medicare supplement plans

What are Medicare Supplement plans?

You already know about the Original Medicare Part A and Part B plans. These plans are in a position to cater most of your healthcare supplies and needs. However, you need to keep in mind that these two plans will not pay for everything. This is the main reason why you need to take a look at the Medicare supplement plans. You will be able to get a better understanding about the Medicare supplement plans by visiting

medicare supplement plans

How does Medicare supplement plans work?

Before you get your hands on Medicare supplement plans, you should have an understanding on how they work. As the name suggests, the Medicare supplement plans have been designed to fill into the gaps of the Original Medicare plans. Therefore, the supplement plans are in a position to provide you with the opportunity to keep peace of mind in the long run.

It is also important for you to keep in mind that the Medicare supplement plans are not in a position to provide coverage to you against the prescription drugs. All people who are looking forward to get their medication expenses covered should keep this in mind. If you are such a person, you are strongly encouraged to go ahead and subscribe yourself to a standalone prescription drug plan. Then you will be provided with the level of coverage that you are looking forward to obtain.

Am I eligible for Medicare supplement plans?

The availability of Medicare supplement plans for the people differ from one state to another. For example, people who are under the age 65 years are not in a position to get the Medicare supplement plans in some of the states, due to end stage renal disease, disability or lateral sclerosis. If you can get in touch with the insurance department of your state, you will be able to get to know more information about it.

What other types of coverage aren’t covered by the Medicare supplement plans?

Before you subscribe yourself to a Medicare supplement plan, you should also be aware about the types of coverage that are not being offered to you. The Medicare Advantage Plans will not be covered by the Medicare Supplement plans. On the other hand, the Medicare Prescription Drug plans are also not covered.

The other types of plans that are not covered by the Medicare supplement plans include long term care insurance policies, veteran benefits, Employer group coverage and TRICARE.

Now you have an excellent understanding about what Medicare supplement plans are and what you will be able to receive out of them. You must be looking forward to understand whether these plans are right for you or not. To do that, you are encouraged to deep dive and compare the different supplement plans that are available for you to consider. Then you will be able to locate the best supplement plan that can provide assistance to you with your needs.

Top 9 Features of Microsoft Office 2003

Microsoft Office 2003 is a collection of several applications which collectively enhances home and office performance. There are several improvements in Microsoft office 2003 that are not found in prior versions. Some of them include:

  1. Reading Layout view

The developers of Microsoft have found that the office users have become so productive. That is why Microsoft Corporation has given word 2003 a reading layout view. This is a feature that makes perusing documents easy. The new version of Microsoft word and excel has given you a better way to do research inside the documents that you are using.

  1. Extensive Markup Language-XML

This is another very important feature of Microsoft Office 2003. The feature helps companies and office users to tie data from a back-end server database that the employees use on daily basis. What this means is that everyone will be working with the data that is up to date. They can access the current inventory figure or marketing materials.

  1. Schema Library

Schema library is also a very important feature that allows developers to manually manage the schemas. This means that the developers can apply friendly names to member schemas as a move to make them easily identifiable.

  1. Smart Document Solutions

This feature is incorporated in Word 2003 and Excel 2003. It makes the creation of XML-based applications an easy task. These applications provide Office users with Contextual content via the Office task Pane. This is a very important milestone since workers can increase productivity. All the content is presented on the task pane and therefore the time spent searching and navigating the documents is reduced significantly.

  1. Research Library

Microsoft Office system has a new feature that makes searching for important information and integrating the data on the documents easier. This feature is found in Word 2003, Excel 2003, Office PowerPoint2003, Publisher 2003, Microsoft Office OneNote2003 and Internet Explorer.

  1. Smart Tags in Microsoft Word 2003

Smart tags were introduced initially on Microsoft Office XP, and were later expanded on Microsoft Office 2003. They have been significantly recognized in Word 2003 and provide a menu of actions that show the options a user should take. They initiate the functionality of Smart documents. In word 2003, they are easier to use and have a user friendly interface.

  1. Microsoft Visual studio

Microsoft Office 2003 hooks into this feature to help you build .NET framework applications using the Microsoft Visual studio. The visual studio tools for Microsoft Office system supports both Excel 2003 and Word 2003.

  1. Object Model Enhancements

In every new version of Microsoft, there are some improvements on the Object Model to accommodate new features. In Microsoft Office 2003, the Object Model is expanded to give you access to extra features that are beneficial such as .NET Framework applications and VBA. However, the Object Model in Microsoft Office 2003, centers on the development and enhancement support for XML. In addition, there are several other guides for you in case you don’t take advantage of the XML feature.

  1. Improved security

Microsoft Corporation is concerned about your document security. That is their number one priority. Microsoft Office 2003 incorporates all the user and code protection for your codes and documents. Some of them include password protection for your documents and codes.

The developers of Microsoft Office 2003 work beyond the passwords for your documents and codes and also take into concern additional security requirements and environment of the .NET CLR.


Along with the features of Microsoft Office 2003, I am also giving you the opportunity to download Office 2003 and its latest version Office 2007 completely free.

I hope you have enjoyed reading the article.

How To Select The Most Suitable Medicare Supplement Plan

By subscribing only to the Original Medicare, you leave space in your coverage. This is because the Original Medicare plan does not cover all areas. This gaps can leave you with extra bills to pay from your own pocket. But as you will expect, there are also plans that help to cover you in this areas. Plans such as Medicare Supplement plans help to supplement areas not covered by the Original Medicare. This Supplement plan has different options to decide on which to go with. Before making your choice, you need to understand every option.

original medicare

What Are Your Options, and Which is the Best For You?

Sold solely through private insurance institutes, Medicare Supplement plans help with the remaining cost from after the application Original Medicare advantages. Thus, the use of a Medicare Supplement plan is possible if the individual has an Original Medicare. Statistics show that at least one person in every four subscribers to a Medicare Supplement plan.

Represented as alphabets from A to N, there exist 11 Medicare Supplement plans. All Medicare Supplement under the same category should have the same benefits. The levels of coverage differ as the type of Medicare Supplement plans differ. They are also completely renewable and can’t be revoked for any reason concerning one’s health so far as you keep paying. While there is no ideal Medicare Supplement plan, the is the suitable plan for you. Bellow are some question you should ask yourself before making a choice:


Travel a lot?

If you travel most of the time, plans C, D, F,  G, M, and N will be the most favorable choice for you. These plans will pay up to eighty percent of qualified emergency services in different countries. Coverage for traveling starts when the yearly deductible of $250 is met. You will be covered for the first sixty days. All bills will be taken care of by the Medicare Supplement plan except otherwise paid for. They have a lifetime maximum of fifty thousand dollars.

Need help with Part B costs?

If you are having issues with meeting your Part B deductible, Plans C and F are the best Medicare Supplement plans for you. so don’t worry about What are the Best Medicare Supplement Plans for 2019. The two will aid in paying your deductibles for Part B. In addition, plan F will also include your excess charges for Part B; Payment between the Medicare-approved amount and the maximum a doctor can charge. Even though all Medicare Supplement plans provide some amount of coverage on Part B, the best plan will be plan K. It provides 100% coverage with the exclusion of $20 and $50 copay for office visits and emergency room visits respectively.

Need the maximum coverage possible?

If you are looking for the maximum coverage possible, then, I suggest you look in the direction of the F plan. It provides 100% coverage to its subscribers and 80% coverage for traveling subscribers.

From all this information I am sure you can come up with the best Medicare Supplement plans for you.

What is Ethereum? A Step-by-Step Beginners Guide


Ethereum holds a prominent place in the Blockchain technology. It is one of the most popular Cryptocurrencies that you will be able to find out there in the world as well. On top of everything, Ethereum is being used by people for a large number of applications. These applications have contributed a lot towards the overall popularity of Ethereum in the long run.

Ethereum provides the best set of opportunities for the programmers who are interested in coming up with new applications. In fact, they will be able to come up with their own applications, along with the assistance of Blockchain technology. After the applications are created, the programmers will be able to go ahead and publish them within the public Blockchain network. Hence, interested people will be able to go ahead and get your hands on those applications.

All the benefits that are linked with Blockchain technology can be experienced along with the assistance of applications that are made out of Ethereum. The ability to ensure decentralization and anonymity holds a prominent place out of them. On the other hand, Ethereum would give life to a unique system, which can provide a tremendous assistance to the sophisticated systems that exist out there in the world. Hence, the complex transactions that are done by the complex systems can be completed within a short period of time. On the other hand, Ethereum is made available along with a currency of its own. Therefore, trading activities and selling activities can easily be done along with an enhanced level of protection.

It is possible to discover a large number of applications of Ethereum. It is the most preferred choice among developers who live out there in the world for coming up with decentralized applications. That’s because it is an easy task to create programs with Ethereum, which adhere to the principles of Blockchain technology. The programmers are also being provided with a tremendous assistance by the Virtual Machine of Ethereum. With its help, all the programmers will be able to go ahead and come up with applications without any leader.

The information associated with Ethereum applications is stored in several decentralized locations. As a result, the security of the applications becomes much strong. This is one of the most prominent reasons why developers in today’s world prefer to give their priority towards Ethereum. There is no need to spend a fortune to ensure anonymity. Anonymity can be ensured at a very low budget. Hence, there is no need to worry about anything.

Due to the availability of Blockchain technology, all the consumers who use the applications created with Ethereum will be able to ensure their security as well. Hence, they don’t need to worry about anything when they are storing their personal information securely within the network. All information is safe and it is possible to make sure that no external entity can get hold of stored information. Therefore, all people can use Ethereum with trust.

What is Macrophilia? | Everything you need to know

Macrophilia is a term used to define men who fantasize having sex with Giants. The term Macrophilia translates as ‘’the lover of large’’. It refers to people who get sexual arousal from thoughts of having sex with others who are larger than them. Some studies have found that it is vulnerability and domination that underlie the entire process.  Although it is impossible to fulfill the thoughts of having sex with giants, improvements in technology and the internet are giving men a gateway channel to pander their fantasy. The growth in technology has given them a vast collection of tools that can edit videos, images and enlarge the beings. The activity ranges from sloppy to profession of charging giant women in various aspects.

The community of macrophiles is very diverse. Some of them fantasize having sexual arousal with giants who are just few feet taller than them whereas others fantasize having sex with bigger giants who are hundreds of feet taller than them. The internet has played a crucial role in this paraphilia. Consequently, the paraphilia has increased massively since the internet has helped create and facilitate the paraphilia. Much of the materials that macrophiles use to gain their sexual gratification are placed and distributed online. The macrophiliacs have realized the use of virtual reality which can put you into another world.

While most of the people are familiar with the world ‘’Giants and Giantess’’ few of them have come across the world ‘’Macrophilia’’. The term was first used by the pseudonym Samuel Ramses. Although the specific groups of people who fall under this category are homosexual or heterosexual, male or female, the clear majority are heterosexual males attracted to female giantess.

In some cases, although rare, the macrophies can trace their offbeat attraction back when they were teenagers. Maybe when they were young, they felt overawed by an overriding mother or a cruel mother. What this means is that maybe someone was subjected to any kind of abuse. Although there is not enough scientific proof to support the claims, majority of scientists believe that dominance, brutality or abuse can have longer effects to babies.

For macrophiliacs, nothing seems good and appealing than a macrophile expressing their desire and ability to control them. Maybe being dominated by a giantess or being less in control helps the macrophiles to step in to the role of torture and abuse that they were used to. Macrophiles wish to feel fear, terror and feel like they no longer have control over the situation.

Macrophiles want to feel their heart racing as the giantess is destroying them. A giantess to them is like a Goddess and that is why macrophiles love to experience the way they exercise their powers over them. However, there is only one thing to make them fulfill their fantasy. Macrophilia is a base of fantasy and the only way to make it seem true is through the screen. The film industry has taught us that there’s no better way to create a fantasy world than through the film.

Along with macrophilia there is another term used called microphilia. This is a condition in which people are attracted towards tiny objects.

Final Words!

In simple words both conditions are not good. One must avoid watching adult programs and visit the doctor for the consultation.