Choose an affordable O level physics tuition

In an era where young people are cultivating a reckless hatred for technical subjects, it’s high time we started exploring remedial ways of keeping the situation under control. Every society depends on science and technology to progress and physics remains a fundamental determinant. It’s not just an interesting natural science subject, it’s based on the knowledge of nature. The core of physics rests on mater and motion through space likewise energy and force. While O level physics tuition continues to be a key issue, excelling in the subject largely depends on the student’s interest in science and mathematics. Both subjects are interdependent. Singaporean students can opt for a discounted physics tuition as this is considered as a better alternative. This helps the student gauge their level of interest in the subject.

The moment a student can effectively ascertain their love for physics, there are lots of cheap online courses that will educate them right from the basics to complex parts of physics. From O level physics to JC physics tuition, there are many choices for the student as all over Singapore there are many tuition agencies which offer physics tuition, many boasting high pass and distinction grade rates for graduating students.

Geometría Sagrada, un recorrido espiritual desde las formas

Al hablar acerca de la Geometria Sagrada se está emprendiendo un camino ancestral y espiritual que atesora tras de sí muchos misterios por descubrir, y que han intrigado a la humanidad en todos los tiempos, inclusive hasta el día de hoy, ya que la Geometría Sagrada va más allá de cuestionar el significado de obras del pasado, la Geometría Sagrada trata en realidad de revelar la ordenación inteligente del universo en todo su esplendor, aquello que se referenciaba como la ¨música de las esferas¨

A lo largo de los siglos, las figuras geométricas han sido empleadas para simbolizar verdades y hechos en la historia, así pues la Geometria Sagrada trabaja sobre y para la espiritualidad.  Su base se encuentra en brindar conexiones energéticas por medio de patrones geométricos, arquetipos y símbolos que regulan el universo. Además, hoy se reconoce que la misma logra el equilibrio entre el cuerpo y la mente humana permitiendo el contacto con el espíritu, aquel nivel inmortal del ser que debe ser expandido.

La geometría sagrada tiene un objetivo muy claro y es el de lograr la armonía y el equilibrio de los niveles: físico, emocional, mental y por supuesto, espiritual. Asimismo, lograr el contacto con la Gran Conciencia, siendo una de sus grandes metas. En pocas palaras, la geometría sagrada es la guía para comprender de dónde venimos y a dónde vamos, porque si se analiza nuestro alrededor, todo está compuesto por círculos, elipses, espirales, siguiendo el mismo patrón del universo, que es pura geometría.

Uno de los más grandes ejemplos de la geometría sagrada es el de la Flor de La Vida, la cual contiene dentro deg cada una de sus proporciones los aspectos de la vida misma: fórmulas matemáticas, leyes de física, las formas de la vida biológica. Incluso, en algunas culturas es considerada una forma sagrada, dada a su complejidad y misticismo.

La relación de cada chakra con los sólidos platónicos

Las figuras representativas de la geometría sagrada están basadas en los cinco sólidos Platónicos: el cubo, el icosaedro, el tetraedro, el octaedro y dodecaedro. Y cada uno de ellos posee una relación con los diversos chakras:

El cubo es asociado con el Chakra Raíz, al ser del elemento tierra; el tetraedro es asociado con el Chakra del Plexo Solar, al ser del elemento fuego; el Octaedro por su parte  se asocia al Chakra Cardíaco; el Icosaedro con el segundo Chakra llamado Esplénico ubicado en el ombligo; y por último, el Dodecaedro se asocia con los Chakras superiores: quinto, sexto y séptimo.

El valor de los mandalas en el camino espiritual

La creación de mandalas es tomada por la cultura budista como el trazado de recorridos que muestran las vivencias de quienes los diseñan, es un nexo con la divinidad desde que se dibuja, hasta que se observa.

Por ello al tratarse de mandalas se podría afirmar que son una guía para seguir el camino espiritual indicado, ya que su energía positiva ayuda a crear un equilibrio energético y sobre todo a purificar las energías negativas. Nunca debe ser considerado un juego ni un pasatiempo, ya que se movilizan muchos aspectos de nuestro psiquismo.

Acercarse a la Geometría Sagrada, experimentando sus beneficios, nos permitirá encontrarnos con nuestra propia divinidad.


Author: Rafael Ortuñez García

Physics Tuition In Singapore – Learn More

Physics has a branch of science has its tentacles wide spread across diverse field that is related to science. In fact, it’s a must-know subject for every student looking forward to achieving academic excellence in any branch of science. Which is why you as a student or your ward needs a physics tuition.

The application of physics covers more scope than chemistry and biology combined together. Speaking of which, the hand of physics can be found in ground-breaking innovation such as, computer system applications, smart phones, radiation treatment of cancer, subatomic particles and many more. Despite its importance, secondary (“O” Levels) and junior college (JC) (“A” Levels) students still find this subject intricate and dry. In turn, the learning of this subject brings about fear and anxiety, which leads to consistent failure and poor grades.

In Singapore, many students find this subject extremely challenging. The level of interest or assimilation has a lot to do with the physics tutor in-charge. Which is why physics tuition are becoming more rampant here in Singapore. But, there is a particular physics tuition in Singapore that is changing the system as a whole.

Generally, physics tuition in Singapore are bridging the gap created by public and private schools, where all that the teachers cares about is to teach without considering the feedback coming from the students. Often times, it take more than just a few examples to make a student understands a concept in physics, the formula to be used and also the mathematical manipulations. What this physics tuition in Singapore does is to introduce research proven teaching methodologies to simplify this process.

At Kungfu Physics, all these process are managed in such a way that they becomes more effective and efficient. This physics tuition in Singapore takes care of O Level Physics Tuition, IP physics Tuition and JC physics Tuition. With the help of Mr Gabriel Tan unique ways of teaching physics concepts who happens to be the major pioneer of this physics tuition, students are able to learn basic calculation techniques, skills, and innovative ideas to help tackle difficult questions.

The learning capabilities of a student depends to a large extent on the experience of a physics tutor. Mr Gabriel Tan is up to the task, he has vast teaching experience across different types of institution in Singapore. Being equipped with skills, practicals, knowledge and experience, Mr Gabriel Tan has helped countless students solve the many seemingly daunting questions in their Physics curriculum.

Do you want to be able to tame this very daunting subject and finally be able to enjoy the process of learning Physics? You need to get in touch with the best physics tuition in Singapore, which happens to be no other physics tuition than Kung Fu physics tuition. This physics tuition has two separate location and it was made this way to allow easy access for students. The first centre, which is Bishan Kungfu Physics is located at Bishan Street. While the other, Bukit Timah Kungfu Physics is locked very close to Bukit Timah Shopping Centre in Singapore.

Good Lawyer

5 Benefits of Having a Good Lawyer

While finding a lawyer can be tedious and time taking task there are chances that if you look the right way you might find a good one. A good lawyer is a friend, a refuge and a companion who sticks by you through the thick and thin. If you are looking for a good lawyer and have found one, you better stick to him for a while. Having a good lawyer to deal with your case can have many benefits. We are going to see the 5 benefits of having a good lawyer by your side. So do not wait, contact The Law Offices of Michele Finizio right now.

Good Lawyer

  • Provides Knowledge About Law, Charges, and Penalties

The first benefit of having a good lawyer is that they are more concerned about your case than you. They make sure you know and are very well aware of the law regarding a particular case. They make you understand the charges and penalties involved in the case. In short, they give you an overview or a gist of everything and every possible outcome. They ensure that you are aware of each and every step involved in your case. This helps you think rationally and make a decision and work it out with your lawyer.

  • Helps to Procure Pieces of Evidence

The second benefit of having a good lawyer is that you don’t have to worry about much. They take care of everything and make sure they are able to procure every single piece of evidence that they might get. Good lawyers have their own ways of getting things done, they have reliable sources as well.

  • Does all the Paperwork

A good lawyer doesn’t let you go through the trouble of filing the paperwork. Filing paperwork can be very tedious and boring work and people always tend to get frustrated in such tasks. But a good lawyer makes sure that it is his responsibility to make you comfortable and keep you in comfort. Good lawyers often have assistants or secretaries who do this job for them but the burden from your shoulder is lifted.

  • Can Charge on Contingency

There are good lawyers who charge you only when you get compensated and this way you only have to pay a share from the amount that you receive as compensation. These lawyers don’t take any fees in advance and believe in winning and closing the case for you. This also makes sure that they are motivated to win your case for you. This is something that promotes the attitude of equals among the client and the lawyer and they share the same fate when the verdict comes.

  • Protects You From Being Misled

There are people out there who try to mislead you or even the person who is on the opposite side sometimes tries that. Having a good lawyer ensures that you won’t get misled ever again by anyone. They develop inside you a sense of confidence in you regarding law and order and you start to see various horizons of it and are ready to fight anyone who goes against.

Factors to consider before hiring a professional criminal lawyer in New Jersey

There are a lot of things one needs to consider while hiring a criminal lawyer in New Jersey irrespective of the reason they are trying to hire the service. Below mentioned are some of the most important factors that must be taken into consideration before an individual decides to hire a criminal offense lawyer.

  • Crime is a special section of the law

You cannot possibly expect to win the arguments for a criminal offense case in the courtroom with a divorce lawyer. The criminal offense is a separate section of the law and asks for separate specialized lawyers applicable to deal with the law. Make sure the lawyer you choose to hire is adept with handling criminal cases.

  • There is a specialized criminal lawyer for all jurisdiction

Whatever may your case be, you can find a lawyer who specializes in your case. It can be a case of abduction, murder, theft, drink and drive or any other criminal offense. Similarly, there are lawyers specific to the cases as well. A lawyer who holds expertise in drunk-drive cases cannot form the best arguments on your behalf if you are accused of murder.

  • Experience of the lawyer

Apart from knowing the field of specialization of the lawyer, you need to know about his experience as well. Even though you choose a murder case lawyer for your case, the lawyer is not right for your case if he is just starting up with his practice. The one you choose must be experienced enough about the workings of the law so that he can come up with the best arguments on your behalf, give chance to Lustberg Law Offices, LLC. They will fight for you.

  • They cannot promise you any particular verdict

No matter how much experienced may your criminal lawyer be, he or she can only assure you to try his best to turn the case your way with his arguments. It is not possible for any criminal lawyer to promise you with any particular outcome. This is because they are experienced enough to not make any promise on partial knowledge of the case with the chunk parts of information that you have provided him with.

  • Office lawyers versus experienced ones

You can come across a lot of criminal lawyers in New Jersey. If you are not really looking for a criminal trial in a courtroom, you can prefer to negotiate the terms outside the court. In that case, you are not required to hire an extremely experienced and professional criminal lawyer. Someone who is adept in terms of negotiating your particular type of criminal offense can be enough to help you solve your purpose.

  • Head versus the associates

When you hire a criminal lawyer in New Jersey, make sure to break the terms that he himself would be going to the courtrooms during your trials. It is not common for some lawyers to send their associates to follow your trial. Even though the associates are equally skilled to deal the cases, make sure you get the services you are paying for.