Following These Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

As you make your financial plans, you have to factor in the place of a good credit score. You can have an excellent credit score, a good credit score, a bad credit score, or a poor credit score. You can either move up or down this credit score ratings depending on the knowledge you have. Whether you work as a private individual or a corporate body, there are several opportunities that you can leverage to increase your credit score.

If you are here to find out ways to improve your credit score, then you are in the right place. At Velocifin, we work to help our clients improve their credit score and stand a better chance at improving their credit score. In this article, we shall be providing you with helpful tips that can help you improve your credit score from a bad one to an excellent one.


Source: Bank of the Lowcountry

  1. Determine What Your Credit Score Is

You cannot work on improving your credit score if you don’t know what your credit report is. Request for a copy of your credit report and carefully analyze it. If you are a beginner at this, you may need to seek the services of a professional to help you analyze the report and ensure the figures are correct. Your credit report lets you know what your credit score is and if you need to take steps to improve it.

  1. Find Out If There Are Any Errors

Do not just look at your credit report for the credit score alone, also check to see if there are any errors with the information provided it. Errors can harm your credit score and limit your access to loans and other services. Where an error is detected in your credit report that affects your credit score, take steps to immediately report such error. Not reporting this error on time can affect its correction and make it take longer time than expected.

  1. Do Not Make New Credit Card Purchases

Credit utilization is very important in improving your credit score. You have to take steps to drastically reduce your credit utilization rate. A high credit utilization rate negatively affects your credit score while a low credit utilization rate improves your credit score. While it may be difficult to do away with credit card purchases in its entirety, you must take reasonable steps to limit it as much as you can. Always refer back to your credit score to determine the current state of your credit utilization rate. This will help you know whether or not it is safe to make new credit card purchases.

  1. Offset Your Debts

You cannot improve your credit score by accumulating more debts. The more debts you accumulate, the more it becomes difficult for you to pay up the debts at the specified time. Instead of taking more debts, you should work towards offsetting your existing debts. The more you can offset your debts, the faster you can improve your credit score. When lenders look at your credit score and see how well you offset debts, it gives them confidence in your ability to pay your loan back if granted one.

  1. Do Not Apply For New Credit Cards

When you are working to improve your credit score, you are in a credit repair mode and you shouldn’t be applying for new credit at that point. Lenders always perform a hard inquiry on your credit report when you apply for new credit cards. Hard inquiry causes a review of your credit report and can harm your overall credit score. The number of accounts you have to your name and the number of hard inquiries that have been conducted on your account make up a percentage of your credit score.

  1. Talk To a Professional

Many individuals find it difficult to improve their credit score because they want to do it alone. With the right understanding, you can improve your credit score yourself. However, what happens if after you do all you know to do the results aren’t forthcoming? There is no point being hard on yourself trying to do this when you can speak to a professional.

Seeking professional help to improve your credit score makes the process faster and better. You will not only be guided on what to do, but you will also know what to avoid. At Velocifin, we have a team of professionals who can provide you with the best advice and guide to improving your credit score.

  1. Speak To Your Creditors

Your creditors can be of tremendous help to you at improving your credit score. They do not always seem like the best option, but some of them have temporary programs that you can subscribe too. If there is a possibility of missing a payment, you can discuss with your creditors to reach an agreement on making progress. These agreements can help you sort out outstanding balances and improve your credit score.

  1. You Need To Exercise Patience

Improving your credit score might take a lot of time even if you have engaged all the helpful tips you know. With all of these, patience is also very important to calculate and increase your credit rating. You will have to monitor your credit report every week and month to be sure the changes you are making is reflecting on the report. Do not just exercise patience on your report, you should also stay consistent at paying your debts, avoiding new credit cards application, and keeping unused cards open.

You should be in a constant state of repairing your credit score and proving to lenders that you can pay back loans if your application is granted. This is not a one-time activity but a process that involves a mix of activities many of which have come as tips above. Some of these tips might not immediately improve your credit score to the tune you want it to get to. You will have to exercise a lot of patience and keep engaging these tips because sooner or later, they will yield positive effects.

7 Most Popular Tattoo Trends in 2021

Do you want to put a tattoo on your body? Putting on a tattoo for the first time is a mixture of excitement and fear. Numerous questions arise in your mind relating to tattoo and tattoo artist. You have to clear all the doubts before going for the medical procedure of getting a tattoo.

Many types of designs are trending now. You have to choose the best one among these available designs. If you are getting a tattoo for the first time, there is a wide range of options in front of you. Take your time to decide the design and color of the tattoo as tattoo removal is not easy.

Before deciding to have tattoo research for the best tattoo artist and parlor. The tattoo is a unique piece of art that will remain with you for the whole life. If you are thinking that you can easily remove a tattoo, you are wrong. Tattoo removal involves a series of sessions and surgeries.

Top Trending Tattoos

tattoo trends

There are thousands of trending designs in 2020 you should have to look at these designs and select the perfect one for you. Things to consider before getting a tattoo are vibrant color and placement of the tattoo.

The following are some innovative ideas that you have to check before getting a tattoo.

Plenty of Color:

The most trending color in 2020 is pastel color. The pastel color has made a way into the trending list. In 2019 the most preferable colors are black and grey. These colors are easy to remove as compared to other bright colors. Around the pastel color, there would be lines of dark color that enhance the beauty of the tattoo.

Everyday Objects:

One of the most trending and amazing designs of tattoo is putting everyday objects on your body. The everyday objects include a coffee cup, spool of thread, bottles, and many more. To hold that type of tattoo has deeper beauty inside. It looks pretty random and good.

Peekaboo Design:

It is one of the most accepted design nowadays. People tatted their bodies with a peekaboo design. The peekaboo design is put on the body to get the attention of others. Select a unique area such as the collarbone or wrist and made the peekaboo design on it.

Minimalist Black Ink:

Have you ever seen people putting black thin lines on their bodies? These lines are made with the help of minimalist ink. The thin black lines are drawn that looks like a color book to be filled with other shiny colors. The simple black lines attract other people easily and show your freedom.

Blending Styles:

There is no limit to colors and designs. Even the American traditional type of tats have a bright future due to these shiny color scheme. Now the blend style is trending. In which there is no addition of bright colors except blending. It is a mixture of vintage and contemporary design that must try this blending style.

Grunge Tattoos:

The grunge tattoo is a mixture of colors having an amazing look. If you are going to put it in your hand it will be an excellent decision. Many people are getting grunge tattoos between finger space and wrist. Girls are wearing this tattoo to show their class and level.

Korean – Inspired Tattoos:

The most used tattoo in 2020 is a Korean inspired tattoo. The Korean design is filled with color to give a charm and is a mixture of several beautiful designs. Try the innovative Korean inspired tattoo on your body.

Is Tattoo Removal is Easy?

It is a hot-debate topic that tattoo removal is easy or not and the answer lies in the design and color of the tattoo. If you have a tattoo of black, grey, green, and blue color you can remove it with laser or surgical treatment.

You can choose the laser or surgical procedure according to the design of your tattoo. If the design is large, prepare yourself for some extra sessions of surgery. I won’t recommend you to go for tattoo removal as it is painful and costly. When you are putting tattoo choose it with a keen observation so that you don’t have to go for its removal.

Best SIM-Only Deals For 2021

Gone are the days when people used to get a fixed-mobile plan contract from M1, StarHub, or Singtel for an extended period of 12 to 24 months and there was no way out to this except paying extensive early termination penalty.

What was the main catch in those deals? Probably that latest attractive smartphone that was offered on an upfront discount. But the deal used to lock you again with them for another 12 to 24 months, with those hefty payments.

It is high time to realize that it was not really a discount. Basically, the cost of that smartphone was simply spread out to several months with installment-based deals.

SIM-Only Deals

Well, people have now understood the reality behind those traditional plans and they are now looking for some handsome offers to stay connected with their near and dear ones. The sudden change in these trends gave rise to new offers and deals around the world.

As many players have entered the mobile virtual network, SIM-Only deals are at its peak these days. They are ready to offer some flexible approach for connecting a higher number of consumers to their network and to make profits in the long run. This clearly means that consumers are now having several affordable and efficient mobile plans to meet their needs. Many of them have launched SIM-only plans to regain extended market share.

What are SIM-only plans?

A SIM-only package mainly offers a package with reliable talk-time, data, and SMSes at a fixed monthly plan. SIM-only plans are better recognized as postpaid plans that are more functional as compared to traditional mobile contracts. The main difference is that customer is not locked to any minimum contract period; rather, you are free to switch between different plans without worrying about any penalty.

The best SIM-only plan mainly depends upon how much data you need. Here we have listed some of the best offers for 2021 that you can think about depending upon your routine requirements:


The basic no-frills plan from redONE comes with a price tag of $8 and it offers easy access to 100 minutes of talk time, 3GB data, and 10SMSes. This plan is good if you don’t need so much data. Another perk of choosing this data plan is that users also get free data roaming to Malaysia. Moreover, there is no need to worry about additional charges for texting and calling on Malaysian numbers. This deal seems a great choice for people who visit Malaysia more often.


Although the name of the company sounds a little awkward, it is one of the recently launched MNVO in the market that makes use of Singtel’s infrastructure. If you are an extremely light user, the VIVIFI Lite Plan can serve you better at $8.80. It offers 500 minutes of talk time along with 3GB data and 20 SMS. In case if you need more than that, you can check out the VIVIFI Plus (6GB) and VIVIFI Plus (10GB) plan. Note that both these plans offer 100SMS, 350 minutes of talk time, and unlimited incoming calls.


Due to extended demands for unlimited data by the users, Zero1 has updated its $9.90 per month plan with new offers. This 6GB to Unlimited plan now allows users to surf 6GB data at the speed of 4G and after this, you will be able to access the internet on managed network speed. For now, the registration, delivery, and SIM card charges are waived off to new customers.

Other than this, you can check the latest plans from MyRepublic, SingTel, StarHub, and M1. You can place an order for the best Sim-only deals for 2021 at to enjoy fast delivery at your doorstep.

How to Buy Clothes That Are Built to Last


Everyone likes quality clothes, but what does it mean? We say the word easily, but we have not paused to understand the definition. First, quality is subjective. What looks like quality to you might not be to another. Second, expensive doesn’t mean quality. People prefer to buy expensive clothes because they believe that’s what defines quality. There’s nothing worse than spending a lot of money on a garment, and it gets ruined after a few months. A cloth with good quality should last for at least a year without stretching or fading. Though quality is subjective, I’ll be giving a few tips to help you decide if the clothes you are shopping for has good quality.

  1. You can’t see through the material.

When checking out clothes on a mannequin, don’t go for sheer materials. Most sheer materials have a short lifespan. While shopping, hold up the clothes to the light and put your hand through it. If you can’t see your hand through the material, then it means it’s of good quality, and it will last for a long time.

  1. There are no gaps when you pull the seams.

Before purchasing a cloth, examine the clothes for signs of loose stitches, or missed stitches. Loose stitches make the seam weak, and they are prone to split and snag. But tight stitches make the seam stronger. Quality clothes usually have tight stitches without any sign of gaps.

  1. Shirts come with extra panels between the shoulders

Quality shirts usually come with extra material at the back of the collar. It’s a back yoke, and it strengthens the back of the shirt and prevents it from pulling.

  1. The fabric pattern matches the seams.

It’s hard to tell if the fabric pattern matches up at the seam when it is on a mannequin, especially, if you’re far off. A way to find out is to look if the pattern of the fabric matches the surrounding material. If the fabric pattern doesn’t match up at the seam, it’s a sign that the fabric will have a short life span.  Manufacturers of low-quality material skip the process of matching patterns such as stripes at the seam. But manufacturers that produce high-quality fabrics will take their time to ensure the pattern on the garment match up.

  1. There are no exposed zippers

Always check for exposed zippers while shopping for your clothes. Fabrics that have exposed zippers can snag or split. Quality clothes with extra zippers come with a covered placket. Also, check for metal zippers. Plastic zippers are hard to zip, plus they fall off all the time. Clothes with metal zippers last longer than plastic zippers.

  1. It comes with extra buttons and thread.  

If your clothes came with an extra piece of a button and spare thread, that’s a good sign because the manufacturer expects that the garment will last longer and need repair.

  1. Always read clothing labels

Many shoppers find it difficult to understand cloth labels, and some don’t bother to read it. Just as checking food labels tells you what it is made up and how it can be beneficial to you, clothing labels also do the same. Clothing labels tell you about the material and where it was made. When shopping for clothes, avoid clothes that are made from natural and human-made fibers. Mixed fabric tends to shrink or fade easily. Natural fibers are better because they last longer. If you’re getting jeans, look for spandex because it allows your jeans to stretch. Also, look for items that are made in the USA, Europe, or Australia.

  1. Examine the seams

Many of us see a garment in the store, and we are excited to get them. We are not patient to examine the seam. It doesn’t mean you have to check every seam on the fabric, but looking at a few of them gives you an idea of the quality. The seam should be straight and neat. If the seam looks rough and doesn’t match the pattern of the fabric, then it’s a sign it won’t last long.


For your clothes to last long, you have to play your part. If you take care of them well, they’ll hold up for a long time.

The Best Reasons Why Online Learning is the Future of Education

The current COVID-19 pandemic has made world look at many things from a different perspective. Initially, exposing the children to computers or cell phones was a taboo in order to protect their young developing minds and bodies from radiation and media influence. However, this pandemic has changed the thought process completely, since there is no scope to go out and attend normal school / college. Now the gadgets kept off limit from the children have become their “best friends” and saviors, as through online medium they can pursue their education without a break.

source: Online Learning

Source: Leverage Edu

Here are some reasons that specify why online learning is the future of education and how to get inside of an International online school:

  1. FLEXIBILITY OF OPERATION: In online education, there is flexible time option and one can study in a relaxed manner. Unlike traditional classroom and set class timing, online offers the convenience of selecting the class at a suitable timing. The teacher and student can fix a common agenda to work on and interact comfortably when both have the time.
  2. TIME AND MONEY SAVING: Since you can access the online class from the comfort of your home at a convenient time, you eliminate the expenses incurred in travelling to school Besides, since most of the study material is available online for free or within the course fees, you tend to save on buying books and other stationery. Apart from expenses incurred for commuting and study material, other major expenses of traditional school attendance like school bus fees, hostel accommodation, dining and others need no consideration at all.
  3. WIDER SCOPE OF COURSE SELECTION: E-learning offers many courses and gives you the option to select the ones that match your interest. Unlike traditional learning, where there is a fixed syllabus and limited course options per academic year, the online counterpart throws the gates wide open for a broader spectrum of learning. Besides the course that you have enrolled for, you can select other subjects too to gain knowledge in variety of fields.
  4. GOOD INTERACTION AND PROPER ATTENTION: Online learning is of two types. One where the classes are in live progression and the other being pre-recorded lessons. In case of live classes, usually there is a cap on enrollment to facilitate better student-teacher ratio. Smaller group ensures that each student gets proper guidance and attention. On the other hand, pre-recorded sessions are open to many students at a time without a cap on enrollment. Thus, they can listen to the lecture, make notes and ask their difficulties in the next session. Under both the circumstances, students get proper knowledge, albeit in a relaxed manner.
  5. EASY ACCESSIBILITY: Since the classes are online and need no physical attendance, online learning is accessible to anyone across the globe, so long as you enroll for the session. There is no hard and fast rule as from where you should attend the class. You can do it even when you are travelling, provided you have an internet connection to access the class. Hence, you need not sacrifice your wanderlust to gain knowledge. This e-learning provision permits you to get the best of both worlds – your passion for travel and pursuit for knowledge.
  6. FAVORABLE LEARNING EXPERIENCE: When a student is relaxed and taking classes from a place where he / she is comfortable, there are more chances of proper grasping and understanding. There is no pressure to perform or to commute to classes and thus the student has a more positive approach towards learning. When the mind is at peace, the retention rate of gained knowledge is better as compared to studying in tense atmosphere.
  7. PERFECT BALANCE OF SYLLABUS LEARNING AND SOFT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT: Online learning gives enough scope for soft skills development along with the hard skills knowledge that you gain. Having flexibility of attendance, no peer pressure or choice of subjects does not mean that one can take things very lightly and ignore the responsibilities or initiative to come up with their own opinions and ideas. In fact, in online classes the students get many opportunities to come forward to discuss their views and get doubts cleared. In online live session and group discussions, the students get encouragement to express themselves and hence build self- confidence. Besides, they also learn time management in order to balance their studies, activities and other hobbies. Hence, one can safely say that apart from traditional school, where it was a belief that children get all-round development opportunity, the online learning also offers holistic development of the student.

CONCLUSION: The COVID-19 pandemic has surely changed the face of education and made it more unconventional and accessible. The final aim is to gain knowledge and nothing can be better than to get it at your own pace and in own space.