Are part-time workers less productive and underpaid?

Currently there is a boom in the use of part-time jobs, because it allows greater flexibility for companies. Of this important quality, the best part time jobs have been created in the market, in a long time, to face difficult economic conditions The importance today is even greater timeshare jobs has increased impressively. The flexibility that allows companies to adjust to changing markets has driven their use.

We are going to do some aspects between part-time jobs and permanent jobs to see what conclusion we can reach

The question that arises is a very interesting matter, and to answer it, two important issues of part-time employment must be carefully analyzed. Remuneration and Productivity.

The Remuneration of a part-time job

The companies’ interest in the part-time workforce is based on adjusting the payroll as much as possible, while continuing to meet the needs of the patients who receive the product or service.

part-time job

The issue of remuneration is closely linked to why private companies personalized part-time. The main reasons why a company requires part-time staff on specific dates as follows:

Seasonal phenomenon

The Companies decided to use the Part-Time Jobs modality with the intention of having a temporary workforce. Originally they were closely associated with seasonal situations, where companies did not have to hire permanent staff all year round, and a few months were required in the year.

Customer service hours

They also associate with companies that have contact with customers for a few hours a day. Therefore, having a full-time staff would mean more hours than would actually be needed.

Labor costs

Companies find it cheaper to hire part-time workers than full-time workers. Comparatively, the cost per hour is lower in part-time workers, because companies do not incur a large amount of expenses that are a legal part of social security (insurance, benefits, annual premiums, etc.) for full-time employees. .

This was the reason that prompted the use of part-time workers since the financial crisis of 2007. At that time, the best part-time jobs were generated.

Conceptually, they are easily removable workers that allow companies greater flexibility. Therefore they are not as important as permanent employees, who are supposed to be an integral part of companies.Under this condition, part-time jobs normally correspond to those in the lowest strata of the organizational structure. Therefore, the remuneration of a part-time worker is influenced by low-paid positions and additionally they are lower than that of fixed-level positions due to the issue of obligations with job security.

Productivity of part-time workers. The issue of productivity is associated with the design of the job, training and the development of the worker in the job Training comparison

Due to the training issue, the permanent worker has the advantage, since he is the one selected par excellence to develop in companies and therefore should have better training. He should be more prepared to carry out an activity than the part-time worker.

Comparison in development: We could mention two relevant points on this topic, such as: Attitude in the workplace

This is a very subjective matter and making a general assessment is not very accurate.The permanent worker should have a greater identification with the company and have a better disposition for the job. But those of part-time workers, knowing that they are more replaceable, try to provide the best service to continue hiring them.

Assistance to the job Also in this aspect there is no conclusive data, because both workers, fixed as temporary, attend their positions, depending on the attitude of the person who occupies the positions

Conclusion: The issue of remuneration, indeed, are the lowest paid, as they belong to the lower strata, therefore it would not be advisable to mention them as “poorly paid”, but rather they receive less salary.On the subject of productivity, there is nothing conclusive on this topic, because it corresponds more to a topic of selection and motivation of personnel.Therefore, the only thing we could conclude is that they are the ones with the lowest remuneration, but neither poorly paid nor unproductive.It is important to understand that we are in times of many changes, and the incorporation of the figure of freelancers plays a fundamental role in the development of companies in the coming years. The jobs that have attention to the public will surely remain with some variation. However, any service that can be contracted via the Internet that allows companies to manage their operations, will surely migrate. The importance of jobs under this modality will surely increase.


The Ultimate Guide to Santa Barbara in a Weekend

Lots of busy people forget that you can do a lot of quality traveling over a weekend. Of course, long road trips and overseas expeditions can be incredible, but a weekend getaway can sometimes be just as meaningful. 

For an amazing weekend vacation in Santa Barbara, we’ve put together a flexible itinerary including where to stay, things to do, and where to eat, even if you’ve only got from Friday night through sunset on Sunday.

Santa Barbara

Friday Night

Check into Your Hotel

There are so many gorgeous places to stay in Santa Barbara. From luxury resorts like San Ysidro Ranch and Four Seasons’ The Biltmore to quaint bed and breakfasts like The Simpson House, there are options for every personality and budget in Santa Barbara. 

Perhaps you’d rather book an Airbnb or try some “glamping” at El Capitan. Really, there’s no wrong way to stay in Santa Barbara.

Hit the Town

Santa Barbara has an incredible nightlife. It is a college town after all, so there are countless bars and wineries that can show you a good time. Head to The Red Piano and dance the night away or taste a flight of local wine at Municipal Winemakers

Saturday in Santa Barbara

Quick Breakfast

To start your first full day in Santa Barbara, grab a quick bite to eat before commencing on your jam-packed weekend. Enjoy an incredible latte and some avocado toast at Handlebar Coffee Roasters or simply indulge in breakfast at your hotel.

Hike Inspiration Point

Before the weather warms up too much, strap on your boots and hit the trail. Hiking is something you just have to do in California and Inspiration Point is one of those iconic peaks that’s not to be missed.

From start to finish, the hike is only three and a half miles round trip. So you’ll be able to enjoy the view, get some exercise, and breathe some fresh air while still having plenty of time for the rest of your day.

Hit the Beach

After the hike, you’re probably in the mood to relax. Santa Barbara has some of the most beautiful beaches in California. They’re perfect for rinsing off, cooling down, and basking in the sun. 

The best beaches in Santa Barbara include:

  • Ledbetter Beach
  • Hendry’s Beach
  • Butterfly Beach
  • East and West Beaches

Best Places to Get Lunch

By this point, you’ll be ready for lunch. No matter where you go, you’re likely to find some delicious grub. Try Lily’s Taqueria for cheap tacos or Brophy Brothers for classic fish and chips on the water.

Goat Tree, Savoy, State & Fig, and Mony’s Mexican Food are some other fantastic choices for lunch in Santa Barbara.

Explore the Funk Zone

Yes, the Funk Zone is a real place. In fact, it’s the trendiest neighborhood in all of Santa Barbara and it should definitely be on your list of things to do while visiting. 

Spend the afternoon biking through the area where you’ll stumble upon art studios and galleries, bohemian boutiques, and the hippest cafes and restaurants around. 

The Funk Zone is also considered Santa Barbara’s urban wine trail with everything from tasting rooms, wine bars, and breweries. It’s definitely a great place to get lost in the area.

Sunday in Santa Barbara

Check out a Farmer’s Market

There’s nothing quite like a slow Sunday morning stroll. Check out of your hotel, drop your bags off with a luggage storage service in Los Angeles, and start your day at the farmers market.

With fresh produce at every turn, food vendors serving coffee and artisanal snacks, and craftsman offering handmade jewelry and art, there’s lots to see at the markets. It’s a wonderful and relaxing way to begin your final day in Santa Barbara.


After walking through the market, it’s time for brunch. Make a reservation and stay awhile. Some of the hottest brunch spots in Santa Barbara include:

From bottomless mimosas to spiked milkshakes, a nice, long brunch in Santa Barbara gives Los Angeles a run for its money.

Shop State Street

Nestled in downtown Santa Barbara you’ll find State Street. Spend the early afternoon wandering through its cobblestone streets while window shopping and doing your best not to max out the credit card.

State Street has both well-known stores and indie boutiques. It’s the perfect way to walk off your brunch while you grab some souvenirs and gifts. 

El Presidio Historic Park and Mission Santa Barbara

You’ll notice white stucco walls and red tile rooves all throughout Santa Barbara. The region has deep ties with the Spanish and you can see it in this architecture. It’s even been called the Spanish Riveria of America.

Dive deeper into Santa Barbara’s Spanish roots by visiting El Presidio Historic Park. Built way back in 1782, El Presidio is the last-standing Spanish military site on the California coast. It’s such an interesting place that they’ve turned it into a museum for visitors to brush up on their history.

Then, explore Mission Santa Barbara, founded in 1786. You’ll see artwork and architecture that will only add to your appreciation for the city. They’re both spots you definitely won’t want to miss on your weekend in Santa Barbara. 

Dinner the Santa Barbara Way

Your weekend trip to Santa Barbara is drawing to a close, so make the most of it with dinner at a local spot.

For top-rated Mexican food, better go to Los Agaves. For steak, check out Lucky’s. Great seafood can be found at The Lark and The Nook serves up all your BBQ favorites. Take it back in time with Santa Barbara’s Spanish roots and enjoy tapas at Loquita. Or, if you’re vegetarian, Olivers will be a treat.

Is there anything better than ending a trip with some amazing food? We think not.

Is Immersion Essential For Learning a Language?

If we actually want to be realistic about it, immersion is very important to be adept in a new language. What is immersion? It is a process by which a person who is alien to a new language learns the way of life and culture of the people of that new language so as to gain mastery over their language. What is then the obvious way to acclimatize one’s self with such a new language and dialect? It is obviously through cultural immersion.

The fact is that studying unknown dialects abroad is viewed as perhaps the best strategy and current patterns in language learning. It has been demonstrated on numerous occasions that cultural immersion is the best and quickest approach to become familiar with another dialect. On the off chance that you decide to examine an unknown dialect abroad, you won’t just figure out how to communicate in a language easily yet you will likewise have the option to make associations with others who have comparative perspectives and interests as yourself. You will find that learning an unknown dialect in where it is spoken encourages your capacity to learn while making your experience pleasant, energizing, and important. Look at the work of a  Govenesss Agency if you need to have more info on language immersion for kids.

The majority of the language learning strategies urge language students to encounter all out language immersion by learning another dialect in which it is spoken so as to be completely mindful of the surroundings and culture. Learning an unknown dialect abroad will offer you the chance to have a ton of fun, travel, and meet new individuals as you investigate the marvels of your target language.

Learning an unknown dialect abroad can be very scary at the same time, you should have the tolerance and consistency as you may well be outside your comfort zone. You ought to show restraint to get familiar with a language since it as a rule requires some investment and exertion in getting the hang of it. Consistency in examining an unknown dialect implies that your solidness or steadiness in your assurance to get familiar with another dialect ought to be predictable. By being reliable with your language learning process and having steady presentation to the language, can promise you that your language learning project will be a triumph once you build up your fundamental language abilities and begin speaking with it. For you to improve your language skills, you ought to investigate where you are learning the language. Think about the history and culture of the area, visit its attractions, and meet its local people! Social integration and travel are significant focuses in learning an unknown dialect abroad just as having fun and good times! Move the night away or feast with your freshly discovered companions and language school colleagues in your new host country’s nearby restaurants, meet neighborhood individuals and practice your language abilities. Concentrating abroad to become familiar with an unknown dialect could be only a once in a blue moon experience in this manner you ought to gain so much from it and appreciate the recollections you make!

Learning a Language

Experiencing an unknown language abroad is one experience that you ought not to miss! Study an unknown dialect abroad at this moment and to make memories that will forever make you skilled in the new language

You can now see how important immersion is in language learning, it gives you first-hand experience and sharpens your language skills in amazing ways. So, if you want your children to learn a new language other than your native tongue, you should consider traveling to that particular country for some immersion. What is so unique about language immersion? You know that saying that goes, “When you see the way things are being done and have first-hand experience, you tend to be more skilled.” In the same way, when you travel to that foreign land and experience first hand, the way they live and speak their language, you tend to be better in learning such a language. So, when your children are in that foreign land, they learn a first-hand language experience. Your infant’s brain is still very flexible, he or she then learns like a native.


We have seen how important immersion is in learning a new language, especially for kids. Early language immersion will result in native like fluency and speech.

Things that Make Istanbul Unique

Sitting on a peninsula between the Asian and the European continents, Istanbul, is an iconic city exuding opulence with a rich history and culture. For at least two millennia, the Turkish city has acted both as a link between the two continents and a barrier against invaders. Popularly known as the Walled City, Istanbul was the most sought-after territory by the ancient powers. Almost every ruler who conquered the city gave it a new name. Some of the previous names of the current Istanbul city include Byzantium, New Rome, and Constantinopolis.


Besides the history and culture, the city’s cinematic landscape, bravura structures, and other beauties make it a global tourist attraction site. One of the defining features of the Turkish metropolitan is the marvel of Byzantine Hagia Sophia that was built in the sixth century. Istanbul also serves as the business hub of the region. These features plus many more account the millions of visitors who flock into the city per year. Some of the outlandish items you will discover as you explore the city are not found elsewhere worldwide.

For shoppers, Turkey, in general, will never disappoint. Shops, bazaars, and online stores all offer a variety of exotic products that suit any buyer. Specifically, Istanbul hosts the world’s best Turkish online store, which can give a taste of the country’s best even without visiting in person. We give you a glimpse into the magnificence of Istanbul by discussing some of its unique features.

Byzantine Hagia Sophia

The Turkish city is known for its monuments, but the chief of them is the massive 6th-century Hagia Sophia. Built in the 537 AD, its striking design and architecture make it a world-famous museum that receives hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. The city has suffered religious battles, and this glamorous seemed to have been caught in the mix. For more than nine centuries, it was used as a church but was later converted into a mosque. In the mid-1930s, the monument was turned into a museum following the order of Ataturk and Council of Minister. Hagia Sophia is the primary attraction in Istanbul.

Turkish Bath

Also referred to as Hammam, Turkish Bath offers a unique Istanbul experience. You can bathe, steam, or receive an invigorating massage at the place. Besides the services, impressive marble slabs adorned with intricate artwork give the hammams breathtaking look. The practices here are associated with the ancient Ottoman Empire.

Blue Mosque

This is another ancient structure that was built during Ahmed I’s reign in the sixteenth century.  Though officially known as Sultan Ahmed Mosque, it has been nicknamed the Blue Mosque because of the brilliant blue tiles that embellish its interior walls. Within it is a hospice, a madrassa, and a tomb of its founder.  Too beautiful for its age.


When you visit Istanbul, treat yourself with one of the most famous traditional delicacies of the land. Kebab’s origin is traced to Turkey, and the typical type here is Relish seek. It is made of fish, chicken, or lamb and usually served on a rod, which is either metallic or wooden. For a different taste, consider Iskender kebab, which is spicier with melted butter and tomato sauce garnishing. Iskender is made of doner meat.

Turkish kilim rug

Istanbul is known for souvenirs worldwide, and one of the best gifts you can purchase from here is the glamorous Turkish kilim rug. These items are usually woven in the Turkish villages with incredible designs that are central to their beauty. Whether machine created and hand-made, they are traditionally multi-colored. For a gift, a kilim serves perfectly.

Turkish tea

Whether you are a big fan of tea or not, the famous Turkish tea is worth tasting. As a national drink, it is always available in every part of the country. In Istanbul, you can have it whenever you want it. The tea has a pleasant fragrance and is revitalizing when taken hot. The ever-green slopes of the Black Sea are the source of this traditional drink. Samovar is the popular style of brewing used here. Purchasing a teapot from one of the numerous stores and some tea bags is a way of enjoying the Turkish drink even if you are out of the country.


Istanbul is a peculiar business and tourist center that straddles two continents. The city forms one of the country’s most extensive markets with a variety of items that you can buy from Turkey now.

Acupressure Mat

What is an acupressure mat and could it help your anxiety?

For centuries, acupressure techniques have been used as a form of remedy. Pressing your body on certain points give benefits you cannot get from medication. While acupressure treatment takes time, effort, and sometimes a lot of money, the method itself can be transformed into day-to-day tools. One of which is the acupressure mat. The idea of a mat that can press your body up may seem a little strange. But once you understood the purpose and benefit, you can use it to help your anxiety.

What is an acupressure mat?

Acupressure MatBasically, it is a thick mat made of foam or rubber that is embedded with spikes on hard disks. To put it in a simple sentence, it is a more modern version of a bed of nails. These spikes are designed to replicate the pressure applied to your body throughout acupressure therapy sessions. The cheap ones made from durable plastic, good brands offer 100% recyclable Medical grade HIPS plastic, other bmats can be made from metal materials such as nickel.

With acupressure mats, you get to enjoy most of the benefits of acupressure therapy without having to attend any session with the therapist. This way, you get to save more time and money.

Can acupressure mat help your anxiety?

When facing a challenging or stressful situation, some people may experience anxieties. Some won’t last long, but some experience severe anxiety that may impact their lives in the long term. The symptoms of anxiety include fatigue, nausea, sleeping disorder, and muscle tension.

Anxiety is mostly treated with therapy, meditation, or a combination of both. There are also alternative treatments that can help, including acupressure. Acupressure can counter anxiety as it switches on the nervous system to produce chemicals in the body. These will provide pain relief.

The direct relation of acupressure mat and anxiety is slightly small. But, there’s a sign that it will help you relax. One of the quickest ways to help you relax when anxiety hits you is to sit in an upright position. You can place your thumb between your eyebrows quite firmly and make circular motions with your thumb. While you’re doing it, breathe through the nose and out through your mouth. This exercise will relax the nervous system and stop your heart from beating too fast.

It’s recommended to use the acupressure technique in a meditation or yoga practice with professionals. Also, acupressure mat will give a maximum benefit when you use it even just by lying on it for 20-40 minutes, several times a week. It’s a safe and simple way to relieve your anxiety.

How to use it properly

It may take some time to get used to the mat. The spikes are sharp and can cause pain or discomfort when you use the mat for the first time. But after a while, you will start to warm up to it and you will feel good lying on the mat eventually. To help you with the transition, here are some tips to use your acupressure mat properly:

Choose the right surface to lay the mat

First-timers often make a mistake by using the mat on a bed or sofa. This may seem like a good idea, but the mat requires a flat and firm surface to optimize its function. That being said, if the spikes are hurting too much, you can use the bed as a start. Once you get used to it, spread out the mat onto the floor.

Apply another layer between yourself and the mat

To help you get used to the sharp spikes, you can wear a shirt or a thin fabric instead of going bare skin. It may help to reduce the pain from the pressure. However, for the best result, it is highly recommended to go bake skin.

Use the mat often and routine

For some people, it takes time to get used to using the mat. But many others have no complaints even from the very first time. Using the mat often will help you get used to it plus optimizing the result.


The acupressure mat is guaranteed to help you with your anxiety. As your blood flows better, your body becomes more relaxed. That is one step closer to the anxiety-free moments you deserve. Play relaxing music in the background and practice your breathing technique during your time lying on the mat. These will help you even better with your anxiety!