Are part-time workers less productive and underpaid?
Currently there is a boom in the use of part-time jobs, because it allows greater flexibility for companies. Of this important quality, the best part time jobs have been created in the market, in a long time, to face difficult economic conditions The importance today is even greater timeshare jobs has increased impressively. The flexibility that allows companies to adjust to changing markets has driven their use.
We are going to do some aspects between part-time jobs and permanent jobs to see what conclusion we can reach
The question that arises is a very interesting matter, and to answer it, two important issues of part-time employment must be carefully analyzed. Remuneration and Productivity.
The Remuneration of a part-time job
The companies’ interest in the part-time workforce is based on adjusting the payroll as much as possible, while continuing to meet the needs of the patients who receive the product or service.
The issue of remuneration is closely linked to why private companies personalized part-time. The main reasons why a company requires part-time staff on specific dates as follows:
Seasonal phenomenon
The Companies decided to use the Part-Time Jobs modality with the intention of having a temporary workforce. Originally they were closely associated with seasonal situations, where companies did not have to hire permanent staff all year round, and a few months were required in the year.
Customer service hours
They also associate with companies that have contact with customers for a few hours a day. Therefore, having a full-time staff would mean more hours than would actually be needed.
Labor costs
Companies find it cheaper to hire part-time workers than full-time workers. Comparatively, the cost per hour is lower in part-time workers, because companies do not incur a large amount of expenses that are a legal part of social security (insurance, benefits, annual premiums, etc.) for full-time employees. .
This was the reason that prompted the use of part-time workers since the financial crisis of 2007. At that time, the best part-time jobs were generated.
Conceptually, they are easily removable workers that allow companies greater flexibility. Therefore they are not as important as permanent employees, who are supposed to be an integral part of companies.Under this condition, part-time jobs normally correspond to those in the lowest strata of the organizational structure. Therefore, the remuneration of a part-time worker is influenced by low-paid positions and additionally they are lower than that of fixed-level positions due to the issue of obligations with job security.
Productivity of part-time workers. The issue of productivity is associated with the design of the job, training and the development of the worker in the job Training comparison
Due to the training issue, the permanent worker has the advantage, since he is the one selected par excellence to develop in companies and therefore should have better training. He should be more prepared to carry out an activity than the part-time worker.
Comparison in development: We could mention two relevant points on this topic, such as: Attitude in the workplace
This is a very subjective matter and making a general assessment is not very accurate.The permanent worker should have a greater identification with the company and have a better disposition for the job. But those of part-time workers, knowing that they are more replaceable, try to provide the best service to continue hiring them.
Assistance to the job Also in this aspect there is no conclusive data, because both workers, fixed as temporary, attend their positions, depending on the attitude of the person who occupies the positions
Conclusion: The issue of remuneration, indeed, are the lowest paid, as they belong to the lower strata, therefore it would not be advisable to mention them as “poorly paid”, but rather they receive less salary.On the subject of productivity, there is nothing conclusive on this topic, because it corresponds more to a topic of selection and motivation of personnel.Therefore, the only thing we could conclude is that they are the ones with the lowest remuneration, but neither poorly paid nor unproductive.It is important to understand that we are in times of many changes, and the incorporation of the figure of freelancers plays a fundamental role in the development of companies in the coming years. The jobs that have attention to the public will surely remain with some variation. However, any service that can be contracted via the Internet that allows companies to manage their operations, will surely migrate. The importance of jobs under this modality will surely increase.