Working with Different Versions of Windows on a P2P Network

A simple peer to peer network working on the Window’s desktop version can help you avoid the expense and complexity of using dedicated network operating systems. In general terms, Windows for workgroups acts more like an original “do it yourself” network, especially for the Intel-compatible personal computers. It was mainly designed to work with the Windows shell and Microsoft’s MS-DOS OS.

Over the past few years, several versions of Windows have been released with some advancements in technologies and features. The journey started from Windows 95, then came Windows 98 and then developers created Windows Millennium Editor that is suitable for home users. Furthermore, Windows NT and Windows 2000 are useful for business network users.

P2P Network

source: Blog

The most commonly preferred version of Windows in the market is Windows XP and it is currently available in two versions: Professional and Home. Windows Vista is the latest operating system that is being used by most of the users around the world.

The home version of Windows is usually designed for those who work from the small office or home only. They can easily connect to the workgroup by using peer to peer network of Microsoft. Furthermore, the Windows XP Professional provides easy access to many advanced features to ease the process for end-users. This OS is capable enough to serve clients on the server-based networks. Experts reveal that one should not use the Home edition if connecting to the client/server network is your first priority.

Generally, the peer to peer networking products of Microsoft are based on the workgroup idea. In this case, a set of computers are connected over a common group and they share resources with each other. The Microsoft based peer to peer networks are a versatile and reliable solution for workgroups as they allow connection with computers having any version of Windows.

At the same time, multiple workgroups can also exist over a given physical network. For instance, the members of the sales team can be associated with the SALES workgroup whereas the accounting team can share resources with the ACCOUNTS workgroup. There is always a single administrative user in all the workgroups, on all machines; hence, the central administration is restricted in these peer-to-peer network connections. But it is still considered a reliable administrative solution. Users can also use WhatsApp secure connection for information sharing between workgroups.

The peer to peer networking on the Windows platform is pretty straightforward. The computers that are using Windows XP OS are configured in such a manner that they can all connect to the same workgroup. Other than this, users can also use manual configuration to adjust the network setup as per the specific requirements of the teams. The wizard follows simple and convenient configuration options where you can easily add a few other windows computers as well. It is even possible to tune to the computers using earlier versions of windows as well.

The configuration can be started by opening the Windows Control Panel. First of all, you need to select the Network and Internet Connection Icon from the control panel and then change your small office or home network. The wizard screen can guide you better to choose the connection method. Once the workgroup is created, any user on the system can browse the workgroup to access shared printers and folders. This peer-to-peer network connection allows users to collaborate with other users in a friendly manner while sharing valuable data more safely.

The sharing task becomes easier with the Window p2p network workgroups. Users can even set passwords for some secure files to ensure authorized access only. Workgroups can easily administer the activities over these networks.

Following These Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

As you make your financial plans, you have to factor in the place of a good credit score. You can have an excellent credit score, a good credit score, a bad credit score, or a poor credit score. You can either move up or down this credit score ratings depending on the knowledge you have. Whether you work as a private individual or a corporate body, there are several opportunities that you can leverage to increase your credit score.

If you are here to find out ways to improve your credit score, then you are in the right place. At Velocifin, we work to help our clients improve their credit score and stand a better chance at improving their credit score. In this article, we shall be providing you with helpful tips that can help you improve your credit score from a bad one to an excellent one.


Source: Bank of the Lowcountry

  1. Determine What Your Credit Score Is

You cannot work on improving your credit score if you don’t know what your credit report is. Request for a copy of your credit report and carefully analyze it. If you are a beginner at this, you may need to seek the services of a professional to help you analyze the report and ensure the figures are correct. Your credit report lets you know what your credit score is and if you need to take steps to improve it.

  1. Find Out If There Are Any Errors

Do not just look at your credit report for the credit score alone, also check to see if there are any errors with the information provided it. Errors can harm your credit score and limit your access to loans and other services. Where an error is detected in your credit report that affects your credit score, take steps to immediately report such error. Not reporting this error on time can affect its correction and make it take longer time than expected.

  1. Do Not Make New Credit Card Purchases

Credit utilization is very important in improving your credit score. You have to take steps to drastically reduce your credit utilization rate. A high credit utilization rate negatively affects your credit score while a low credit utilization rate improves your credit score. While it may be difficult to do away with credit card purchases in its entirety, you must take reasonable steps to limit it as much as you can. Always refer back to your credit score to determine the current state of your credit utilization rate. This will help you know whether or not it is safe to make new credit card purchases.

  1. Offset Your Debts

You cannot improve your credit score by accumulating more debts. The more debts you accumulate, the more it becomes difficult for you to pay up the debts at the specified time. Instead of taking more debts, you should work towards offsetting your existing debts. The more you can offset your debts, the faster you can improve your credit score. When lenders look at your credit score and see how well you offset debts, it gives them confidence in your ability to pay your loan back if granted one.

  1. Do Not Apply For New Credit Cards

When you are working to improve your credit score, you are in a credit repair mode and you shouldn’t be applying for new credit at that point. Lenders always perform a hard inquiry on your credit report when you apply for new credit cards. Hard inquiry causes a review of your credit report and can harm your overall credit score. The number of accounts you have to your name and the number of hard inquiries that have been conducted on your account make up a percentage of your credit score.

  1. Talk To a Professional

Many individuals find it difficult to improve their credit score because they want to do it alone. With the right understanding, you can improve your credit score yourself. However, what happens if after you do all you know to do the results aren’t forthcoming? There is no point being hard on yourself trying to do this when you can speak to a professional.

Seeking professional help to improve your credit score makes the process faster and better. You will not only be guided on what to do, but you will also know what to avoid. At Velocifin, we have a team of professionals who can provide you with the best advice and guide to improving your credit score.

  1. Speak To Your Creditors

Your creditors can be of tremendous help to you at improving your credit score. They do not always seem like the best option, but some of them have temporary programs that you can subscribe too. If there is a possibility of missing a payment, you can discuss with your creditors to reach an agreement on making progress. These agreements can help you sort out outstanding balances and improve your credit score.

  1. You Need To Exercise Patience

Improving your credit score might take a lot of time even if you have engaged all the helpful tips you know. With all of these, patience is also very important to calculate and increase your credit rating. You will have to monitor your credit report every week and month to be sure the changes you are making is reflecting on the report. Do not just exercise patience on your report, you should also stay consistent at paying your debts, avoiding new credit cards application, and keeping unused cards open.

You should be in a constant state of repairing your credit score and proving to lenders that you can pay back loans if your application is granted. This is not a one-time activity but a process that involves a mix of activities many of which have come as tips above. Some of these tips might not immediately improve your credit score to the tune you want it to get to. You will have to exercise a lot of patience and keep engaging these tips because sooner or later, they will yield positive effects.

Best SIM-Only Deals For 2021

Gone are the days when people used to get a fixed-mobile plan contract from M1, StarHub, or Singtel for an extended period of 12 to 24 months and there was no way out to this except paying extensive early termination penalty.

What was the main catch in those deals? Probably that latest attractive smartphone that was offered on an upfront discount. But the deal used to lock you again with them for another 12 to 24 months, with those hefty payments.

It is high time to realize that it was not really a discount. Basically, the cost of that smartphone was simply spread out to several months with installment-based deals.

SIM-Only Deals

Well, people have now understood the reality behind those traditional plans and they are now looking for some handsome offers to stay connected with their near and dear ones. The sudden change in these trends gave rise to new offers and deals around the world.

As many players have entered the mobile virtual network, SIM-Only deals are at its peak these days. They are ready to offer some flexible approach for connecting a higher number of consumers to their network and to make profits in the long run. This clearly means that consumers are now having several affordable and efficient mobile plans to meet their needs. Many of them have launched SIM-only plans to regain extended market share.

What are SIM-only plans?

A SIM-only package mainly offers a package with reliable talk-time, data, and SMSes at a fixed monthly plan. SIM-only plans are better recognized as postpaid plans that are more functional as compared to traditional mobile contracts. The main difference is that customer is not locked to any minimum contract period; rather, you are free to switch between different plans without worrying about any penalty.

The best SIM-only plan mainly depends upon how much data you need. Here we have listed some of the best offers for 2021 that you can think about depending upon your routine requirements:


The basic no-frills plan from redONE comes with a price tag of $8 and it offers easy access to 100 minutes of talk time, 3GB data, and 10SMSes. This plan is good if you don’t need so much data. Another perk of choosing this data plan is that users also get free data roaming to Malaysia. Moreover, there is no need to worry about additional charges for texting and calling on Malaysian numbers. This deal seems a great choice for people who visit Malaysia more often.


Although the name of the company sounds a little awkward, it is one of the recently launched MNVO in the market that makes use of Singtel’s infrastructure. If you are an extremely light user, the VIVIFI Lite Plan can serve you better at $8.80. It offers 500 minutes of talk time along with 3GB data and 20 SMS. In case if you need more than that, you can check out the VIVIFI Plus (6GB) and VIVIFI Plus (10GB) plan. Note that both these plans offer 100SMS, 350 minutes of talk time, and unlimited incoming calls.


Due to extended demands for unlimited data by the users, Zero1 has updated its $9.90 per month plan with new offers. This 6GB to Unlimited plan now allows users to surf 6GB data at the speed of 4G and after this, you will be able to access the internet on managed network speed. For now, the registration, delivery, and SIM card charges are waived off to new customers.

Other than this, you can check the latest plans from MyRepublic, SingTel, StarHub, and M1. You can place an order for the best Sim-only deals for 2021 at to enjoy fast delivery at your doorstep.

5 Advantages Of Getting Live News For Free

watch news online

Source: Google Design


Live news is such news which is broadcasting in real-time. We can get it as written documents or videos through various news portals for free. It has lots of benefits. In this article, we will discuss five of the most significant advantages of having access to free live news.

1) Cost-free

The most important benefit of live news is it is free of cost. We don’t have to pay any money to get access to view the live incidents. Only the availability of the Internet can make us travel the whole planet for free any time from any part of the world. It can save our money while make us get informed about a lot of things. Today, people love to read or watch on-line news because of its smart way to get updated and cost-effectiveness.

2) 24/7 updates

We can get updates on various things regularly throughout the day. We don’t have to worry a lot about the upcoming situations. We can make ourselves prepared for any unwanted condition for the near future if we get to know what is happening in the world right at this moment. And, it is quite possible if we use the facility of streaming live news for free. It helps us to cope up with the advanced world.

Sometimes there can be a public holiday, and all the offices are closed. So, usually, we won’t get the newspaper, and we may miss information about some significant events. But, it does not happen with on-line news as it keeps updating now and then.

3) No waiting

We don’t have to wait for the newspapers till the next morning. Also, people can read a vast number of articles/ editorials at a time. They can give their valuable opinions that may help to solve any problem sooner. We can visit the respective websites and watch the news on-line live. We can keep updating ourselves every time we go through this.

For example, someone wants to go to a famous talk-show in the afternoon as an audience. The person has prepared a lot for this and already canceled his hang out plan with his friends. Now, imagine the program is canceled due to some reason. Here comes the point. If the person somehow comes to know about the fact screaming news live, he can rejoin his peers not wasting his time.

4) Multitasking

We can visit several websites at a time and get news from different categories according to our choices. Even, sometimes we can verify the authenticity of live news visiting multiple web portals at once. Sometimes we need to know more about a specific incident happening right on time around the world. Only one website may not provide us all data. But, we can visit others to collect more and more details for free.

5) Get the feel

We can get the same feeling of staying in our house as we are present right to the respective place. Many of us may not have sufficient qualifications or credentials to be present at a specific stage. But, free live news has made it easier for everyone. We can enjoy the cultures and traditions residing in our houses. We can choose to read, watch, and hear according to our preferences.


This virtue of free service of live news can also keep us away from the crowd of people. We can easily relax at our home where others would be getting busy and spending money for the same purpose. We are living in an era of the Internet. If technology is giving us such a blessing, we should receive it cordially and use it accordingly.

‘Webinar Software’ an effective tool for training

Webinar software is software that allows a company or an individual to conduct seminars, presentations, meetings. They also allow you to record your webinars, so you can also update them later for your existing and potential customers. You can use them for promotional, educational, business meetings, and many more purposes.


Webinar software has a lot of benefits. Some of the benefits of webinar software for training are listed below:

  1. Convenient:

It is very convenient to train your employees online. You can attend or organize a webinar from whichever place suits you. You need not travel to some other location. It helps in saving time and effort and you don’t have to worry about unnecessary things.

  1. Can train a large number of people at once:

A large number of people can attend the webinar at once. So it in this way too it helps you in saving time. You don’t have to organize several seminars to teach the same thing again and again. So it also saves you from monotony. You can talk about something new every time you meet.

  1. Increases your reach:

Webinar software helps you to go beyond geographical limitations. If you have people living in different corners of the world and you will still be able to train them all at once. You don’t need to travel from one place to another; everything will be available easily at your place of operation.

  1. Saves money:

Money is the most important aspect of today’s world. And the biggest advantage of using webinar software for training purposes is that it helps you in saving money. You don’t have to rent a building or room to train employees, you simply need a PC and a wifi network and you are ready to go.

  1. Can be recorded:

If someone misses the meeting, or there’s a new employee, you need not waste your time in training that one employee. You can easily record the session and can upload it for future reference purposes. So when a new employee joins, you can simply provide them with the pre-recorded video.

  1. More interaction:

Webinar software can provide features to interact with people, so you can solve all the queries of your trainees. If you want you can also ask them questions, so you can easily rate their performance.

  1. Text message:

If you don’t want to get disturbed during your presentation, you can ask the trainees to send their queries or responses through text messages, and after you are done with your presentation, you can answer all their questions.

  1. Share and download extra content:

Webinar software helps you to download extra material provided during your webinar. So if you want to provide your trainees with assignments or additional material, you can easily do so during your webinar, using webinar software.

  1. Organizing quizzes and surveys:

Certain webinar software allow you to conduct webinars as well as to conduct surveys and quizzes simultaneously, this can help you in collecting more data at once.

  1. Social distancing:

Under special circumstances, like recent times, when the coronavirus has forced us to do social distancing, webinar software can help you a lot as you don’t need to see anyone physically.


‘Webinar Software’ is gaining more and more popularity as time is passing. Everything is getting digital as technology is also advancing at a rapid speed. So it is very convenient if you use webinar software for training purposes. You can do everything more efficiently and effectively and achieve a better position in your field.